Pauline x Eclair

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Mario: this is a real thing.

AJ: yes other than OCS and Luigi this is the only other Eclair ship one the internet. It's not popular and it is hard to find but it is the only other ship with Eclair when you do find it. There is less ships with her actual husband than this and this is hard to find and rare.

Luigi: is there a ship with her and her husband.

AJ: no unless you count all the paper Luigi fanfics that use him as a plot device. But nobody made a picture of them or a fanfic of them specifically and there is no ship names for it so I don't count it. It's only use for a plot device for Paper Luigi stories. It's less of a ship and more of a plot device. The fact that she is shipped with Luigi and Pauline more than her actual husband is a mystery. And somehow making me mad.

Luigi: calm down. Remember she is like a Canon OC sense she doesn't have a Canon look or personality. So it is up to the fans.

AJ: true.

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