Luigi x waluigi

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Luigi: no no no! Not in a million years.

Waluigi: who doesn't want to date the great waluigi.

Mario: the only person who would date you is a sycophant. And who would just want to date a skinny and unfunny wario.

Waluigi: I am nothing like wario.

Luigi: really? Than explain your differences.

Waluigi: I am Skinner, I am smarter, I say WA,I like dancing, I hate my rival because he is more popular than me, and I want everyone but me to suffer.

Mario: only two of the things you said
Are different from wario. There is no proof in cannon that your smarter than wario you both prove that you two are idiots and the only reason people think that is because they want one to be smart in the duo. So that one is more fan then cannon. Wario also says WA. Wario literally hates me because I am more popular and get better stuff. And one of his most popular lines is have a rotten day. And in wario has shown to only care about him self. But you are right about the being skinny and liking dancing I would give you that.

AJ: I know the a difference. He is not in smash.

Mario & Luigi:😂😂

Waluigi: I will kill you all.

Mario: good luck with that buddy 😂

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