Yoshi x Pikachu

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Yoshi: Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi!( You got to help me)

Ash Ketchum came out of nowhere with Pikachu.

Ash: go get that Pokemon Pikachu.

Mario: how in the world did he get to the mushroom kingdom.

Luigi: I stopped questioning the logic of this book a long time ago.

Pikachu tried to attack him with quick attack put tripped and ended up stumbling into Yoshi which made them kiss.


Luigi: I thought Yoshis didn't have genders.


Ash: oh no.

Everyone was shocked.

Except Pikachu but than he was shocked by Luigi's thunder hand.

AJ: wow I am glad I wasn't here to she this electrifying result.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now