Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, and Pauline where giant and where looking down at Mario, Luigi, Bowser, and DK
Daisy: we may eat you, or stomp you, or put you guys in our pussys.
Mario: why would you think we would do that.
Peach: because we are giants now. And fanfiction, fan art, and fan comics says we are to powerful to be stopped at this size.
All the boys start laughing Bowser turned giant and punched Rosalina.
Mario grabbed Peach's foot and started to swing her around and threw her into a mountain. Luigi took a superstar and kayode Daisy. Donkey Kong went into space and punched the moon so hard it came down and hit Pauline before being lunch back up into orbit. The four giantesses where on the ground.Rosalina: H-H-how.
Luigi: in Canon we fought giants before and Bowser can turn into a giant. If those fanfiction followed Canon you girls turn giant would be a walk in the park for use.
Bowser: I can't believe that internet thinks we can't handle giants.
Donkey: Kong well let's finish them of.
Peach: wait we will allow you to be in our boobs.
Rosalina: yes. Unfortunately.
The guys agreed. DK got in Pauline's boobs. Mario and Bowser got in Peach's boobs. And Luigi got in Rosalina's boobs because Daisy was still knocked out. And AJ who did absolutely nothing and was not mentioned at all was just watching.
AJ: what the fuck is this. And it is vary out of character.
Mario and I Luigi reaction to ships
Casualethe world of Mario ships but how will the Canon brothers react to this ships.