Wario x captain Syrup

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Syrup: I will never date this idiot. I would rather rob him bland.

Wario: if you dare try to take my money than you will get beat up.

Syrup: would you really hit a lady.

Wario: Yes!

Syrup: you are no gentleman.

Wario: I don't care about being a gentleman I will hit a woman as hard as I hit a man it's called equal rights.

AJ: I don't think it works that way.

Wario: shut it! And your no lady your a pirate.

A car crashes through the wall.

Mario: wait you think we will let you have another chapter without us.

Luigi: we are now here.

AJ: that is all the time we have folks.

Luigi: wait this is not--

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now