Luigi x Eclair

877 13 1

Mario: isn't she supposed to be married.

Luigi: yes but it doesn't stop the fans with there ships. And the worst part is that she doesn't have a Canon look so the fans make her look how they want her to look. So I am getting shipped with a OC that is not actually a OC. Even though they might as well be.

AJ: that is rough. But hay if she is supposed to be married and she is shipped with you. You are technically Mr. Steal your girl.

Mario: to be honest I thought you where lying when you told me the story in Thousand-Year door.

Luigi: I wasn't.

AJ: Nintendo is keeping it vague so it could or could not. But I like to think it is true.

Luigi: see AJ is on my side.

Mario: whatever

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now