Chapter 1

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You groaned once you felt the relieving crack of your back as you twisted your body side to side, a small purr rumbled from your chest as you gave a lazy smile while pushing up your cat framed glasses, and grabbed your duffle bag slinging it over your shoulder. Looking around the area in the port of Hong Kong that the Speedwagon Foundation left you to meet Mr.  Joestar at, you noticed the few stay cats around you rubbing up against you, with a smile you stroked some of the cats before standing back up -letting a few cats climb you-, you then spotted Mr. Joestar's figure accompanied by four other males. And for a brief moment, you acknowledged the fact that you were going to be dragged into a rather bizarre adventure.

"(Y/n)! Is that really you !?" , Mr. Joestar exclaims wide-eyed as he stares at you, "The one and only", you shrug casually putting your hands in your short's pockets while the cats that were with you trotted off, it was a good thing too considering the fact that the next sound you made was an 'oof' as the old Joestar crushed you in a hug, "I missed you so much (Y/n)! Me and Suzie Q were wondering what you were up to! How's the family?!", his voice booms next to your ear. You sigh as you pat the old man's back before wriggling out of his hold, "The family is fine, I've been adjusting to society, though to be honest I kinda miss roaming around out in the wild", you smirk lazily, "Now, shall we board that ship sir?", you ask yawning afterward as you fixed your glasses back in place, "Hey old man, who exactly is she?", his grandson -Jotaro Kujo if you remembered correctly- asked. 

"Oh yeah, let me introduce you...", Mr. Joestar moves you in front of him placing his hands on your shoulders, "This is (Y/n) (L/n), the (L/n) family has known the Joestar family since my grandfather's time when they first met, I myself have gotten to know one before she, unfortunately, passed on", for a moment you thought you heard a slight crack in his voice when he mentioned your grand-aunt, "Anyway, (Y/n) here is both a stand and hamon user!", he says excitedly. They all stared at you as you smiled lazily and waved, "Hola~", you greet, the silver-haired male smiles taking your hand in his before kissing your knuckles,  "Bonjour (Y/n), I am Jean-Pierre Polnareff, hope to know you soon~", he winks, you only shrug, "Sure Pol~", your attention is then placed on the darker skinned male," Greetings (Y/n), I am Mohammad Avdol, I hope to know you better on our journey", "Same here Avdol sir", you smile.

The red-haired boy was next, "I am Noriaki Kakyoin, pleased you meet you", he smiles shaking your hand, "Pleased to meet you too Kakyoin~", you let out a lazy toothy grin before  clapping your hands together, "Now lets board the ship, Ms. Holly is counting on us to kick DIO's ass", you say while fixing your duffle bag in place as you boarded the ship. Jotaro rose a brow as he looked at his grandfather for an explanation, "She wanted to repay me after I saved her", Mr. Joestar explains following after you, Jotaro only tipped his hat, "Give me a break". Right when you stepped onto the ship you took a brief sniff before huffing, someone on this ship was a hostile you couldn't pinpoint who, looking at the boys you grinned lazily at their stands appearances when your glasses tilted down, adjusting your glasses again you continued to walk on the ship knowing that Jotaro took notice of the brief pause in your walk. As you set up some lounge chairs with Jotaro and Kakyoin, Jotaro give you an intense stare and you only smirked lazily with your laid-back demeanor, "Something on your mind Kujo?", you ask as you set up your lounge chair, he stood in front of you tipping his hat, "I noticed how you briefly paused in your step when you boarded the ship, care to explain your reason?", you only smile.

Standing up you smirk up at him bordley before quickly pulling him down to whisper in his ear he tensed up when you did, and he was likely going to retaliate if you didn't speak up as soon as you did- "I smell a hostile on the ship, I would take off my glasses to find them but that would give me a way to quickly, now you can either help me or back off", you lowly growl before letting him go and stepping away from him with your usual lazy smile. Jotaro gave you a hard stare before straightening himself up and tipping his hat again, "Good grief I'll help, you didn't have to go the extra mile and exaggerate the way you did, it's rather annoying", he scowls at you, "Suck it up alto oscuro y melancólico", you chirp back smugly before grabbing your bag and laying on your lounge chair, Jotaro only rose a brow at you before heading to his chair. "... but first I have a serious question", Mr. Joestar's voice finally caught your attention, "What the hell is with the high school uniforms you two?! I can understand (Y/n) case, but can't you go and find something else to put on, isn't it ridiculously hot?!", he points out, you only chuckle as you pull out your snack bag, "Well we are students, after all, good students should behave as such no matter where we are, I guess that sounds like a stretch", Kakyoin responds as Jotaro makes a huff in agreement. "Huh, Japanese students are stiffs aren't they", Mr. Joestar huffs, "So this is what they called Bushido, like they say; clear your mind and even flames feel cool", "That's all well and good but that won't really get you any girls", you overhear the exchange words between Avdol and Polnareff, making you smile as you munch on some chips. "What about you (Y/n)? You wouldn't date stiffs like these men would you?", Polnareff asks you, you only shrug, "Honestly I don't really care about men in general, but if he gets me a bucket load of my favorite food and drinks I'll swoon", you say cheekily, Jotaro, Kakyoin, and Polnareff give you a look as Mr. Joestar laughed, "Ah~ (Y/n) never change, I see you still prefer food over company", you smirk, "Food is a necessity, romantic relationships are not", you shrug as you continued to eat.

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