Chapter 5

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Unfortunately, Polnareff was taken into police custody because a worker was unfortunate enough to walk in on a Stand Battle. So you, Jotaro and Kakyoin decided to go out with Anne, but the problem was that "Kakyoin" didn't smell like, well, Kakyoin and as much as you wanted to tell Jotaro you also didn't want to reveal too much to potentially put Anne in danger. So as Anne ran to a booth you followed after her while she spoke to the vendor, the vendor offered some sort of coconut delicacy to Anne until you and Jotaro stepped in, "I guess we can try it", Jotaro says holding up four fingers, "four then", "Thank you much, that's $16", the vendor chirped as Anne protests, you rest a hand on Anne's shoulder, "It's okay Anne, I have enough to pay for it", you pip-in as you pull out your wallet from your hind pocket in your shorts before paying for the snack.

"Here ya go~", you chirp, "Okay! Thanks Miss", the vendor thanks as he hands you all your coconut drinks, just as you're about to put your wallet away a thief snatched your wallet, "I'll take that!", he laughs, "Hey!", you growl, "Maybe if you give me your address I'll give it back!", he taunts, you were about to go after him until Kakyoin's Hierophant Green pulled the guy's ankle and tripped him. You stood there quite shocked as Kakyoin begin to beat the poor thief, "Kakyoin!", Jotaro calls out as you cover Anne's ears as he started to spew out language that could rival a sailor's, "Kakyoin what are you doing to this guy, you'll kill the bastard!", Jotaro shouts as you attempt to cover Anne from seeing the ordeal as Jotaro roughly pushed Kakyoin. Kakyoin spoke to Jotaro as he tossed you your wallet, you caught it as you stared and observed this Kakyoin carefully, you put your wallet in your duffel bag this time as you listened in once Jotaro turned around to walk the other way, "The Old Man and Avdol think it's a good idea for us to head to India by train, we leave tomorrow we'll take the cable car to Singapore station to reserve tickets", Jotaro finishes conversation as you turn to walk with him. You walked alongside Jotaro until Anne came between you two and clutched onto you, a clutch you knew all too well, "What's up halfpipe", "Anne are you okay?", you bring her closer to your body as she looked back at "Kakyoin", "Nothing, don't worry", she hastily says, you and Jotaro look at one another briefly as you turned back to see Kakyoin stare at you both.

Small purrs automatically escaped your chest an attempt to comfort Anne, Jotaro looks back at you before looking down at Anne, taking notice of how she nuzzled into your side further. Once you all reach the cable car station you stood by Jotaro as Anne stayed on your right side, "Hey Jotaro you going to eat that cherry, if not then handed over already I'm starving", Kakyoin whines as Jotaro looks over his shoulder at him, Kakyoin swiped the cherry only to push Jotaro off the railings, "Uh-oh! Better watch out Jotaro!", he taunts as you leap forward catching Jotaro's forearm, "Kujo!/Jojo!", you and Anne shout. Kakyoin laugh next to you, "Hahaha Good one huh?", he asks as you pull up Jotaro, once he stood next to you Kakyoin began to speak, "I'm only playing with ya, good ol' Jotaro", Kakyoin cheerfully says, before putting the cherry in his mouth, as he did so a series of odd noises were made as he licked the cherry.

You cross your arms as "Kakyoin" dropped the cherry and pointed at you both, "That look again, what's with this hardcore glaring Jotaro old pal, (Y/n) that look doesn't suit beautiful faces like that, have you guys lost your sense of humor", he mockingly coos and picks up the cherry from the ground and ate it, your face twisted and disgust as the cable car arrived. "The cable car just got here, now I told you to get in, see I've got your ticket right here", Jotaro clenches his fist, "I'm going to knock your crooked possessed ass right into the cable car!", he finishes as he punches Kakyoin, you scowl, "That's not Kakyoin Kujo, sorry I couldn't tell you before but I was afraid this bastard could have hurt Anne if I tried telling you", Jotaro looks at you, "What?", "That fucker is parading around as Kakyoin, so our Kakyoin is with the others, this man works for DIO", you growl as you stood in front of Anne, "So bring it on asshole!", you challenged. He laughs, "Your girlfriend there is right, smart girl you have there Jotaro", he purrs, you motion for Anne to backup as you and Jotaro enter the cable car, "What are you?", Jotaro demands, "I can merge with any organic matter I consume, I am a stand anyone can see or touch, lucky them don't you think, I'm Yellow Temperance of the temperance card", he reveals himself and boasts, "Grace upon my handsome face with envy! Come now Jotaro old pal, take a good look at your hand, see that little bit of me? It latched on when you hit me and really doesn't want to let go, I advise you do not touch, or it'll go after your left hand too, you should save your left hand for picking your nose, this stand is a slow eater and the more it eats the bigger it gets, you'll never get it off", he arrogantly flaunts as you and Jotaro briefly observe the weird goop like slime.

"Crap! Damn you~", Jotaro curses as you both summon your stands, "Ora!/Raa!", "What do you mean Ora? Ra? When I digest you I'll shove your own crap down your measly throat and maybe have some fun with the chick after I'm through with you!", he boasts, you feel a burning sensation on your entire left arm, "Gah! Shit-", "The hell?! This stuff burns", Jotaro groans, you scowl as he laughs, with that your eyes glowed as you narrowed your gaze, "Wild Card!/RAAA!", you both Roar as Wild Card lands a blow on Yellow Temperance just making for diagonal claw marks, "Ahhg! My body- you bitch!", he seethed. He threw you out of the cable car, Jotaro momentarily froze in shock but willed his body to jump after you, wrapping an arm around your waist he reached for the edge of a tower, he grunted and you hissed as you held onto him, both Stands were summoned to help lift you two up on the building. Once you climbed up you heard Jotaro faint 'Good freaking grief" before you pulled him up, the enemy stand user shouted at you both as you got busy attending to the slime, when Jotaro pulled out a lighter you shook your head, "No need, let me see if hamon does the trick", you say and pull his hand towards you, using hamon you directed an attack at the slime but it exploded and expanded, "Shit! God damn it!", you growl as some ended on your cheek. You were thinking of ideas until Jotaro grabbed your hoodie and jumped, "The fu-", you were cut off as you two landed on another cable car, you hold on to some part of the car as Jotaro ripped off the door and entered the car with you, "Pardon me", Jotaro says upon his entry as you fish for your wallet when you notice the ice cream the boy had, "Hey there kid, I'm going to need to borrow your Popsicle for just a second", he says, the boy tears up until you give him some money, "Don't worry, I've got some money that you can have, you can buy yourself some ice cream, whatever kind you want", you chirp as the boy hesitantly takes the money. You then heard a commotion behind you, and once you turn around you saw a dog being absorbed into a familiar slime, "Hey! You-", your growl and covered the kids view as the poor dog was decapitated, you were thrown to the opposite side of Jotaro, you weren't paying attention until you heard Jotaro speak, "Oh good grief, you're right you don't really have any weaknesses, maybe you are the world's strongest and that's terrifying but I'll tell you that we Kujo's- no wait I mean Joestar's- we use strategy to fight our way past any obstacle, you haven't won yet and I still have one strategy left", the enemy user chuckles, "Oh really?", you brace yourself as Jotaro glanced at the user, "and that's too... Runaway!", he shouts punching a hole into the ground below.

You landed pretty far away from them, with a grunt you fell into some bushes with Wild Card softening your fall, you stood up with a scowl and run in the direction you remember Jotaro and the stand user fell at. Once you were there you saw the user get launched into the air by water and as soon as he was going back down you called out Wild Card, "Wild Card base Lion to Puma", with that she leaped into the air and a rapidly scratch the man's face until she was done and threw him into the water with the last 'RAAA!'.  Jotaro finish the job once they user pathetically tried to get away only to be pummeled with a series of 'Ora's,  with a huff you helped Jotaro get out of the water as Star Platinum stared at Wild Card, her tail flicked as he neared her, "Well would you look at that", you cross your arms after cleaning your glasses, Jotaro rose a brow at his Stand's curiosity. Star Platinum circled Wild Card until he reached out for her ears and stroked them, Wild Card didn't do much but purr in a different manner, Your face reddened as you called your Stand back coughing into your fist you looked away from Jotaro as he gave you a quizzical look, "Let's go with the others, I'm sure they are waiting for us at this point".

You guys finally made it to the train, you were sitting by Polnareff while you enjoyed eating or lemon pie as Polnareff asked about centerfold and Anne while Joseph and Avdol answered his question, when you heard a familiar licking sound you looked over at Kakyoin and sighed. "Hey look, Jojo, (Y/n), flamingos in flight", Kakyoin states, you laughed lightly as Jotaro mutters 'good freaking grief', "What type of pie is that?", Polnareff asks, "Lemon pie, want to taste", you offer, Polnareff leans forward with his mouth open as you give him a bite, he chewed for a few moments, "Nice, it has a smooth texture and even amount of lime and sweetness, you have nice taste (Y/n)", Polnareff compliments. "Awe, thanks Pol~, but that's the only bite you get", you say as you continue to enjoy your dessert, Kakyoin laughed at Polnareff's pout while Jotaro had a small smile cross his face.


Just letting everyone know that I'll be fixing up grammar and miss-spellings in "Try Me!" & "Oh Yeah?! Well Watch Me!!", at least for when I have some time on my hands. Thanks to Grammarly, I have an easier time fixing my works, and it helps put better phrases when I am writing my stories.

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