Chapter 11

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The group stopped by a roadside tea stand, intending to take a break you drank a cup of fresh sugarcane juice after cleaning your face up from any blood. When you sat down you honestly didn't expect a man a bit older than you to begin talking -flirting- with you, "Hey there, you wouldn't mind if I sat with you right Miss?~", you gave him a coy smirk as you put one of your legs over the other. You stared at Polnareff and summon Wild Card, she meowed to grab his attention and luckily it did, Polnareff rose a brow at her, "Wild Card?", she gestured towards you before she faded out of sight.

Polnareff looked at you momentarily confused before he noticed how you were glancing at the guy who is trying to woo you, he chuckled before he walked over to help you out of the situation. "You're not much of a talker, are you? Why is that?", he kept pushing, he was very persistent and you were nearing the last of your patience, "(Y/n) dear I see you reserved a table for us, oh, who's this?", Polnareff asked as he held a hand out for you to grab, you smile as you take his hand, "I don't know honestly, he never told me his name", you say sweetly, the man sputtered as Polnareff walked away with you outside, "Thanks Pol", you sigh, he only laughs giving you a side hug, "Anytime Mon Ami", he assures. You were outside for a while until you heard Mr. Joestar's yelling, "That car is here!", Polnareff shouts making you look in the direction of said car, a growl escaped your throat. "Our driver isn't going to come out and announce it", kakyoin states, "He's messing with us", Polnareff hissed out, "Yeah then I guess this leaves us with only one option, right Jotaro?", Mr. Joestar looks at his grandson as you sweat nervously, "They aren't seriously thinking about pummeling these guys, are they?", you think, "Yeah, poor innocent bastards, we'll just meet them all down", Jotaro declared.

Just as three of the men were about to grab their nearest unfortunate victims you quickly stood in front of them, "Guys seriously? You could have come to me! If you guys started talking with your fists Mr. Joestar would get caught damn it!", you scolded, "What are you trying to say (Y/n)?", Jotaro suddenly asks you, you cross your arms with slight irritation, "I'm saying that I smell no hostility in this place, the only hostile presence I smell is over there", you point at the car. You began to walk over to the car with Wild Card in tow, only for it to rev up and drive off, with a click of your tongue you made your way back to your group, "I told you so", "That slippery bastard nearly played the lot of us didn't he!", Polnareff asked, "Damn it! Did anyone see his face?", Mr. Joestar looked around, "No, what is he trying to do? (Y/n) confirmed that he was a stand user but he hasn't done anything yet", Kakyoin says as Polnareff growled, "We need to take care of this crap, I won't rest until I catch him and get to the bottom of this!", you all made your way to the car as Polnareff continued his ramblings, "not to mention we owe him payback for the truck that almost hit us earlier". Soon there was a chase but something didn't feel right when you pass some signs, that was until Polnareff swerved the car and shouted something of a 'dead end', as the men talked among themselves you snapped your head to the side, "Behind us!". You all jolted forward when the car slammed into yours, Polnareff tried to back up and even use the brakes as you held onto Anne, "It's no use, everyone get out it's our only chance!", Polnareff shouts, "Polnareff what are you doing?! You can't get out of the car until the rest of us are clear first, you have to hold down the brake!", Kakyoin exclaims, Polnareff stiffened and nervously looked back, "S-sorry", he stuttered, your gut dropped.

The car fell and screams sounded in the car, mostly from Mr. Joestar and Polnareff as you held Anne to your body, "Hierophant Green!", Kakyoin shouts, his stand flew upwards, "Hierophant isn't nearly strong enough to support this kind of way, you'll be torn to shreds!", Mr. Joestar retorted, "Mr. Joestar with all due respect I am aware of my own abilities, I am not a fool", Kakyoin answers back in kind as you all felt the car's fall come to a stop, a sigh escaped you as Mr. Joestar spoke of how impressed he was. "Heh, not bad Kakyoin, I got a question for you, you like Sumo?!", Jotaro asked as Star Platinum, his stand grabs the wire as he leans forward, "especially deadlock at the edge of the ring!", the car lifted up a bit higher and you could only chuckle as Jotaro finishes what he saying, "it's exciting isn't it!?". Star Platinum punched the other vehicle off once yours landed on its wheels, you all groan from the impact, "Yeah, I'm a fan of sumo but in Sumo, it's against the rules to punch your opponent", Kakyoin informs with a knowing smirk, Jotaro only smiles with the huff as you grin at their brief conversation. You all got off the car and as they all spoke you couldn't help but feel off, when Anne finished speaking you finally spoke your thoughts, "If I remember correctly I said his card smell like a stand", you glared down at where the car used to be as everyone looked over at you, "Ding ding ding, the feral child got it spot-on!", you all turn to the radio. You growl at your former title, "The radio! He's coming through the AM FM!", Polnareff shouts, "I was able to do that because it's my stand Joestar! How pathetic you guys must be to rely on a girl raised in the wild!", he suddenly reveals, "Shut up you fucken bastard", you give a low warning growl as he briefly mentioned your past.

"Awe~! Did I touch a sore topic?", he mockingly cooed at you, you only frowned but didn't do much, "Behold The Wheel of Fortune! My stand will lead you to your maker!", he boasts as a rumble is felt below you all, "He's coming from below!", you warned before Mr. Joestar could even request using the car, you all run away from it as a car rose from the ground, "Okay it's pretty obvious that the car is the stand!", Polnareff states, "That and the stand user must be inside the car!", Kakyoin responded as the car began reshaping itself. "What the hell?!", Polnareff yells, "Now what is it doing?", Kakyoin growled out as you stood up, "It's like it's alive", Mr. Joestar announced as its engine revved, "It's heading straight for us!", Polnareff panicked, "If it's a duel you want, I'm happy to oblige", Jotaro sneers, ready to take on Wheel of Fortune as you helped up Anne, "Don't do it Jotaro, don't fight it yet, not until we know what it stands power is!", Mr. Joestar exclaims. You smelled something for a brief moment as something was launched at Jotaro, he coughed up some blood as you all gaped, "Jotaro!/ Kujo!", you shout along with the others, Anne held onto you tightly as you cursed when Jotaro hissed, "Impossible, I couldn't see it, what the hell did he shoot at me, and how did he-". Laughter cut Jotaro's concentration off as the enemy user began to boast, "Don't even know what hit you, eh? Hahahahahah! You'll soon find out the moment you croak that is!", he shouts shooting out more substance as you cover Anne, "Jotaro!", Kakyoin and Polnareff both grab him only to get similar wounds.

"Jotaro! Polnareff! Kakyoin!", Mr. Joestar exclaims as Anne screams, everyone regrouped as Mr Joestar asked of Jotaro's condition It was then you were able to recognize the smell, "Gasoline!". "I don't know what the hell he's hurtling at us but he's got a damn good aim", Jotaro says, "I'll pulverize your legs so you can't move and then run you over!", he claims, "Everyone run between the boulders!", Mr. Joestar orders and everyone began to move as fast as they could, "Stop running away you cowards!", the enemy screeched and the car transformed again. "What?!", Kakyoin exclaims in shock, "What are you, roaches?!", he continues to screech, "Oh no! He's digging his way through!", Mr. Joestar panics as you stand before Anne. "And we are no match for him in here!", Kakyoin shouts, "What a freak, he's acting like some stupid musclehead who got cut off in traffic and flew into a fit of road rage!", Polnareff yells, "Just keep running!", Jotaro shouts back as you all continue to run, you heard someone trip and your gut dropped when you heard Anne's scream, stopping you turned around and ran towards Anne, "Anne!", you cry out, "(Y/n)! /(Y/nnnnn)! / Dammit!", you hear them all call out to you as Jotaro cursed while your heart raced.

"Not again! Please not again! No more!", your thoughts run wild as you finally reached her, with the car above you, you hugged Anne close to you as everything nearly slowed down. Their cries for your name silent, Anne's sobs rendered mute as a sudden surge of energy traveled through your body, brief pricks of pain traveled throughout your back. and suddenly you were in the air, from the corner of your eyes you saw strands of your hair being a white-blue color.

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