Chapter 26

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"Mr. Joestar why are you letting him get away with this! It's not fair that he and (Y/n) get the back seat while we're stuck in the truck! And in case you didn't know it's not exactly spacious back here, I'm going to need a chiropractor!", Polnareff complained as Mr. Joestar answered him while you pet Iggy. You weren't paying too much attention to the others as you stroked Iggy's ears until Mr. Joestar made a sudden top that made the car momentarily go airborne, "Whoa! What the hell was that?!", Polnareff glared at Mr. Joestar as you carefully moved Iggy off your lap, "Hey, quickly look over there!", Mr. Joestar suddenly ordered, everyone got off to see what Mr. Joestar spoke of, "There, do you see it, it's the helicopter!", he points. Your eyes narrowed at the sight, "The Speedwagon Helicopter went down, I can't believe what I'm seeing", KaKyoin gaped, "There is no sign of an explosion or gunfire", Avdol observes, "It seems like it fell out of the sky like no reason at all", Kakyoin explains, "Could it be~", Polnareff trained off, "It's likely the work of an enemy stand, if you look closely at the damage of the helicopter there are signs that the stand is likely equipt with something akin to an animal's claws, it's best if we stay cautious", you input as you let your eyes wander over the damage.

"Over there, it's the pilot", Jotaro points out, and sure enough the pilot was dead with a look of petrifying fear and you could almost make out the scratch marks the man formed on top of the helicopter, you sniffed out the air around you to at least detect any hostility. Though there was something that most certainly piqued your curiosity, there was definitely something in the west, it was far from your group but you can also smell something else and it was close. "-This is getting weirder and weirder", "What's going on?", you hear Jotaro and Mr. Joestar converse as you walked towards them, "Did you find anything (Y/n)?", Mr. Joestar asked, "No, but from what I observed from the helicopter, the claw markings looked like there were signs of pulling, so it is likely that the helicopter was dragged down", you inform, "Hey, we found the other guy over here, he's alive!", Polnareff's shouting caught your gathered attention.

You all gathered around the co-pilot as Mr. Joestar and Polnareff attended to him, "Hang on, you have to talk to us, tell us what happened", Mr. Joestar as the co-pilot wheezed, "W-wa-wat-er~", "What, are you saying you need water? Hurry Polnareff, hand me the canteen!", Mr. Joesatr demands, "Huh? Oh yeah", Polnareff mumbles as he passes Mr. Joestar the canteen. That was when you finally located that odd scent, "Here, you just hang in there, drink this, drink it slowly", Mr. Joestar said as your eyes widened in realization, "Wild Card!/ RAAAAHH!", "Wha-?!", Wild Card threw the canteen in the air with her warcry as the co-pilot exclaimed, "The water attacked us!". With that said and done you saw a water-like hand flow out of the canteen, "(Y/n) look out!", Kakyoin shouts, the stand quickly dug into your shoulder and flung your body towards the helicopter before going after the co-pilot, the pain didn't register until you felt your body crash into the helicopter, "GnAhCK!", "(Y/n)!!!!!", you hear the others shout for you. Looking up you saw the co-pilot was now headless as you reached for your shoulder, "I'm okay!', you wheeze out to the others, using some hamon to somewhat heal your shoulder wound you carefully observed the canteen, sniffing out the stand and it's user, you recalled how there was a similar scent that resided in the west of your group. You could hear Polnareff's loud shouts and looking in his and Kakyoin's direction you could smell out the stand within the area, "Kakyoin! Polnareff! The stand is in your area!", you warn just as it formed near Kakyoin, you see Kakyoin's lips move before the enemy slashed at his eyes, "Kakyoin!", you yell out, anxiety and frustration beginning bubble up in you as you hefted yourself up on the helicopter, removing your jacket and sweater to tie around your waist to hopefully summon your wings.

"NO, it got Kakyoin, it cut out Kakyoin's eyes!", Polnareff panicked, "Polnareff panicking isn't going to help anything, summon Charriot for protection!", Mr. Joestar ordered, "Jean!", you shout as the enemy stand began to form beneath Polnareff's hand until you heard beeping, you jolted when the stand attacked the pilot's watch. "That's it, the stand stalks its victims by sound!", you hear Avdol say, smelling iron you look in Polnareff's and Kakyoin's direction, noticing the small puddle forming beneath Kakyoin's head you cursed, "Run Polnareff!/ Get out of there Polnareff, it's going after you now!", you and Mr. Joestar simultaneously as Polnareff got to his feet, picking up Kakyoin, and ran to the car where the others waited. "Polnareff its right behind you!", you warn, Polnareff used the chance to leap up into the air as the stand slashed at his lower calf, "It got me!", Polnareff yelps as Mr. Joestar summoned Hermit Purple until the stand disappeared into the ground, you stood atop the helicopter as you looked over at the others. "What's Kakyoin's condition!", you ask, "It's not good, he could've been blinded for all we know, we have to get him to a hospital immediately!", Avdol answers, you bit your lip until you smelled the stand and for a moment you took note of Iggy jumping out of the car. "Guys the stand is after the car!", you warn, but you could only watch as the front of the car was lifted, "The tires are in the water, shit, what now?! The whole car is about to be pulled in!", Jotaro cursed, "I can't hold him for long!", Avdol panted straining on keeping Kakyoin on the car, "Everyone we have to move to the back, (Y/n) don't do anything yet!", Mr. Joestar orders while you frowned as you listen to Polnareff go off on Iggy. "Hey, you good for nothing mongrel aren't you supposed to be helping us our something?!", Polnareff shouts, Iggy yaws before laying down for a nap, you narrow your eyes, "Yeah sleep while we fight to survive! Ack! You're a bastard you know that!", Polnareff shouts until the car flips them all off and onto the ground. Everyone then stood still after landing in the desert sand, it was tense as you watched from the top of the helicopter. 

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