Chapter 18

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Kakyoin looked around the vast desert as a feeling of discomfort filled him, something was definitely telling him to stay alert, you also caught on to his behavior as he spoke of his unease, "Something's wrong", Polnareff let out a confused hum as you took another sniff, you didn't smell any hostility. "I still haven't been able to shake off the feeling that someone is watching us", Kakyoin explains as everyone glanced around before Polnareff points out, "Kakyoin don't you think you might be worrying a bit too much, I mean the Palm leaves will erase our tracks, plus we can see kilometers from all directions if someone we're here we'd know", "Actually I think he's on to something, I feel some sort of presence too and (Y/n) hasn't said anything about smelling something out", Jotaro mentions as they all look at you as you sniffed.

"Yes, usually something has a small, even non-hostiles have a certain scent that makes the known and different, and for once I can't smell anything", you explain worth furrowed brows as you look back at the men, "Hey Jotaro why don't you take a look", Mr. Joestar suggests as he hands Jotaro some binoculars, Jotaro used Star Platinum as you and the others waited, as you sniffed, though, the smell of catnip once again invaded your senses and for a moment you felt a little light-headed. "How about it, do you see anything suspicious out there?", Mr. Joestar asked, "No, nothing, nothing whatsoever, even so, something is not right here but what is it?", Jotaro thoughtfully spoke as Polnareff swiftly checked some of his water, "hey, let's hurry up and go", "Yeah let's go as far away as we can, we'll keep pressing forward until the sun goes down this evening, then stopped to pinch our tents, it's much too dangerous for us to travel at night", Mr. Joestar informs. You suddenly felt extremely tired as they all continue to talk and slowly felt your body tilt to the side, you heard something about "time" and "setting sun" but what caught your attention with something about the sun being a stand. "Mierda~", you wheeze out before falling off your camel,"(Y/n)!", you heard multiple shots of your name as you panted on the ground, "Crap! (Y/n)!", Jotaro reaches for you as Mr.Joestar got off his camel, "Damn, I forgot how sensitive she can be in environments of extreme heat!", Mr. Joestar cursed.

"Quickly! Take cover behind those rocks!", Mr. Joestar orders as Jotaro picked you up, with a groan you try to stay awake, "I'm fine-guuuhhh-so hoooot~", you cringe as you were brought to cover behind some rocks, laying on the ground you panted harshly as you tried to stay conscious, there was a momentary blackout before you lightly hit your head against the ground before focusing back on the others. "I'm only searching for the stands rough location, want to know how far it is we might just be able to locate the user", Kakyoin's voice was finally clear as he began to count the meters of distance Hierophant Green was covering, you rolled onto your side and coughed as you propped yourself up on your elbows, "Something's not right, Kakyoin have Hierophant Green come back!", Jotaro demands, "There's something coming right at us!", Polnareff announces. Sitting up you removed your sweater and jacket hastily as the familiar shift and appearance was noticed by Jotaro only, "(Y/n)-?!", "Before that happens Emerald -", Kakyoin's attack was cut off by a barrage of heat as familiar white blue wings sprouted from your back and enveloped everyone. "(Y/n) your wings!", Mr. Joestar exclaims as the familiar feeling of nausea twisted your stomach before pain bombarded your sensitive wings, "If you have a plan I suggest you take action because - son of a - Huff - I don't think I can hold it for much longer", you pant, "Your body is not used to these sudden bodily changes, it's why you feel sick!", Mr. Joestar hastily explains as Jotaro summons Star Platinum, "I'm going to bust a hole in the ground! Everyone get in now!", Jotaro barks as Star Platinum punches into the ground. Everyone slips in as fast as they could while you folded your wings tightly until they began to retreat into your back, holding your sweater and jacket close to you as you laid between Kakyoin and the rock wall formation, "You okay Kakyoin?", Mr. Joestar asks in concern as Kakyoin faces him to reply, "Yes I am, I was in the middle of initiating my Emerald Splash, so that and (Y/n)'s wings protected me from any major damage", he explained before stating the matter at hand, "the more concerning is this intense heat, I feel like it's going to drive me insane", you nod in agreement.

"Did any of you notice that attack was perfectly aimed at us, and that can only mean that the enemy has been watching us, but from where? Where is he?", Polnareff questioned, "Polnareff keep your voice down, if you keep shouting the enemy will find us, just lay low for now, we'll sit tight for a while and see what happens next", Mr. Joestar says he grabs his canteen before he made of confusion and then you heard a  gasp, "OH SHIIIIT!". Turns out his canteen had a hole in it, for what feels like forever and another raging moment from Mr. Joestar you recalled how you smelled catnip on two occasions, you carefully sniff out the smell despite how light-headed and made you and once you trace the saying you saw an oddly familiar formation of rocks, noticing how its shadow was in the wrong placement after looking at the other rock formations, you try to hold in your amusement but slept, "Pffft". Everyone looked at you and confusion as tears formed in your eyes and suddenly you bored with laughter, Kakyoin looked concerned but once you pointed out the rock formation with a wheeze he couldn't help but join in, Jotaro seemed to catch on after as Polnareff followed suit, you feel bad for Mr. Joestar as concern was clearly written on his features but her stomach hurt too much for you to try and explain. So Kakyoin explained it to the older man as you eased, Jotaro soon went up to the opening as Mr. Joestar was still left in confusion, "Move, stay here old man", "Jotaro if you go out there now we're all but asking for the enemy to attack you! It's dangerous!", Mr. Joestar warns as Jotaro looks over his shoulder with a huff, summoning Star Platinum who grabbed and threw a rock until a shattering sound came along as well as a noise of pain.

"How'd a hole suddenly appear in thin air?!", Mr. Joestar gasps, "Good grief, you really are pathetic, well I'll just assume that the intense heat was too much for you or else I'd find it very hard to believe that you're my grandfather", Jotaro says as everyone else climbed out of the cave. "Since we defeated the enemy stand nights finally fallen or maybe I should say it's back to being night", Kakyoin smiles, "However you want to slice it we're safe at last", Polnareff grins as you all made your way to the enemy user, you all searched him until you finally sniffed out the catnip, as they talked you rotated the box in your hands. When you opened it you didn't expect for the box to throw the catnip in your face, you stood there momentarily in shock until you felt an odd sense of Happiness flood you,"(Y/n)! Come on we're setting up camp!", Mr. Joestar called you over, purrs erupt it from you as you walked over, the box still in hand. Jotaro rose a brow at your odd change of behavior while you made your way over to Mr. Joestar, when Mr. Joestar pat your head you nuzzled further into his hand with a cat-like meow, everyone froze as you continue to rub against him, "Wha -(Y/n) what's wrong with you?!", he saw the box in your hand and gently took it from you as you went over to Jotaro next and sniff himm. Jotaro frowned before taking your face in his hand looking at your eyes as he definitely noticed how dilated they were, "Are you seriously high right now?", Jotaro frowned, you only trilled as you rubbed on him, when Mr. Joestar sniffed the box ad he rose a brow, "It's catnip", he states, "Catnip? How can catnip effect (Y/n)?", Kakyoin asked, Jotaro didn't bother to push you off as you continue to rub yourself against him, but sitting you removed yourself and moved on to Kakyoin, "That, and why is she rubbing herself on everyone?", Polnareff points out, Kakyoin pat your head as you trilled and purred before sniffing him and moving on to Polnareff, Mr. Joestar grinned as he snapped his fingers, "Well (Y/n) harbor's instincts of a cat and from what I have heard cats rub their scent on things when marking their territory to let others know to "back off"! Since (Y/n) has cat mannerisms most of the time, she was affected by the catnip!", he concludes.

Wild Card was also purring and trilling in contentment as the other stands were patient with her behavior, you, on the other hand, were blissfully unaware of how bad you were embarrassing yourself in front of your group, "Hey Jotaro, I think she wants your gakuran".

"(Y/n) no"


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