Chapter 31

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"Hey, Iggy where in the world do you think you're going?! Geez, what a stupid mutt", Polnareff huffed as Iggy ran off, "He probably needs to use the restroom Pol", you shrug, "Let's go", Jotaro sighs as you and Polnareff continued to walk, though you caught a strange smell. Once you reached the room Avdol and Mr. Joestar shared Jotaro paused, "Polnareff, (Y/n), keep your guard up", he orders, "Right", you curtly nod, "Have you forgotten who you are talking to", Polnareff shoots back, with that Jotaro Opened the door and stepped inside, you and Polnareff followed suit and looked around the room.

"Hmm~ Seems Mr. Joestar and Avdol already left, and it doesn't look like there was a struggle", Polnareff observes, "Thier things are still packed too", you point out as Jotaro walks over to the restroom, "Oldman, Avdol, you here", you sniffed out the area and again came up with nothing, "Hey, Jotaro, I'm starting to get a bad feeling about this", Polnareff frowns, "Me too", Jotaro says as you look out the window, "I can smell something going on but... I can't really locate them, only point out the direction", you look back at them. "Don't worry too much about it, just point where and maybe we'll be able to find them", Jotaro says, with a nod you point in the direction that had the strongest scent of action taking place and let Jotaro lead the way, and you all went on to look for Avdol and Mr. Joestar. You walked near Polnareff as you all tried to find the two missing members of your group and by then you were able to sniff out the hostility, frowning you tapped Polnareff's wrist and once he gave you a look of confused concern you slightly tilted your head back with slightly narrowed eyes, he too caught on once he began to got the feeling of someone following you three.  

Just then you and Polnareff turned around and saw it and odd man that acted suspiciously, but you definitely smelled the hostility as Polnareff called them out, "I'll get Jotaro", you say to Polnareff who already summoned Silver Chariot, "Right, I'll deal with this man", he firmly states as you turn to get Jotaro, "Whoa- (Y/n) Lookout!", Polnareff's warning makes you turn around quickly. When you saw a shadow come from below you quickly jumped to the side, "So I was right and you are a stand user!", Polnareff shouts at the enemy while you growl at him until he turned tail and runs, "The hell- seriously?! Let's go Polnareff!", you shout giving chase, "Right! Hey, Jotaro it's the enemy! (Y/n) and I are hot on his tail", Polnareff shouts informing Jotaro. "Polnareff, we'll have to split up, you keep up the chase, I'll see if I can cut him off!", you shout, "Got it, just be careful (Y/n)!", Polnareff shouts back as you both split in separate directions, then you felt something change, it almost felt as if you were changing and your memories were starting to become fuzzy, "Who? Jota? Pol? Strange? Change? What change? Am I change?", these sudden thoughts make you stop as you felt loose clothing dangle on your body. Suddenly felt tense, really tense as adrenaline and the need to survive made you look around rapidly, your breathing was heavy as you saw how much bigger the people were and it made you, scared and distrustful. Suddenly you're on all fours to feel grounded and secure, you dashed around on all fours and heard shouting while at it until you rammed against someone's legs, with a hiss you scowled at the person, "Huh? Hey kid watch it", the male said turning to look down at you and was mildly surprised at what he saw.

For some reason the mail look familiar especially with that hat and to Jotaro the little girl with the long unkempt hair seemingly reminded him of a certain girl in their group, you hissed at Jotaro instinctively as he nearly leaned down, you dashed away making your glasses fall off in the process as you dashed away, Jotaro's eyes widened considerably as he grabbed the very familiar glasses and looked in the direction you took off in, "Wait a minute- (Y/n)?!". Then you saw that enemy again, he was cradling a wound, with a growl, you dash past him and dug your nails into his calf making him yowl as you continue dashing away, "Hurt, bad things! Bad bad bad thing!", you growl as you came to a stop near our house, "Food? No. Survive? Yes! Human others? No trust. If trust they hurt. Must go. Otherwise, end in hurt", you muse this to yourself as you were about to run off again. "Look little boy there's a girl", you hear a woman say, looking over at her you indeed see a boy on her back and he looked oddly familiar as well, "Huh? Wait I think I know her!", he suddenly says you hiss in retaliation as he backed up, "You do? But she looks afraid", the woman says gently, you backed up hoping to make a quick dash away as they spoke and so she said only stopped you, "Wait, little girl, it's not safe for you to go by yourself, your friend doesn't want to leave you". You stop long enough for her to near you but you stayed tense, "I won't hurt you I promise, do you have a name?", she reached a hand out to you, for a second you backed away but looking at the boy it somehow made you feel safe to know that he was there, leaning into her hand you let her cradle your face, "Aw, you poor thing, don't worry I promise to keep you safe", she gently whispers to you.

You followed in after her still on all fours as the familiar boy approached you, "Don't worry you'll be safe -uh -hm- I know that I know you because we met that guy together, I know we also have a closer relationship but trust me, this lady won't hurt us!", he reassures, holding out his hand, you sniffed it for a moment before shoving his head onto your head, "Whoa?! Hey, what are you doing?", he suddenly asks, you only stare at him. He stares at you with furrowed brows until he hesitantly began to stroke his hand through your hair, you let out a pair of contentment as he continued to stroke your hair, "Oh, it's comforting to you, you know you almost remind me of a cat", the boy points out and stops when the lady comes in, she came over to you first and picked you up making you squirm for a moment before letting yourself tense up in her arms, "It's okay little girl, you're in good hands, I'm just going to clean you up okay", your hair looks like it needs a clean up to. The lady was gentle with you as you let her continue to cleanse your body and clean up your tangled hair but once you removed your clothes she instantly gasped, "Who could have done this to you? You poor thing", she said the frowns as you lightly flinched at being touched when she traced the largest scar on your chest, Polnareff peeked in, curious as to what the woman referred to, only to gape at the scars that littered your back.

"You're okay now, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore", the woman firmly states, and while you teared up you didn't let tears your slip from your eyes as you let her continue to clean you up, when she was done she gave you your folded clothes back with a small dress that she how do you where has she went over to get the boy. Before Polnareff enter the restroom he had you making you fries, "I'm sorry you had to go through what happened to you, but I'll be here to help you, I promise!", he claimed, your face flush as you buried your face in your clothes once he left, you little small smile form on your face.


I'd like to give another huge [THANK YOU!] to @AgentCucumberfor making this cute fanart of the inserted stand; Wild Card! Seriously I love it!!

I'd like to give another huge [THANK YOU!] to @AgentCucumberfor making this cute fanart of the inserted stand; Wild Card! Seriously I love it!!

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