Chapter 35

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While the whole fainting thing made you slightly flustered, you took comfort in how concerned your companions were, Jotaro showed you an apology in a form of a tuna can that you took with a smile before he ruffled your hair. Now that you guys were back on traveling Mr. Joestar showed the picture to people who were citizens to the city, you were somewhat nervous with the whole ordeal, especially since the doctor hadn't made an appearance yet. At the moment you, Avdol, Mr. Joestar, and Jotaro stood on the ground while Polnareff offered the picture to a rooftop repairman, "I don't think I'll be able to help you, folks, it's been my job to repair rooftops in Cairo for about forty years now and I can't say that I've ever seen a place like this, from the looks of the building's design the thing was built over a hundred years ago, give or take if I had to take a guess, based on the picture I'd say you'd find it south of here", the repairman explained.

"The buildings in Cairo get older the farther south you travel", he adds as Polnareff made a sound akin to an "Oh?". The man was apologetic, "I'm sorry I don't have more to go on sonny", "No, don't worry about it, sorry to bother you", Polnareff sighed, you looked up at him as he shook his head down at 1the rest of your group before you all looked at one another silently. 

After that Mr. Joestar went to find the nearest phonebooth to call the doctors that were taking care of Jotaro's mother, you stood by Jotaro as Mr. Joestar spoke on the phone, "At least we got the general direction of where DIO would be, still though, I'm a bit concerned about something", you say. Jotaro rose a brow at you, "Does it have to do with the doctor?", he asked, you mutely wince but nonetheless nodded, "If she knew I was here she would've come out by now, on other subjects she can have patience but usually when it comes to me she was always eager to pick and prod at me, it makes me wonder if she and DIO had a dispute or that they could have a plan ready", you explain, Jotaro looks thoughtful on the subject.  

"Alright, understood, thanks for the update", Mr. Joestar's tone was concerning once he hung up the phone, you all looked at him as he walked over to the group, "I decided to make a phone call to Japan and my daughter's condition is much worse, she lost virtually all of her strength and at best she has three or four days left", Mr. Joestar explained grimly, while Polnareff and Avdol gasped at the news, you heard Jotaro make a silent growl of frustration. Looking at him you could make out his clenched jaw and stiff shoulders at the bill of his hat shaded his eyes, your brows furrowed in worry before your face sharpened in confidence, lightly tugging Jotaro's sleeve hies eyes narrowed as he looked down at you only to soften his sharp gaze. "We'll save her, not all hope is lost", is what he read from your silent claim, and Jotaro let his body relax as you gave him a lazy smile, "I can almost feel it, it's like DIO's right on top of us I bet anywhere he's hiding close by, but where could he be, and how do we find him", Mr. Joestar's words made you ponder, as far as you could tell you couldn't smell any hostiles nearby. 

"We should get moving, we'll talk to everyone here until we find him", Avdol says, "Hmph, we've come this far, we have to keep going", Mr. Joestar sighs, you all agree, looking over at Polnareff you walk over to him, "How do you think Jotaro's doing (Y/n)?", he asks, "Honestly, he is likely concerned for his mom, but I'm sure he's going to pull through", you assure. "And what about you (Y/n)? I overheard your concerns about the doctor, are you going to be okay?", he asks, looking at you with concern laced in his eyes, you could only give him a wry smile, "If I'm there with you guys beside me, I'll be okay", you say, making POlnareff smile.

There was a brief scent that suddenly caught your attention, making you look in its general direction with furrowed brows, "What's wrong (Y/n)?", Polnareff asks, "I just thought I smelled something off, I thought it was another hostile for a moment...", you trail off, Polnareff glared at the direction you briefly looked at before walking in that direction. "Huh? Polnareff what are you-?", "You can catch up with the others,  I believe you were spot on about the enemy being here, call the others while your at it yeah?", he says, cutting off your questions, with a frown you watched as he jogged off and with a soft huff ou went to get the others, "Mr. Joestar", you call as you jogged over to the three men.

The older Joestar looked over at you, "Hm? (Y/n), where is Polnareff?", he asked, you sighed, "Well I told him about something being off in a certain area but he wanted to check it out, there was a possibility of someone trailing after us", you explain, "Of course he would", Jotaro huffed, "Let's go get him then", Avdol says as you all went to the area you smelled something off. "Hey what's the matter Polnareff!", Avdol called to the Frenchman with a moment of silence passing, you furrowed your brows, "He didn't answer", you say, "Something's off", Jotaro points out as you all near Polnareff's direction, "Hey Polnareff, did you find the person trailing us", Mr. Joestar asks.

You all heard something but Mr. Joestar was the one to call out to him again, "Hey did you say something? Polnareff!",  you furrowed your brows knowing something was most definitely wrong as Avdol called out to the Frenchman, "Polnareff". When you all turned the corner you saw him training as he leaned against the wall, "Hang on you've been here the entire time? What's wrong did you find someone following us or not?", Avdol interrogates, "Well- uh-" Polnareff's eyes glance at the wall, you caught onto the hint and tried to sniff the area to serif anything was off, you looked down at your feet. You glanced at the crate nearby and then looked back at Polnareff as everyone chattered and Polnareff did something with his tongue, you had a feeling that was your second clue but- "What is it !?", you groan, frustrated. When Polnareff sneezed you looked up to say 'Bless you' but saw Hol Horse behind him instead, "What the-?! Hol Horse?!", you exclaim, "What is he doing here!?" Avdol shouts. "W-why! You idiot, you had to sneeze!", you hear Hol Horse hiss before Polnareff summoned Silver Chariot and elbowed the back of Hol Horse's head, making the American crash into some filled pottery, he groans as Polnareff warns, "Everyone watch out, Hol Horse is back and he's got a friend hiding under the crate, so be careful!".

"Alright then, how should we play this out", you growl as you cross your arms and glared down at Hol Horse, you heard one of the men about to speak until you picked up on Jotaro's alerted hum. 

It all happened so fast, a truck was speeding in your direction full throttle until it suddenly lost control. "Wild Card!", "(Y/n)!", you hear Polnareff and Jotaro call out to you as you barely summoned your stand, Wild Card was able to lessen the damage as the truck slammed into you as you unconsciously let your body pump a burst of adrenaline through you as you were smashed into the wall behind you. You could faintly tell that your appearance shifted when it happened but the pain that followed made you whimper out a choked sob, your glasses were cracked as far as you could tell, so you laid still on the ground. You faintly heard Jotaro, Mr. Joestar, and Avdol as you laid there, you heard Polnareff at some point as you tried to get up, or at least tried to move, so when you rolled onto your stomach you couldn't hold back the pained whine as someone's footsteps approached you, "Crap! (Y/n)? Hey, can you hear me alright?", you hear Polnareff gently call you.

"I think I feel a bruise forming", you wheeze out. "Do you think you can stand?", he asks, "I hope so", you sigh as he helps you sit up, you groan at the process as he held your waist to help you stand up next, he helped you walk as you occasionally stumbled while regrouping with the others. Jostaro looked you over before grabbing your hoodie and coving your now white-blue hair, "Thanks", you huff as you wince from the bruise, Jotaro hummed in response until you heard an ear-piercing scream, it sounded familiar, "Hey, tell me I'm not the only one that heard that ear-piercing scream", Polnareff points out.

"I'm not clear on the details but there's something fishy going on here, but the bigger concern is this truck, I think we better get out of here before the cops start showing up, let's move men, (Y/n) you good to walk on your own?", Mr. Joestar looks at you, concern written on his features. "As long as I use the hamon breathing technique I'll be fine", you reassure as Polnareff speaks up afterward, "Before we go I wanna know where Hol Horse ran off to!", "I don't know, he disappeared for some reason", Jotaro informs as he turned around only to let out a grumble, looking back at him you let out a soft chuckle at his small predicament as Avdol spoke, "Hey if you don't get away from the pipe you'll get soaking wet, you should try to be more careful", he advised.

Jotaro huffed as you reached into your a napkin in your pocket, pulling it out you offer it to him after tapping his arm for his attention, Jotaro hummed appreciatively as he took the napkin. After walking away from the scene you noted something off, "Now that I think about it, where did our dumbass dog go?", Polnareff suddenly asks, "Iggy!", you silently exclaim to yourself as you looked around for the dog, "You talking about Iggy? I'm sure he's scrambling around for food somewhere", Mr. Joestar says, making you pout.

"I've said from the beginning, he wouldn't help us when we needed him", Avdol points out, suddenly you were filled with worry for the dog, "I hope he's doing fine", you hope, silently.

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