Chapter 8

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When the car crashed you groaned and slipped out of the vehicle, "Damn, sorry guys, that was the only plan I had to avoid any casualties", you groan out, "Least we're- Augh- not dead", Polnareff points out before his attention slips to Kakyoin, "Hey are you okay- talk to me", he grunts out, "I slammed my chest but I'll be fine, (Y/n), what about you?", Kakyoin asks. You huff as you yank out a glass shard from your leg, "I'm fine, it's just glass", you reassure before hearing Polnareff summoning Silver Chariot and something being destroyed, "Kakyoin! (Y/n)! Avoid the reflection!", Polnareff warns as you stand up and jump behind a rock slightly farther away from the men, "Hehehe hehehe~", the Hanged Man laughs as Polnareff and Kakyoin stop speaking and listen carefully. "So you're the(Y/n) (L/n) the nice doctor and her assistant speak fondly of", his voice mockingly hummed, you stiffened at the mention of a familiar doctor and their assistant, with narrowed eyes you force yourself to listen as Kakyoin and Polnareff looked at you in concern, "You know polnareff, you say you've known true suffering, but if you listen to (Y/n)'s story... Well~ you'd be very astonished at what she's lived through", he cooed, you bite your inner cheek as you stared at the ground.

"(Y/n), (Y/n) listen, he's just trying to get a reaction out of you!", Kakyoin try to speak to you, but you look scarily calm as you listen to the Hang Man's ramblings, "You know (Y/n)~ the doctor and her assistant have a nice cage and chains waiting for you~ I hope they don't mind if I had fun with their favorite feral Kitty for a bit~!", he mockingly cooed. Still, you did nothing as Polnareff and Kakyoin looked at you and astonishment, the mention of a cage and chains waiting to be used on you made them sick, and the dull glazed-over look in your eyes made their concern rise until a boy's voice call all of your attention, "Hey mister, you guys okay? Want me to bring you some medicine?", looking in Kakyoin and Polnareff's direction you saw boy, "We're fine look it's dangerous, get out of here!", Polnareff tries to hastily shoo away the boy, you tensed when the boy looked over at the car and sauce light glimmer before it disappeared into the boy's eyes. Shooting up you were  about to say something until Kakyoin and Polnareff started running around, with a huff you attempted to say something about Hanged Man until the boy solely focused on Polnareff, "Centerfold!", Polnareff spits out angrily as you summon Wild Card, "What are you going to do, you wouldn't poke this cute little kid's eye with that sword of yours would you Polnareff!", Centerfold taunts as you and Kakyoin stood your ground but worried over Polnareff's state.

"Polnareff!", you and Kakyoin simultaneously shout as a handshape print is marked on the side of Polnareff's neck, "And now I finally caught you, you can't run anymore", Centerfold boasts, "not unless you gouge the kid's eye out!", he laughs, a growl rumbles from your chest, "You disgusting cruel son of a bitch, you're dead!", Kakyoin hissed as Centerfold mockingly laughs, then Polnareff's chuckle made you lose your tense stance. "Don't worry kakyoin, (Y/n), mon frere, that's not what you say at a time like this", Polnareff smiles, "listen in times like these you got to say something fitting before you get your revenge, see something like this; my name is Jean Pierre Polnareff, for the honor of my dear sister soul so my good friend Avdol can rest peacefully and Heaven above, I'm going to hurl you into the depths of Despair, prepare yourself Centerfold!", Polnareff declares boldly. You smirked as you finally sniffed out Centerfold while Polnareff was busy with his stand Hanged Man, looking at the nearest place you grin, "Bingo", "-I can slice through him like butter!", Polnareff finishes as you pointed in the area before you all heard an agonized scream, "You found him that fast (Y/n)?", Kakyoin asked, quite surprised, "It took a while but yes, you see stand users with long-distance stands are a bit harder to locate since to me it is a bit hard to pinpoint the stand user", you brief before you all ran in the direction of the scream. Once there you, Polnareff, and Kakyoin found a man with Hanged Man injury, but he didn't smell right, "At last we meet-", "Polnareff", you cut him off, both men look at you noticing how tense you were, "That's not Centerfold", you reveal. Just as Polnareff was about to question you he gasped in pain, that's when a strong iron smell hit your nose, "Wh-what the hell", "Polnareff!", Kakyoin immediately runs to his side as you stand on defense while Kakyoin attended to Polnareff.

A laugh caught your attention and your eyes landed behind a wall, "Get out from behind the wall Centerfold, unless you want to double the pain", you demand, "You adapt quickly, now I'm just aching to put my hands all over you!", Centerfold cackled. "No wonder the doctor and her assistant take great interest in you like Lord DIO! You stop these fools from falling into my trap, but still you crossed Lord DIO and for that your little friends will pay with their lives!", he laughs, you scowl as Kakyoin snapped, "You bastard!", he summons Hierophant Green but your Wild Card hold him back, "Kakyoin wait!", you shout, "(Y/n) what-", "Whoa wait now, take a good look around you!", Centerfold points out. Wild Card curled around with Hierophant Green letting out a snarl as Hierophant Green momentarily put a hand over one of her own as Centerfold mentioned towards the surrounding people, "Hey gather around, see these two gentlemen and Lady say they got a buttload of cash to share!", Centerfold calls out to the people and as soon you were all swarmed, that was when you caught on to his plan. Pain soon made itself known on your body but you barely reacted to the sudden slashes. You hardly focused on Polnareff and Kakyoin until you heard Kakyoin reciting Polnareff, "My name is Noriaki Kakyoin in order to avenge my dear friend Avdol so that the soul of my dear friend sister may rest in peace for all eternity", Kakyoin pulls out a coin from his pocket and you can't help but lazily grin, "I will have you pay with your life".

Kakyoin announced that whoever caught the coin could keep it, so when it was tossed in the air you located the Hanged Man, "I got him Polnareff!", you grin and kick dust into the old man's eye, "Merci kakyoin, (Y/n)!", Polnareff thanks as Silver Chariot is summoned and cuts into the Hanged Man. You followed after Polnareff and Kakyoin when they chased after Centerfold with your hands in your pockets your eyes briefly glowed and your cat likes irises appeared before they changed back into your regular pupils, you walked in on Polnareff using Silver Chariot on Centerfold. Centerfold hanging upside down from the gate as you all stared down at him, "I'll leave the rest to the devil, rot in hell", Polnareff spits, "So this was the true Hanged Man huh? He was rotten all the way to the core", Kakyoin scowls, Polnareff turn to walk away, "I got my revenge", he states, but a groan cut their attention, Kakyoin and Polnareff looked at you and saw you putting pressure on Centerfolds neck, "(Y/n)-?", "I have one question Centerfold, are the doctor and assistant with DIO right now?", you interrogate. Centerfold that's out a weak 'yes' and you hum, "Thank you for your usefulness, you'll die now", you monotonously say before sharply thrusting the tip of your foot into his neck before twisting it, a sickening crack soon followed.

Polnareff and Kakyoin eyes widened at how you finished him off so effortlessly, and how coldly you're regarded it, Wild Card was out as you walk towards them, "Let's go", you sigh out shakily, they decided not to push it as Silver Chariot and Hierophant Green suddenly appeared, causing all of you to pause momentarily. Silver Chariot and Hierophant Green circled Wild Card, and thinking nothing of it you continue to walk ahead, that was until you heard the Wild Card trilling, jolting you snapped your head over to her, "My (Y/n)~, are you sure your stand isn't a cat?", Polnareff teased as Wild Card continue to trill at Silver Chariot and Hierophant Green, your face was noticeably red as you called back Wild Card, "Eheh, I'll -um- see ya!", you suddenly sprinted away from the making both Polnareff and Kakyoin surprised as you kept running. "Hey! (Y/n) get back here!", Polnareff shouts as you ignore his calls. Soon you were back in town inside as you rested, before realizing your crucial mistake of running away, "Merida! How the hell do I regroup with the others now!", you cry.

For a while, you wandered on the edges of the town until you found them, with a grin you jogged over to them, "Hey! Guys, I'm here!", you grin waving at them, they all looked at you, and once you are near none of the young men expected for Mr. Joestar to flick water at you, making you hiss.

"Bad (Y/n), bad!", Mr. Joestar scolds spring more water at you, you jumped behind the nearest person -which happened to be jotaro- and hissed at Mr. Joestar," I was going to say sorry!", you whine as crocodile tears form at the corners of your eyes, "Don't go running like that again! Do you know how worried I was young lady!", "Hisssssss!", you make a scratching motion with your hands as Jotaro tips his hat, Polnareff didn't bother to hide his amusement as Kakyoin tried to settle the commotion. Unnoticed by all stand users, Star Platinum pat Wild Card's head as Hierophant Green tried to perk up the Lioness stand with his tendrils, while Silver Chariot also attempted to cheer up the pouty stand.

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