Chapter 25

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"Here we are, Egypt", you hum beside Jotaro, "It's about time", he huffs as everyone waited outside the vehicle, Mr. Joestar said something about the Speedwagon Foundation coming to drop off somethings when you all heard whirring sounds everyone turned their attention up to the sky, "Hey, do you all hear that noise too!", Polnareff shouts. "They've arrived", Mr. Joestar smirks, "It's a helicopter!", Polnareff points out, "Thanks for the update captain obvious", Kakyoin inputs, you couldn't help but chuckle at their lines, "They're here from the Speedwagon Foundation and they are looking for somewhere to land", Mr. Joestar informs as you sniff the air, there was an odd smell in the air like a smell of hostility yet it was nonexistent, for a while it distracted you until you heard Kakyoin shout, "Well if they are not here to give us a ride what's the occasion then?","They brought us our new ally", at Mr. Joestar's answer, several of you made a simultaneous "huh?" sound of confusion. "An ally?", Polnareff asked, "I have to warn you, he's a bit of a handful which is primarily the reason why it took so long to fetch him", Mr. Joestar explains, "Mr. Joestar you aren't seriously thinking of taking him with us are you? His presence here would only hold us back", Avdol says, his tone showed obvious concern as Kakyoin entered the conversation, "So he actually might harm us?", he asks, "Correct, so be careful", Avdol advises as you take off your glasses, "Not so fast, this new ally of our, are you saying he's a stand user too?", Jotaro asks.

"Yeah, that's right, and his stand is represented by the card known as "The Fool", Mr. Joestar answers, "The Fool", Jotaro raises a brow as Polnareff chuckles, "Wait "The Fool", sounds like a pretty stupid card if you want my opinion", "You should count your blessings that he's on our side, you can't beat him", Avdol states, Polnareff didn't seem to take the statement too lightly, "I suggest watching your mouth if you know what's good for you", he grumbles as you sigh and cross your arms. "It's true Polnareff, now move your hand you're hurting me", "Who died and made you the boss!", Polnareff dismisses Avdol's statement with a scowl until Kakyoin walked passed them, "Enough you two, the helicopter is here", you hum as you stood between the young and old Joestars as the helicopter's main rotor blade came to a stop, when the door opened you saw two males in the cockpit, you smiled after adjusting your glasses. 

They weren't stand users but the animal in the back certainly was. You felt the slightly tense atmosphere as the Speedwagon workers got off to greet Mr. Joestar, "Mr. Joestar, good to see you", the pilot greets and shakes the older man's hand, "Thank you for bringing him here, must've been rough", Mr. Joestar thanks as you uncross your arms and put a hand on your leaning hip while pointing at the helicopter's back seat with your other arm, "Our stand user is back there isn't he?", "Correct ma'am, he's in the back", the pilot gestures as the co-pilot goes to open the back door. Once the co-pilot opened the back door you saw a pile of blankets, with a smile you faintly noted that the dog was a Boston terrier, Jotaro hummed looking at the back seat, "In the back huh, I don't see anyone", "Nah, he's there", the pilot reassures as Polnareff begins to take the situation a little too lightly, "Hey, hey, cut it out, come on  quit joking around what's the deal, the guy really short or something? Come out, come out wherever you are~". Polnareff continues his antics as Kakyoin looks over at you, "Aren't you going to stop him (Y/n)?", you give Kakyoin a mischevious grin, "He can learn a lesson every once in a blue moon, so I'll let him off his leash", you shrug, only to turn back when you heard Polnareff's screaming. The dog growled in Polnareff's face before he began tearing out portions of Polnareff's hair, "There's our stand user", you chirp, "A dog?", Kakyoin asked a bit surprised, "Don't tell me this dog is~!", Jotaro's voice trailed off as Mr. Joestar hummed in confirmation of the dog's status as a stand user. "Yes, the dog possesses the stand of The Fool, his name is Iggy and he's crazy about ripping chunks of hair out of people's heads, to be honest with you I'm not sure where he's from but Avdol found him in New York after all the dog catchers couldn't wrangle him and it's thanks to Avdol that he's not roaming the streets now", Mr. Joestar explains as Avdol smiles, Mr. Joesar put a hand on his chin to ponder a moment before recalling, "Oh, and there's something that I probably should've mentioned , when he is in the middle of ripping someone's hair he likes to uh-", a loud fart noise sounded and you couldn't help but laugh at Polnareff's situation, Iggy had just farted on his face. 

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