Chapter 12

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They all couldn't believe what they saw, how you actually sprouted for feathered wings from your back and flew up into the air , but once you landed back on the ground you put Anne down and threw up to the side elsewhere."(Y/n)! Are you okay?!", Mr. Joestar rushed over to your hunch to figure as Jotaro goes to face off the enemy user, "I feel sick", you wheeze out as your wings began to shrink back into (it was an odd yet painful feeling), the car suddenly makes its appearance again as you hurl again,"(Y/n), you're an angel?!", Anne ask and astonishment, but you all look at Jotaro's direction when the enemy laughs, "You're pretty fast there Jotaro but not too bright!", "Wait Jotaro, you're covered in gasoline!", you shout make him stop as the enemy user points at you, the feral child is right, "No wonder doctor De Dios and assistant De Paz take so much interest in you (Y/n)!", he menacingly coos. You growl as Mr. Joestar helps you to stand while Polnareff and Kakyoin look at you, "Come to think of it I did smell gas", Kakyoin reviews as Polnareff sniffed, "Oh no, it's coming from us, our body smell like a gas station!", Polnareff exclaimed as the car sprouts more gas, "It was shooting small amounts of it like bullets!", Kakyoin gas, "This is nuts so he wasn't trying to wound us, he was dousing our bodies with gasoline, we're covered in the stuff!", Polnareff panics as Jotaro received more injuries.

"Looks like you finally caught on but it's too late now, now all you need is a little jolt!", he's sadistically shouts as you watch him pull a wire and see sparks fly, your stomach dropped as flames begin to form on Jotaro's jacket, "Jotaro!", you scream, reaching out for him as your throat burned. Angry tears pricked your eyes as you lurched forward only to be held back by Kakyoin, the enemy laughed while Polnareff help Mr. Joestar back, "You sick bastard!", you roar with your glasses gone your eyes glowed brightly with your emotional state, "I win! Your valiant hero finally bit the dust! Now all I have to do is return (Y/n) to her rightful owners!", he cackles, you attempt to shake off Kakyoin but stop moving when you heard a familiar voice, "Is that so, and who exactly would replace me Jotaro Kujo". The enemy let out a noise of surprise but all you could do was stand there in quiet astonishment as Jotaro's arm punch through the ground, "Let me guess you thought it'd be you, you roadhog", he huffed, "You borrowed into the ground with Star Platinum, so the only thing that burned up was your jacket!", the enemy sputters. "Hmph, a little parting wisdom, what you said earlier about paths was dead wrong, you see in life you have to forge your own path no one could do it for you so I'll offer you some guidance", Jotaro offered as the enemy panicked.

"But first you have to go through a little pain", Jotaro growled as Star Platinum was summoned, "Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora ORA!", he roars and soon enough the enemy was punched out of his vehicle, "and that is how it's done, see you just paved your own path, congrats on being a fast learner, here ends the lesson", Jotaro smirks. The man sat up before he made a sad attempt to crawl away, you didn't bother to near him as nausea settled in your stomach while everyone else left, when the car creeked and began to shrink everyone's attention was on it until it turned into a beat-up car, "Oh, would you look at that, I can't believe the stand was disguising that small car the entire time, kind of reminds me of a fluffy little sheep that had all of its wool sheared off", Mr. Joestar comments, "What a pathetic hunk of junk", he laughs. Everyone laughed harder but you managed a weak smile, after tying the enemy user to a boulder you all made your way to the car, "Well then let's take his car across the border, only fair since he smashed hours", Mr. Joestar states, "It's pretty beat up though, I wonder if it'll last that long", Kakyoin points out, you all get in the car with Anne still on your lap as you take a seat between Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin.

"You're on the next flight to Hong Kong and go once we find an airpor"t, Jotaro announces to Anne , "Awe no, why?!", she whines, "Shut up! Don't you understand that you're in the way little brat!", Polnareff grumbles, a pop was heard from the car, "Uh we might not make it that far", Mr. Joestar inputs. On the ride to the nearest town Anne begin to fall asleep on you as you softly hummed a small song to her, "(Y/n), this has been bothering me since our run-in with centerfold but I have to ask", Polnareff speaks, taking a glance back at you, everyone was silent as the aura around you felt heavy and slightly saddening, "Who are these doctor and assistant Duo, what did he mean "feral kitty", and your life, and this feral child title and being raised in the wild (Y/n)?", he asks firmly. "Polnareff what are you thinking!", Mr. Joestar exclaims, and "The scars, where did you get those scars", Jotaro adds, "Jotaro!", Mr. Joestar begins to scold only for you to hold up your hand to stop him from talking any further, "It's okay Mr. Joestar, besides I think it's best to let them know my former tormentors since it does sound like the duo are working under DIO", you say simply. Mr. Joestar frowns but relents as everyone goes quiet, "I was 6 years old on the day I was kidnapped... I was taken into a hidden facility down in the Yucatan Peninsula with other children, but eventually I found out there were trying to find me, one of the few descendants of the pillar people, I didn't know exactly what they wanted but when they found it was me they began to run their experiments. I can still remember the pain I went through, from operations without anesthetics to all sorts of punishments I was given, slowly but surely they were slowly dehumanizing me but there was a little boy that kept me sane. Michael was his name, and he was a bit younger than me, he was always so optimistic despite our circumstances and I couldn't stand not being without him. One day they took him form me, I remember being violent all the times he was gone but when he didn't come back the next day I remember gong into a state of hysteria. Apparently I caused a lot of damage as I searched for him ignoring the fact that as I did I was hurting and killing workers left and right, if I recall correctly I at least around 10 years old... Anyways I remember finding his corpse being fed to some animals, the trauma of it all allowed Wild Card to be summoned in a fully mature state, but at the time I didn't know she was my stand... Well, they dragged me back into my small cage but not without some disciplinary actions before I overhead that I was going to have another operation soon. When the day came I was more determined to escape the place, so on the day of my operation I left a nasty scar on the doctor's face and ripped her assistant's arm off to leave, to finally escape that facility, I faintly recall starting a fire before escaping into the jungle... I didn't speak much when I turned eleven but by then I was living beside animals with in the jungle, learning, hunting, and communicating with animals there. And in a way Wild Card could almost take credit for raising me in the jungle, but strangely enough it was actually a Jaguar that took me in alongside her Cubs". You trail off in thought as Wild Card rested her head on your own, your appearance now slowly changed back, but your glasses were still missing, "Mr. Joestar found me at 13, some Villages began spreading some sort of story about me and somehow the Speedwagon investigation got involved, they caught me after a month of failed attempts, but eventually I was rehabilitated, connecting back with society was hard but it's nice to reconnect with family", you end your story there.

"That's cruel! How could any human being do that to a little girl!", Polnareff raged making you jump slightly at his anger, "H-hey, it was a long time ago, besides it doesn't affect me much anymore", you try to reassure, "(Y/n)", Kakyoin calls to you making you put your attention on him, "you didn't deserve what happened to you, but you can count on us to have your back when you face them", Kakyoin gives you a gentle but strong look that brings a warm feeling to your chest as your eyes get glossy. "Hey (Y/n)..." , jotaro calls to you, you turn your attention and almost jolt when you felt him put something on your face, you blink momentarily before realizing he gave you your glasses back, "You dropped them when you sprouted those wings of yours", he casually says.

You felt something drip from your chin as your eyesight blurred, bringing a hand to your face you felt your tears and you couldn't help but smile, soft laughter escaped you as you wiped your tears away, "Thanks you guys, I'll be sure to remember that", you sniffle. Mr. Joestar let a smile of his own showing his face before looking at the three individually, "I wonder...", he ponders quietly.


Not sure if anyone noticed, but I'm sure you caught onto the fact that Reader calls Jotaro by his last name(Kujo)! So technically this is one of the few first times Reader calls Jotaro by his first name!

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