Chapter 16

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*This chapter is going to be longer than usual*


It was frustrating. The situation at hand was really frustrating. "Jotaro don't do it!", Kakyoin yelled as Hierophant Green was summoned to restrain Jotaro's Star Platinum, you also used Wild Card to assist in attempting to quell Jotaro's stand, "Wait Kujo listen please", you tried to calm him as Kakyoin also pipped in, "We've already seen how effective his power is, are you trying to kill your own grandfather!?", Polnareff soon added on, "Uh, this is Jotaro we're talking about, he might be", using a bit of Hamon you slowly relaxed his muscles, "Kujo please...", leaning into his ear making sure to keep your voice low so Dan couldn't hear, but for Jotaro to listen in, "...your mom is waiting for you". Jotaro stiffened looking down at you with widened but trouble dies, you, Polnareff, and Kakyoin moved away as Dan hummed before slamming the rock into Jotaro's abdomen, "Jotaro!/Kujo!", Mr. Joestar and you gasped as Jotaro was knelt down and doubled over in pain, "Don't you toy with me, you bastard, after the Geezer kicks the bucket you're next", Dan raises the rock again, "Look out!", Kakyoin warns you moved yourself to protect Jotaro and quickly caught the rock in your own hand, you glared at Dan and sent Hamon into the rock making it crumble into smaller pieces. "Impressive feat there (Y/n)", Dan smirks before grabbing your glasses and throwing them to the ground, "but you were being a bad kitty", he practically purred before stomping on your glasses, he laughed in your face as you clenched your fist, silently seething before you hear  Polnareff running and yelling, "Hey!", turning back you saw Kakyoin and Mr. Joestar running away with Polnareff behind them, "Jotaro! (Y/n)! Keep him away from Mr. Joestar at all costs! We're going to get as far away from him as possible!", Kakyoin shouted, you curtly noted before you were yanked back by your hair.

You bit back a yelp as Dan brought out a familiar collar, "Isn't this familiar (Y/n), if I recall from the good doctor, you were required to wear it", he hummed before he began to stroke your hair, "how about you be a good kitty for once and put it on yourself", he grins as he dangled the caller before you, with a scowl you opened your palm as he dropped it. With some hesitance you put the metal collar on as Jotaro stood up and watched as you clicked the collar in place, "Tch, what's up, hey Jotaro I'm talking to you, it's impolite not to look at the people when they are speaking to you, look at me!", Dan demands as he grabs Jotaro's collar, "What's wrong, you sound like you're starting to lose your cool", Jotaro says, then looks at him suspiciously, "What's your plan, follow me around tell Grandpa Joseph kneels over, sounds like a blast", "Dan of Steel was it? I'll make sure you pay for this, it's just a matter of when", Jotaro glares as you stood there, powerless to do anything. Dan smirked as he stood in front of Jotaro, "Well if you're sticking around I might as well help myself to your wallet", Dan grinned as he pat Jotaro down to take whatever valuables he had on him, then pulled back and in his hands were Jotaro's wallet and wristwatch, "Nothing but chump change huh? Though I didn't expect a guy like you to be sporting a TAG Heuer, I'll be borrowing this", Dan smirks as Jotaro stared him down. "(Y/n) come here kitty~", Dan purred as you made your way next to him, Jotaro definitely noticed how uncomfortable you were with your stance slightly slouched over, though you did try your best to look unbothered, once you were near Dan he yanked you closer to him by the back of your hair reeling in your body close to him.

"Don't you have anything to say kitty, or did a cat get your tongue", Dan smirked, you only let a low growl rumble from your chest, Dan caress your cheek for a moment before slapping you, your eyes momentarily glowed, "Sola espera bastardo ignorante", you hiss, "Bad Kitty, you need to learn some manners", Dan scolds as he drags you by your arm, you didn't bother to fight it as Jotaro as watched and trailed behind. "A drainage ditch, this could be fun~", Dan purred once you three stopped by said ditch, "I'd try to jump it but if I trip and twist my ankle it would be real bad for old man Joestar, walking all the way to that bridge would be such a bother", then Dan looked at Jotaro, "I got an idea, lie down across this ditch and make yourself into a bridge, I'll walk on you to get across", he says, Jotaro was silent, "What now, you don't want to be my bridge or something?", Jotaro huffed, "Gah shut up, the hell you keep yammering about", "I said make yourself into a bridge you good-for-nothing arrogant prick!", Dan demanded like a spoiled child not getting their wanted toy, you slightly winced when he slammed his shin into a metal pole to a point where you could hear the bone hitting metal, Jotaro glared at Dan, who smiled in return, "Awe~, don't look so upset Jotaro", he chuckled lightly as Jotaro reluctantly walked over to the ditch, "Come on, I don't have all day you know", Dan complained as you frowned.

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