Chapter 29

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Following Jotaro's and Polnareff's scent you pushed your legs to run faster, you try to listen for any sounds of battle as you ran through the streets, "Get out of there Jotaro!", "DIE!", you hear as you turned a corner. When you saw Star Platinum catch the sword you immediately summoned to Wild Card, "Ora!", you hear Star Platinum roar, "Raaaaaah!", Jotaro and Polnareff turned to see you run into battle with Wild Card out, once you were behind the man Wild Card smashed her claws against the sword and broke the sword in two as you knocked out the man with the spin kick to the back of his head. "Kujo! Polnareff! You're fine!", you grinned at them as they looked over at you, "You came just in time (Y/n)! Jotaro would have been a goner if you hadn't come", Polnareff walks over to you to give you a light pat, "How about you Kujo? You nearly pulled a risky move there", you said pointing down at the broken sword, "I'm good, but is Anubis dead", you all look down at the sword, "Hold on a second Jotaro, I'm sure he's just knocked out, whatever you do don't touch that sword, you snapped it in half but the stand's power still might be lingering, it controls anyone who touches it while unsheathed, let's stick the blade back inside without touching the hilt", Polnareff explains as he begins to sheath the sword carefully, you all watched nervously until you side and relief when it was sheathed.

"Now what? If someone draws it again we're done for, this damn thing has already learned all our abilities, except(Y/n), so she's in the clear but I don't think we'll get any second chances", Polnareff sighed, Jotaro looks over his shoulder as you look down and thought, "Why not toss it into the river to let it rust at the bottom of the Nile", Jotaro suggests, "Nice idea", you chirp, "The Nile huh? That sounds like a great plan to me", Polnareff agrees, "I'll go heal the guy's injuries then, I think a policeman is coming", you say as you walk over to the unconscious man. With a hum, you used some hamon to heal the guy's more fatal injuries until you hear shouting, what made you turn around was the sound of the sword to being unsheathed, "Polnareff! / Jean!", you and Jotaro call out to the Frenchman, Jotaro cursed a "dammit" as you instinctively hissed at the now possessed Polnareff. "Hey, you there! You drew the sword!", you see the police officer shout and points at Polnareff, "Crap the officer!", you panic as the now possessed Polnareff threateningly stalked towards the officer, you were just about to tackle the officer only to jolt when Jotaro kicked the man out of harms way when Polnareff's body made a slash motion with the sword, frowning you glared down at the real culprit once you put away your glasses. Jotaro noticed the dim glow of your (e/c) orbs knowing that you were seeing the real culprit you both gave each other subtle nods, the enemy was possessing Polnareff and you to have to figure out a way to attack the enemy without critically harming Polnareff, the possessed Polnareff stared you both down until he suddenly laughed, "As I said before at this point I already witnessed Star Platinum's repituar of moves and if I've done battle with you once before then I'll never lose again! If anything I have to keep my eye on you kitty!", the enemy stands bits as he swung towards Jotaro, "Bring it on asshole", you hiss, summoning your stands you and Jotaro attacked with Wild Card and Star Platinum combined. But when the enemy stand used Silver Chariot to block your Wild Card'scattack you couldn't help but gasp, "No way, he has use of Silver Chariot!", Jotaro cursed as he was kept occupied by the enemy user while you forced to fight against Chariot, "Wild Card fuse jaguar and cheetah!", you command, you're aiming for quick yet forceful attacks that could put an enemy off balance, and maybe then you could create an opening for a good job that could at least weaken the body.

With that in thought, you could hear Wild Card's claws scrape against Silver Chariot's rapier, completely missing out when the enemy landed a hit on Jotaro shoulder until you smelled the blood, "Jotaro!", you shout only to grunt when you were forced to block another attack from Silver Chariot, "ORA!/RAAHHH!", your hear Star Platinum shout alongside Wild Card when they landed strong attacks causing all three of you to fly backward in opposite directions. You grunt at the harsh landing but otherwise sat back up, with your back now sore you weren't able to get up on time to assist Jotaro in the beginning of his and the enemies fight, you were only able to catch on to the fight when Star Platinum broke a portion of Silver Chariot's shoulder armor, running into action you let Wild Card out, "Wild Card base lion to cheetah!", you demand to give a boost to your speed as Jotaro dealt with the Enemy stand's and Silver Chariot's barrage of attacks. When Silver Chariot's rapier stopping to both of Star Platinum's palms you leaped in front of Jotaro and took on the pain of the sword stabbing into your stomach area with a hiss, "(Y/n)!!", you hear Jotaro shout as the enemy let out loud "what?!", coughing up some blood you grinned and grabbed onto the sword, you wince as Jotaro wrapped an arm just above your stab wound to keep you standing as you kept the sword in place, "Now Kujo! Break the sword while it's still!", you growl, "Good grief (Y/n), Ora!", you can hear Jotaro shout alongside Star Platinum as the stand began to land a series of punches on to the sword, ultimately breaking it. "No! No! Now! What the devil! You're breaking me! I have to pull free! Noooooooo!", the enemy cries until he vanished, Polnareff fell back as your own legs couldn't carry you, making you lean on Jotaro for support, "That was reckless (Y/n), if he pushed in any further you would have been killed", Jotaro glares down at you, you could only shrug, "It had him stand still though, ack- Kujo set me down will you, it's starting to hurt a bit", you wince as the pain began to throb. Jotaro kneeled down as you laid on him while he kept the pressure on your stomach so you wouldn't pass out on blood loss, but even then you heard him huff, "Dammit, what a pain in the ass this was the toughest opponent I have faced and that last attack took everything in me and then some, luckily it was just enough to defeat him before he could learn it like the rest of our attacks, this is new I've never been so exhausted", Jotaro almost leans in on you  as you gently pat his hand that put pressure on your stomach, "You and me both, we should probably get to Mr- Joestar in Sir Avdol -hic- I ran out on them just to reach you two", you nearly yawn Polnareff groaned awake.

When he gained consciousness he sat up, "Wh-what in the world just happened?", when he spotted you and Jotaro he was quick on his feet, "Don't tell me stand possessed me like all the other guys did it?", "Yeah he did, but it's over now", Jotaro reassured, "Forgive me", Polnareff frowns until he saw your wound, "Wha-(Y/n)!?", "Just get the old man and Avdol, I'm sure (Y/n) can't do much", Jotaro points out, you groaned confirming Jotaro's statement as your head limply laid to the side. When Polnareff stood up you heard him scoff at Iggy, "Hey, Iggy what are you eating? Wait a second, is that a nasty old sucker, eating right off the ground again you filthy mutt", Polnareff scowls at the dog, you tilt your head as Iggy made his way over, "Oh, Iggy, hey boy~", you tiredly pat the dog's head, scratching under his chin and behind his ears as Jotaro tried to attend to your sword wound.  "Hey over there, the cow is really rocking the boat don't you think", Polnareff suddenly says, "Oh good grief, who gives a damn just get the old man and Avdol will you", Jotaro scowls at the distracted Frenchman as your gaze wandered about.

At the hotel you let your head rest on your arm, sitting with the others at the table, you heard Iggy's content hum until there was a sharp slap, "Stupid mutt, what are you staring at, there's nothing to eat over there fleabag", Polnareff scoffed, next thing you hear is a fart noise and Polnareff cursing, you momentarily opened an eye before nuzzling further into your inner elbow as your other arm hang off your knee. "Come on Polnareff", Mr. Joestar sighed,  "To think all of that happened without us", Avdol muses, "You guys fought the Anubis stand huh, that must have been rough Jotaro, (Y/n)", Mr. Joestar pats your head, you hum as Jotaro huffed, "Yeah it was", he looks over at Polnareff, "that's the last time I ever go anywhere with him". Avdol and Mr. Joestar hummed an agreement as Mr. Joestar retracts his hand that patted your head, you looked up lazily and grabbed his hand before putting it back on your head, "More", was your simple demand, Avdol and Mr. Joestar let out a hearty chuckle as you let out content purrs once Mr. Joestar began to pet your hair, Jotaro himself let out a small ghost of a smile as you listened to Polnareff's screams and complaints about Iggy.

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