Chapter 15

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After taking a nap once they found a carriage you were back to normal, "Oh, you're finally awake now thank goodness", Polnareff says as you stared at him blankly, "Eh? Okay ?", you mumbled as Kakyoin smiled at you, "Don't mind Polnareff, he's just happy you're awake now, you had us all worried you know", Kakyoin explained. Your face was blank before your eyes briefly widened only for you to let your body relax, "Oh yeah huh, I almost forgot about that", you softly say, sighing you leaned your head back as you looked up the bright sky, "Are you sure that you're alright (Y/n)", Polnareff asks, concern lacing with is tone, Kakyoin looked at you as well as Jotaro listened in as you spoke., "Yeah, I'm good, I just feel a bit drained still". A light purr rumbled from your chest as you were slowly being lulled back to sleep with the carriage's movements, Mr. Joestar faintly smiled at the sound, "We'll wake her up when we get to the town", he says, "She falls asleep so fast", Polnareff points out as Mr. Joestar chuckles, "You know there was a time where you purrs were so relaxing to listen to that I myself almost immediately", Mr. Joestar reveals.

"How did she learn how to produce them?", Kakyoin asked, again Mr. Joestar laughed in a light tone, "Well, she was raised by a jaguar and her stand, the first time I saw her I almost didn't recognize that she was human, her hair was so long it nearly reached her knees but it was matted and really messy from the grime, mud, and dirt, if I can recall correctly she even had a dead animal in her mouth", Mr. Joestar thoughtfully spoke, "Woah, why haven't we heard of her from on the news? Aren't records of children raised out in the wild covered by the news?", Polnareff asked looking at your sleeping figure in concern, "It never made it to the news, the Speedwagon Foundation made sure of it", Mr. Joestar answers. They let you sleep for a while longer until they reached Karachi, while Mr.Joestar went to buy some kababs Polnareff gently shook you, "(Y/n), we're here, we arrived at Karachi", with a yawn you rubbed your eyes and cracked your back, "Already?~", you sigh out once you hear the satisfying pop come from your back, "Did you sleep well?", Kakyoin asked with a small smile on his face, "I was having a good dream~", you whine, "Oh, and what was this dream about?", Polnareff grinned as you pout, "Tuna~", "She's definitely a cat", the three men with you simultaneously thought. "Holy crap, turn around that lod lady is awake!", Mr. Joestar suddenly yells, making everyone look at the back seat, that was when you noticed the odd smell of two hostiles in one being, "I-I promised you, I haven't said anything to any of them I swear, why are you here?! What could you possibly want with me?! Did you think I'd actually tell them the secret of Lord DIO's stand?! I am and shall always be his loyal servant!", the old woman rambled as she shook with beads of anxious sweat rann down her face, and while she did you glared at the man near the kabab stand, the others looked where you directed your attention as you revealed the enemy, "He is definitely the stand user!", you growl as he sheds his disguise. 

The old woman's screams made you jolt as tendrils began to wriggle and sprout from the openings of her face, making everyone jump out the carriage once it began breaking down, "Why?! I have done nothing wrong! Why have you come here to kill me?!", the old woman screeched as you look back at the other user, "Lord DIO places his trust in no one, not even you Enyaba, that is why and it is my job to make sure you never speak again", he speaks as if this  occasion was a normal conversation while he throws down his disguise. "As for the rest of you, the only way you're leaving is in pieces but the good Doctor would like her cat back", he smirks at you, a hiss left your lips as your eyes momentarily glowed until "Enyaba"s body fell to the ground while everyone backed away a bit from all the blood gushing about.

The new enemy had the nerve to introduce himself during the time, "You can call me Dan, Dan od Steel, my stand represents the one and only Lovers card, I will see to it that you all meet the same fate as that pathetic witch Enyaba", his smirk is smug as you glare at him, "How could you?! that old lady was one of your own you son of a-", Polnareff soon ran over to Enyaba trying to assist in helping her in whatever way he could,  you and Jotaro stood on defense as until Mr. Joestar yelled, "See that! The sun disintegrated them, the flesh bud is made of DIO's own cells!".   "Precisely, I see that you are quite the perspective one, since you're so astute I'll continue, this is what a fully-grown flush bud looks like, I want to kill her or not control her so I just grew it inside the old hag", Dan uncrossed his arms as he gives the older woman a cold glare, "Enyaba, you may be the very one that told Lord DIO about the stands, but you're a fool to think that a man with such complete power would ever trust a feeble old woman like you, unfortunately it's a point you fail to realize", he says, "Old lady, what's the true identity of Dio's stand!", Mr. Joestar shouts as everyone, yourself included, looks at him in Surprise.

"Tell us, you placed all your hope in Dio, you trusted him with your life and Son, now after all you sacrificed you know he's not the man you thought he was, you know I'm right, we must defeat DIO no matter the cost, you have to tell us we need to know, tell us what we need to know about DIO's stand before it's too late!", Mr. Joestar begged, you all anxiously waited for the answer, "D-d-di-o- my lord- he believes in me even in death- I won't betray him", she gasps out as the life in her eyes fades away, "OH GOOOOOD!", Mr. Joestar cries out until Dan's laughter cut the silence. That was when you notice something distinctly different, Mr. Joestar is sent was off and it bothered you greatly as suspicions and thoughts made their way to you until you were cut off by Mr. Joestar flying back, jolting you look to where Mr. Joestar landed, "You-you damn bastard you told us that your stand is the lovers isn't that right?! So tell us, what the hell does it do!", Mr. Joestar demanded once he was knelt down. "What's the point in telling you now, the battle has already begun Mr. Joestar, you're all simpletons, you do know that no matter how hard you look you won't be able to see my stand", he says as you examine Mr. Joestar more carefully while sniffing out the enemy, taking off your glasses you carefully examined Mr. Joestar when the boy hit Dan with the broom Mr. Joestar reacted to the pain in the same place Dan was hit. Realization hit you as Dan smugly spoke, "You mean you still haven't figured it out, that's so disappointing-", "I did, your stand is in Mr. Joestar isn't it?", you narrow your eyes at Dan who gives you a smile, "My oh my~, tell us Kitty, what did you find", he smugly encourages as the others look at you,"(Y/n)", Jotaro calls out as you glare at Dan.

"Your stand is connected to you, whatever pain you feel will be transmitted into your victim via your stand, possibly with more added pain, maybe even 10xs more, but I smelled something else, and I have a sneaking suspicion you snuck a flesh bud into Mr. Joestar", you growl. You firmly stayed in place as Dan walked over to you, "You hit all the right spots, Kitty, no wonder the good doctor wants you back home", he catches your chin as a warning growl escapes you, the boy hits Dan again and immediately dread fills you, "I don't recall asking you to hit me again you stupid little brat!", Dan rages and backhands the boy, you bare your teeth as your eyes glowed while your pupil stayed in slits, snarls and growls escaped your throat as you tried not to attack him. "(Y/n)! Calm yourself!", Polnareff pleaded as you step back from Dan, Dan casually dusted his pants as he began to speak, "Well to be honest my stand the Lovers isn't as strong as you think it would be, it doesn't even have the strength to move a single strand of hair making it the world's weakest stand, however power isn't necessary if all you want to do is kill your opponent, do you understand gentleman?", he mockingly asked. He continued as you all watched him carefully, "Say something unfortunate happens, like I get into an accident, a baseball hits me, or I just trip and fall, how do you think that would affect Mr. Joestar", he practically purrs does Mr. Joestar slightly jolted in anxiousness, "I might I get banged up some, but your body would suffer far greater pain than mine", he says and cracks his knuckles showing his point, "Wh-what the-? How- how am I feeling your knuckles cracking in my prosthetic hand?!", Mr. Joestar desk, "You have 10 minutes old man, then your brains will be eaten through and you'll be a corpse-like Enyaba", Dan taunts. Jotaro grabs Dan by the color of his shirt, summoning a portion of Star Platinum's arm, with the intent to hurt him out of anger and frustration you and Kakyoin had to step in, "Wait to Kujo!", "Jotaro calm down, don't do anything rash!:, you and Kakyoin attempted to hold him back.

"Sorry but no! I'm going to kill this damn tool so quickly he won't even have time to feel pain!", Jotaro growls until he hears his grandfather strangled breathing, reluctantly letting down go his attention shifted to Mr. Joestar as you slightly relax your hold on him, "Kill me before I feel it huh? Sounds interesting, do it then I want to see what happens, what are you waiting for Jotaro, come on let's see, just what were you planning to strike, tell me, my face? Or maybe even my throat?", Dan taunts has jotaro go silent. "What, you mad, let's see what will happen, don't back down on me now man, why don't you try busting a hole through my chest, or how about you give up on using your stand and crack my head open with a rock, this one looks like a prime specimen", Dan smirks as he picks up a rock, "it sure looks big enough for the job", he hums in approval with the rather large rock, until Jotaro grabs him by the collars once more, "You do not want to underestimate me pretty boy, when I say I'm going to do something, I do it", Jotaro threatens lowly, the glare in his eyes promising pain once this was over.

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