Jotaro's Route

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You kept running as you ran around looking for the Frenchman while also trying to be aware of your surroundings, a shiver ran through your body as a sense of unease pierced the air. With a scowl you kept running as you thought back to the events in the mansion making you pause as you stopped to wonder, your hand reached up to your glasses for a moment with a final sigh you grabbed them and took them off, "I need to see his stand if this gives them the advantage they need, so be it", you think before continuing your run.

As time passed with nothing to pinpoint you began to get more nervous, more anxious, and afraid for the well being of your company. You were afraid for all of them, your first real friends you bonded with, fought, and laughed with, you couldn't dwell on Iggy or Sir Avdol yet because of DIO and Polnareff running off only increased your worries for your remaining group. Then you heard a crash making you snap your head in the sound of its direction.

"Already!?", you gasp out loud before running towards the area passing people as you went down the alleyway. Your eyes widened at the scene, Jotaro was on the ground knives embedded into his body, Polnareff was knocked unconscious next to a crumbled wall and DIO was holding a street sign walking towards Polnareffs unmoving body.

With a snarl, you launched yourself at DIO and his stand, "DIOOO!".

"So nice to finally face you (Y/n)", he grins as he catches you off guard, instinctively to you move your arms to cover your chest in timer for his stand to throw a punch at you, a sickening crack was heard as you shouted for your stand.


"RAHHHH!", she roars just as she manages to swipe a gash across DIO's chest.

He only grunted as you flew into the building, making a crater around your body as you winced at the pain in your broken arms that already started to repair itself.

"You take on so much of your aunts traits (Y/n)...", DIO states as he walks closer to your struggling form, as he gets closer you hiss at him and his stand while he chuckles, "...but you are not her, you are not familiar with me nor I you, you have the shared spitfire personality and features but you don't carry the same scent not the same coloration, no... you aren't Clada", he rambles as he nears you with a scowl.

"If you weren't in relation to her by blood I would have considered you unworthy of carrying her face", he hissed as you growled and snarled at him before you hear a gun being loaded.

"Hold it!"

"This is the police!"

"You try anything and we will shot!"

Your attention is shifted from DIO to the policemen that appeared fairly terrified. DIO's attention also shifted, from focusing on you to giving the men his pricing gaze, one of the two men shouted again, "Slowly put your hand in the air!".

To them, it would've happened within a blink of an eye, but your eyes were witnessed to DIO's dreadful power, time bent to DIO's will and froze in place for him there was nothing you could do but watch as he grabbed one of them by the neck as the other was thrown aside like an unwanted toy.

"Ah~ What impeccable timing, if you wouldn't mind there is somebody that I'd like for you to shoot", he makes the officer face Jotaro's still body, "do you see that man lying there?", he asks rhetorically.

"Shoot his leg or torso", he orders as he directs the man's trembling hand, "That's right, now line up the shot and let the bullet fly", he grins as you snarl at him again, you wriggled about in the crater as you winced that the occasional pain of your still healing bones while DIO mockingly laughed at everyone's state.

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