Chapter 36

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"Hey I'm gonna fo fetch Polnareff, he seemed pretty thirsty the last I saw him", you announce as you held two cold water bottles in one hand, "Hm, well we are leaving anyway, besides whenever Polnareff is off doing his own thing he's always starting trouble", Mr. Joestar huffs as you smile while Jotaro made his way over to you. Once you all started walking you sniffed the air to catch a whiff of Polnareff's scent before pointing in one direction, "Fund him", you say, "Alright! Thanks (Y/n)", Mr. Joestar smiled before ruffling your hair, Jotaro huffed before helping you fix the strands that stuck out.

"Hey, Polnareff!", Avdol angrily called the Frenchman, making him look over at you all in a confused manner, "Give that money to him immediately", "Uh, what?". You absently ask as you approached Polnareff and a... beggar? "You'll have to forgive my friend's obliviousness, he's not accustomed to the rules of the city", Avdol explained to the man, "Why didn't you tell me you were a beggar in the first place?", Polnareff interrogates.  "It's called having a shtick you numbnuts", the man snapped, "People around here know me as a mute beggar!". "Thre's something known as a beggar association here, beggars have their own area where they're paid to do nothing but sit around and beg all day, while it may seem strange to us the rules they put in place help keep everything running smoothly", Avdol informed, "I think you should've told us this sooner Sir Avdol, that sounded confusing", you pout, "A-ah ha~ sorry (Y/n), must've slipped my mind when we were looking for the building", he says apologetically, "Get out", Polnareff says offhandedly as he was a bit taken back by the information. 

"Yes, and that exchange form earlier has hurt my pride", the beggar huffed as you rose a brow, "I wonder if I'd make more money by disguising myself as a  foreign beggar, hobos they are-a changing",  the begar trails off before suddenly standing and pointing at Avdol, "Oh, by the way, I thought I recognized you from somewhere If I'm not mistaken you're Avdol the fortune teller, way I hear it you git spooked and fled to Japan, apparently someone was looking to kill you". "I'd rather discuss us needing a favor from the one who knows everything there is to know about this area, you'll be well compensated", Avdol says handing the man the picture Mr. Joestar took of DIO's hideout, "It's imperative that we find this building as quickly as possible, we're running out of time", Avdol informed as the beggar stared at the photo.  

He then tucked it in his clothes and threw off his rags as you stared with your mouth agape, "I thought he was a beggar!", you mutely screech as the guy walked away putting on his fedora, "I've done enough work for today", he then turns to look back at your group, "You gents and lady have my word that I'll find the mansion in three hours, just sit tight", he says before entering the car and driving off. Polnareff looked around briefly before speaking, "By the way did anyone see where Iggy ran off to?", he asked, "No, I haven't even gotten a slight whiff of his scent", you pout slightly as you give Polnareff a water bottle you had, he gratefully took it and opened it to take a swig, "Now we just have to wait, whether Iggy shows up or not is fine, he'll find us either way", Mr. Joestar says.

And so the waiting began, you shared your snacks with Jotaro and Polanreff, and occasional with Mr. Joestar and Avdol -who preferred the fruit snacks you had- and for hours it was like that, spent on waiting for the man to come back with (hopefully) good news. While you all waited you eventually found yourself sitting on the stone wall next to Polnareff, who was crouched against the wall and finishing his cigarette, he huffed as he blew out the smoke and put out the cigarette before turning his attention to Avdol. "Come on give it to me straight Avdol, do you honestly believe that guy has any chance of finding DIO's mansion?", he asked. "I certainly hope so because if he can't find it there is no one left in the city who can, no one knows Cairo's complex maze of streets better than him, try and have some faith", "Faith is something I'm quickly running out of, we've been looking around this godforsaken city for 3 days with no luck, I highly doubt some beggar would find the mansion in 3 hours", he huffed, "You're starting to sound like a broken record Polnareff, you can at least try to keep a level head", Avdol snapped back. 

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