Chapter 32

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Getting dressed in your regular clothes you decided to look around the area until then, sniffing around the house you let yourself wander until you smelled hostility coming from the bathroom that you were previously in. With a growl, you were back on all fours darting towards the area, seeing the boy taking frightened steps back you noticed how much smaller he has gotten, you then focused your attention on the man that came into sight. "Harm. Enemy harmed boy. Enemy. Hostile. Must hurt enemy!", your scrambles thoughts concluded and with a roar you pounced on the man's face, making him screech.

"Wha-? (Y/n)!!! But you're a-!", his claims didn't matter to you as you began to dig your nails into his face as he stumbled backward, "Stop it! Stop it! Stop it you little brat! Ack!", he yelped when you pulled out strands of his hair, with gritted teeth he grabbed the back of your clothes and smashed your small body against the nearest window, throwing you out of the window. You let your body take a position as you landed on all fours, still, the fall stung and somewhat affected your body but adrenaline was pumping through your veins. Sniffing the air you frowned, you needed someone bigger, thinking for a moment, you recalled the male with that peculiar hat, with a chuff you dashed off while sniffing the young male out. Dogging people left and right you scoffed as you skidded to a stop and looked around you. Jotaro was just searching for Polnareff and (Y/n), but he was beginning to have suspicions about that kid that nearly looked like (Y/n), with a huff he continued walking until he heard a growl, turning around he saw that girl again, "It's you again", Jotaro states, she only huffed as she tilted her head, "Use words kid", Jotaro frowned. You could only growl as you lifted your hands to show him the blood that stained them before dashing off, Jotaro furrowed his brows at the sight of blood on your hands but chased after you nonetheless, "Hey kid, wait! Danm it!", Jotaro kept you in his line of sight as you ran on all fours like an animal.

When you slowed down and suddenly came to a stop he stopped as well when the enemy user suddenly came crashing out of the window, "Hm? Someone falling from a window covered in blood, you don't see that every day", Jotaro hummed, the stood up and began to ramble but your ferocious growl caught both of their attention, Jotaro's eyes widened when he caught sight of your cat slit eyes glowing and hair color changing, "Hold it right there you frizzy-haired freak show!", the boy from the window shouted making Jotaro turn his attention to the boy. "Hey mister!', the boy shouted as you hissed at the enemy, Jotaro had his back turned to the enemy as the young silver-haired boy shouted down to warn him, "Mister watch out for his shadow!", just as he shouted the warning the enemy already struck, touching Jotaro's shadow.

"Hahahaha, so Jotaro how does it feel to be placed under the spell on my stand!", the enemy boasted as you growled next to Jotaro while he began to deage, "Oh Jotaro~ I hared through the grapevine that you only recently developed your Stand Star Platinum, then that means that you didn't have the ability to use your Stand when you were a kid, so now you're nothing but ordinary! HAHAHAHA!", the enemy laughed as you readied yourself to pounce again as the enemy neared Jotaro. Jotaro tilted his head towards you as the enemy continued on, "Guess I'm the winner, hope you're watching master DIO cuz I'm about to kill Jotaro, you better give me a good reward for everything I've gone through, now Jotaro it's time to DIEEEEE-GWAH?!?!?!", the enemy was cut off by Jotaro punching the guy and you stopped yourself to watch with curious eyes, "Oh good grief, don't underestimate me just cuz I'm a kid", Jotaro frowned, the enemy whimpered in fear as Jotaro approached him, raising a fist he brought it down onto his face and began his barrage of attacks, "Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora Ora ORA!", he shouts making the man go flying as you watched impressed. Jotaro walked back over to you and you tensed until he lightly stroked your hair, making you go lax. Then you felt it, that change that came over you again, patting yourself down you sighed in relief when you found yourself to be your normal age, briefly fixing up your clothes as Jotaro walked away towards the enemy user as you fixed your glasses back onto your nose after faintly recalling why Jotaro stroked your hair in the first place, you were also quick to fix your slightly crooked bra strap and jacket. Once you looked up at the two males you all looked at one another and nodded in silent agreement before looking towards the enemy user.

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