Chapter 10

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When you woke up you felt a weight against you, groggily your eyes opened, blinking them a few times you tilted your head to see who exactly was laying on you. To your slight surprised it was Jotaro, with a small smile you lightly hummed as your purrs continue to rumble from your chest, you know, "Those purrs of yours almost put me to sleep", Polnareff yawns, you could only smile, "Sorry about that, I can't really control them to be honest", you cross your arms leaning back in your seat, "Really? Wow (Y/n), I think you really are a cat", Polnareff smiles as you let out a giggle. Slowly but surely everyone began to wake up as the vehicle was continuing towards its destination, you gave everyone your spare water bottles and some fruits as they all woke up and soon a conversation was naturally coming along, you never once a word of Jotaro sleeping on you though. "We are about to hit the indo-pakistani border, I guess it's time to say goodbye to India", Kakyoin says, keeping his eyes ahead of them, "You know I had mixed feelings about the country at first but now, actually kind of miss the hustle and bustle of Calcutta cognitive chaos of the Ganges", Mr. Joestar replies thoughtfully, Jotaro only hummed in acknowledgment, "I'll be coming back again, one of these days, I owe it to Avdol to give him a proper burial", Polnareff solemnly announces, you all quiet down as if paying respects to the man, you faintly recalled the last thing Mr. Joestar mentioned was that he was recuperating in a hospital. "The roads getting narrower", Polnareff reveals making everyone look up, you saw a red car in front of you, and something about it set you off like you were in the ship again with the orangutan. "Quit driving so slow idiot! Out of the way! I'm going to pass the guy!", Polnareff rages after coughing from some dirt getting in his face, "Polnareff calm down", Kakyoin firmly says to the Frenchman, "Haha this four-wheel drive is great!", Polnareff dismisses Kakyoin.

"Polnareff are you road rage driver?", you blurt out only for Mr. Joestar to overlap your question, you know, "That crazy maneuver yours might have damaged that poor car", "Yeah, your point?", Polnareff retorts and raises a brow, "I'm saying we don't need more trouble now, I wanted because of what happened in Varanasi, I'd like to get across the border in one piece", Mr. Joestar reminds. Looking over your shoulder you narrowed your eyes at the car until Polnareff suddenly stops the car making you all jolt forward, "What's up? Why'd you begin to slow?", Kakyoin questions as Mr. Joestar's annoyance begins to show, "I told you, a crash can be disastrous!", he scolds, you can only smile when you sniffed out your favorite sidekick, "I know that - just - look at who's standing there -!", "Anne!~", you cut off Polnareff as loud purrs rumbled from your chest. "Good freaking grief", Jotaro huffs as he tilted his hat, "Hey! Long time no see you guys, got room for one more?", Anne cheekily asks, "My lap is available!?, you grin, all the men look at you as you blink, "What?".

Soon Anne was chatting away on your lap and you could only smile at her ramblings until she looked at you, "Right (Y/n)?", "I got to say Anne, you're doing something really cool, at your age I was rather, well, restricted from doing things I wanted, though admittedly it is dangerous Nan, not a lot of people are going to help you most of the time", you softly explain. "You know (Y/n), I hope to be just like you someday!", Anne announced, a dark blush made its way to your face as flattery settled in, "Wh-Why is that Nan?", you asked looking down at her, "Well you're super cool, and you're a total badass too, besides those muscles of yours I saw back in Singapore obviously mean that you can totally pack a mean punch, like Wonder Woman!", Anne excitedly rambles. Tears nearly fall from your eyes, she almost reminded you of that boy, the others definitely noticed the bittersweet arua settling around you, "Thank you Anne, but I think it would be best for you to become your own person", you reply, Anne looked up at you in confusion, "Huh? Why?", "You see, the reason I say that is because you make yourself, what you go through and who helps you make you become an individual different from others, you can have idols and people to look up to, but the thing you have to recognize that you can't be like them because they've had different life experiences, it's what makes you very unique Anne", you explain gently.

Anne looked at you and all before turning around to hug you, she began crying into your shirt, "Oh (Y/n)! That was so beautiful, I hope to never forget you ever!", you laugh as you pat her back, not noticing how Kakyoin looked at you through the mirror, or Polnareff having a large grin on his face, Jotaro looked out his side of the window with the small smile reaching his features. The moment was interrupted when is series of hunks for heard, "Hey, it's that car we passed, looks like he's in a hurry", Jotaro mentions looking out the car, a low growl rumbled from your chest as Mr. Joestar spoke to Polnareff, "Let him pass okay Polnareff", "Yeah", Polnareff sighs out, the car passes your car, Polnareff spewed out more complaints as you waived the dust from your face. "He's probably angry about your maneuver, and these are the consequences", Kakyoin stated as Jotaro leaned over to Polnareff, "So did you get a look at the driver's face?", he asked, "No, the windows were covered in thick dust, couldn't see a thing", Polnareff answers, "Neither could I, couldn't be...", Jotaro trailed off as he studied the car, "Be very careful Polnareff", Mr. Joestar warns. 

"(Y/n)", Jotaro called to you, you glanced at him as Polnareff said something about the driver letting him pass, "Yeah?", "Do you smell anything off about the car?", he asked, "Actually I di- Polnareff the truck!!!", you suddenly shout, "What!?", Polnareff exclaims as a car sharply jolts and begins to slide, "Where did that come from!?", Polnareff yells as you cover Anne body with your own, "No use, hold on!", Kakyoin shouts. "Star Platinum!", Jotaro summoned his stand causing the car to flip, luckily it landed on its wheels, "That was close, if it wasn't for Star Platinum's power, we would have been crushed beneath that like a tin can", Polnareff says, "He's gone, where did that blasted car go?", you hear Mr. Joestar announce as he looked around, "Looks like it just kept going, I think the driver could have been one of the stand users, then again it could have been some sick bastard", Jotaro offered his thoughts, "Of course he was one of DIO's lackeys, we were almost roadkill for God's sake!", Polnareff grumbled as you hid your face behind Anne feeling something warm drip down your nose as a metallic tangy taste filled your mouth.

"Then why didn't he simply attack us with his stand when he had the chance", Kakyoin shoots back, "Anyway we got to keep heading to Pakistan, be on guard, if someone comes after us again will make them eat our dust", Mr. Joestar claims, "Damn straight", Polnareff agreed, "What should you do about that truck Star Platinum left in a wreck, it won't be going anywhere", Kakyoin mentions towards a damaged vehicle, "Hmmph that's easy, pretend we never saw it, let's get going", Jotaro shrugs as he tips his hat. Kakyoin noticed how you didn't say anything and how quiet you were so he decided to ask, "(Y/n), are you okay?", you rose your head from behind Anne, "(Y/n) you're bleeding!", Mr. Joestar exclaimed making Polnareff look back at you, "That car was definitely the stand", you reveal.

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