Chapter 20

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You sat with Kakyoin after you gave him a bowl, "Here Kak, you may want to eat up a bit", you whisper gently, "Oh, thanks (Y/n)", he gratefully took the bowl, after the little incident with the baby Kakyoin seemed unsure of the baby being a stand user. You, on the other hand, were anxious and while your anxiety didn't show outwardly it was your many ramblings of questions in your mind. Small purrs rumbled from your chest as you attempted to comfort Kakyoin, he looked over at you and gave you a week smile before he stood up to return the bowl, as he did you stood up to stretch but when you looked over at the baby couldn't help but go slack-jawed when you feel the baby literally stabbed with scorpion. Kakyoin was yelling about the scorpion as you mildly attempted to figure out what you saw before Kakyoin began to move around the blankets and cloth in the baby's basket, you stood behind him after walking over before he attempted to explain himself, "I swear it's true, he must have hidden it somewhere, check his clothes!", "We get the point, knock it off Kakyoin that's enough", Mr. Joestar family demanded, "Mr. Joestar-", "Like I said before, you're clearly exhausted", he cut off Kakyoin as you looked on in concerned. "But-", "Let's table this, at least for tonight, we'll talk after you calm down", Mr. Joestar, again, cut off Kakyoin, he looked at the others before you gently grabbed one of his hands and led him away, with a defeated sigh he followed you to the "seat", just then you remembered something and went over to get your bag as Mr. Joestar tried to feed the baby.

The baby reached out to you making Mr. Joestar chuckle,"(Y/n) come over for a moment", you let a sigh escape through your nose as you walked over, "Yes Mr. Joestar - whoa!?", "Here hold kid, I think he's looking for a woman's touch", Mr. Joestar grinned as he put the baby in your unready arms. You nervously look down at the baby as he let out muffled coos and made grabby motions at you with furrowed brows, "Hey little-EEEP!", your sudden shrill squeak made the others look over at you only to be greeted with the sight of the baby looking for food by tugging at one of your breasts as a dark red hue spread onto your face, "GAH! Mr. Joestar take the kid!", you yelp at a certain harsh tag before placing the baby back in Mr. Joestars hands, you swore you saw the kid giving you an evil smirk as you did. "Oh my, I didn't think the little fella would be looking for breast milk, maybe that's why he didn't want to eat", Mr. Joestar looks down at the kid before you storm off in a frazzled state, "She seems to be afraid of motherhood, don't you think Jotaro?", Polnareff looked over at the Japanese delinquent, Jotaro only huffed at the Frenchman. You searched the plane for your duffel bag before hearing a sudden commotion outside, running out with your bag in hand you are meet with Polnareff hitting Kakyoin behind the head, you were lucky to be near enough to be able to leap forward and catch the now unconscious Kakyoin but you looked at the others for an explanation, "What the hell happened?", "He completely lost it", Polnareff said regretfully.

You sighed as Jotaro went to get the sleeping bags as Mr. Joestar and Polnareff helped in setting Kakyoin and his sleeping bag, and soon enough you all went to bed and your own sleeping bags. With a jolt you sat up once you heard the familiar sound of the amusement park, "Crap, again with this place?", standing up you jogged in the area that was until you felt the familiar wrapping of chains around your ankle, "Son of a-oof!", you grunt as you're dragged away on the ground. You groaned as you were roughly thrown forward but jolted when your name was yelled, "(Y/n)!!", looking up you saw Jotaro, Mr. Joestar, and Polnareff having their own struggles, "Guys?! -", "Now that I have all of you in my crosshairs how about you give me a scream one that captures the joy and Elation that I'm about to feel with my easy victory LA LI- ho?", a noise of confusion escapes from the stand, "La Li Ho", a very familiar voice finished Death 13's catchphrase as you tried not to laugh. "Oh, it's just one of the fakes a made", Death 13 nonchalantly says as he flicks Hierophant Green's forehead, you couldn't help a burst with laughter when he didn't immediately notice, making him growl at you, "You'll go first-GAAHK!?", he lets out a strangled gasp when Hierophant Green wrapped his hands around Death 13's neck from behind, "What?! I don't understand, this one doesn't seem to be a fake!", Death 13 wheezed out before coughing, "This is the real Hierophant!". As everyone went back to their normal appearance you sniffed the "air" for a moment and turn your head in Kakyoin's direction, "Look it's Kakyoin! Kakyoin is right there!", Polnareff points out, "Nice work kak~ ", you smile as you walked over to his area, he smirked at you before looking at the enemy, "Obviously it's slipped your notice that I'd already summoned my Hierophant by the time I was knocked unconscious, what's more, I had to burrow under the ground to conceal itself from detection just before I fell asleep", Kakyoin reveals as Death 13 struggled to breathe, "You can't do this!", he bellowed.

"Now it's time for your punishment baby", Kakyoin's voice lowered in a threatening declaration as Death 13 struggled to get Hierophant Green off its back, your distantly aware of the "let go", before hearing  Kakyoin speak again, "give it up Death 13 I had Hierophant place himself in your blind spot, if you keep up this futile struggling...", his tone again turned into a threatening tone making you huff,"... I really don't care that you're a baby, I'll snap your neck like a twig". The others soon followed until they finally reached you and Kakyoin, "Kakyoin the four of us owe you an enormous apology", Mr. Joestar hastily apologizes as Polnareff chips in, "I thought after the hell you've been through on this trip you might have suddenly lost your sanity, I mean, a baby stand user? You were fighting this battle alone and for that I'm sorry", Jotaro gives a light smile as you playfully cross your arms. "Don't worry Polnareff, it couldn't of been helped, you were the reason I was able to bring my stand into the dream world with me, besides, (Y/n) was beside me to keep me on my feet",  Kakyoin reassures as Mr. Joestar and Polnareff gave you a look of surprise, "What?! You knew?!", they both gasped, Jotaro chuckled as he shook his head while you grinned. The sudden pulsing in the sky and moving clouds made you all alert as everyone looked up at the sky as they shouted you noticed how a clump formed a hand,  "Kakyoin, you have to get Hierophant away from his back before it's too late!", Jotaro warns the cloud hand grabbed Death 13's scythe making Kakyoin stare on in bewilderment, "How - how did -?!", "I'll chop you in half!", Death 13 declares before slicing through himself. "Impossible! How can you do that, he-he cut himself in half", you hear his wheezing voice, "Noriaki! /  Kakyoin no!", you all shout as he falls to the ground as you hopped over some teacups before Death 13 began to boast as you finally get to Kakyoin, only to be stumped slightly when he grinned up at you, body still intact.

You sigh with a smile -faintly remembering that you didn't smell any iron when his stand was sliced- you offered your hand as he sat up with a grin, "Nah just kidding", he cheekily grins,  "Kakyoin!", the others cheer, "Hey you sure you're all right?", Mr. Joestar asks in concern,  Kakyoin accepted your help as you pulled him up when he chuckled, "Heh, please take a closer look, surely you know Hierophant isn't that careless, he wouldn't just stay on the enemy's back without a plan in the wings". You all look back at Death 13 and witness Hierophant Green slithering into the enemy stands right ear before entering through the left, now with the Scythe in Death 13's direction, Hierophant made his appearance again through the mouth, "I told you before, my stand was in your blind spot and your scythe couldn't cut him, now then, unless you want to be destroyed from the inside out how about you do me a favor and heal the cuts on my arm, anything is possible in a dream right? So healing a cut should be easy",  Kakyoin grins as Death 13 sputtered out their words, "R-right!".

You awoke to Kakyoin attending to the baby when no one was able to wake you up, and breakfast was pancake, sausage, and eggs, with a lazy grin you stretched and rolled up your bed before remembering something, "Oh right, Kakyoin's gift", you momentarily pause and reach into your duffle bag and pulled out the pin that had a picture of a cherry and the pun on it, "Have a cherry day!", it read. Walking over to Kakyoin you made her presence known by lightly tapping on his shoulder, he turned to face you and smiled when he saw you, "Oh (Y/n), need something", "Oh nothing~, I just want to give you a little gift from me to you, besides I get the feeling that you taught or suspicious baby red-handed", you chirp,  Kakyoin jolted, trying to come up with something before he stopped altogether when you grabbed his hand and place the pin in it before closing his hand, "So, thank you Kak~", you chirp and left before he could say anything else. Kakyoin Looked down at his hand and opened it to see a pin, he couldn't help but smile as he looked back up at you to see you serving yourself and Jotaro some breakfast.

When you all finally cross the Arabian Peninsula Mr. Joestar took a speed yacht to cross the Red Sea, you leaned on the railing before hearing Jotaro talk to Joseph, "Hey old man, something's off, you're going the wrong direction if you're headed to Egypt shouldn't you be traveling directly west?", you, Kakyoin, and Polnareff look at Mr. Joestar and Jotaro as the Japanese delinquent continued, "you seem to be heading towards that Island", he points. "That's right, nice detection, I've had my reasons for keeping this to myself but before we arrive to Egypt we need to make a slight detour, someone is waiting for us on the island", Mr. Joestar reveals, as you raise a brow, "he's a man extremely important to our journey", he adds in, "What is that supposed to mean?", Polnareff faintly mutters as you watch the island.

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