Chapter 24 [Missed Opportunities]

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X~ The Pondering God ~X

*Somewhere in Cairo, Egypt*

DIO looked at the photograph in his hands, a picture of a young woman with (h/l) (h/c) hair that reached her (body/part), lips a plush (l/c) color, eyes a shining (e/c) hue that glowed with her youth. Her (s/c) despite being scarred (after all, the doctor assistant did reveal that she does indeed have many scars) looked soft to touch. She looks just like Clada, but he knew that it wasn't Clada, this (Y/n) might have looked like Clada but it wasn't Clada, she was a relative of Clada. DIO's eyes narrowed at the picture, she was smiling as Jotaro ruffled her hair while the older Joestar, Joseph, walked over to the vehicle, he looked like he was saying something to one of their traveling members, and the more DIO stared at the picture the more he saw Clada and Jonathan.

He could almost instantly remember that one time George Joestar called in a photographer to take a picture, two years after Danny's death, one was taken with all the residents of the Joestar estate together, another was with Clada, Jonathan, and himself, Jonathan had an arm wrapped around Clada's waist as she rested her elbows on Jonathan's and his spare shoulders with her fingers intertwined and below her chin, it was a "silly" picture, George still kept that picture on his desk with Clada smiling cheekily, Jonathan laughing with closed eyes, and DIO recalled how his facial expression was unamused yet his eyes were soft when they were directed towards Clada. A small smirk came onto DIO's lips as he sent the picture down next to the familiar tattered bandana, it was nearly blue-gray color and it was quite the special fabric to DIO, picking it up gently DIO brought the bandana to his lips taking a soft inhale of it's fading fragrance, Clada's fragrance. He could almost recall the look in her eyes, how they widened when she realized her critical condition when he shot out the piercing energy from his own, she almost looked like a frightened deer and when he came to realize what he had done he felt something at that moment.

By all means, he wasn't exactly an empathetic being, but Clada had something that made him curious, something about her that made him yearn for her. He could remember flying into a fit of fury once a Wang Chan collected his head, but after Wang returned with that familiar bandana and whip, he immediately calmed. He can almost remember the pained look in Jonathan's eyes when he taunted him with Clada's bandana, but in the end the noble Joestar never lashed out at him for using the woman's most iconic items. DIO looks down at the picture once more once he placed Clara's bandana on top of her whip, bringing it up in his hands he carefully folded the photo and  until it was just (Y/n) in the picture, "Clada...", he lowly spoke before setting the folded picture down, with the growl he turned and hastily walked away, "... I will bring you back no matter the cost, if I have to kill your remaining family to do so...", he trailed off before looking back at the small shrine. Above it was a painted portrait of Clada, in her white and blue dress, DIO stared at the portrait a while longer as he kept his hand on the open door, "then so be it!", he spat before slamming the door shut.

X~ Catnip Shenanigans ~X

* In the Deserts of Saudi Arabia, [referring to the end of Ch.18]*

Somehow, in some way, you're able to snatch Jotaro's and Kakyoin's gakuran jackets, and currently, you were purring contentedly as you snuggled into their jackets. While Jotaro had a mildly irritated scowl on his face, Kakyoin was a little more forgiving and sat near you in case you were going to do something that could probably ruin his gakuran. "What exactly is she doing with Jotaro's and Kakyoin's uniforms anyway?", Polnareff pat your head carefully until you nuzzled into his hand, prompting him to continue, "She's probably scenting them, maybe rubbing herself on them wasn't enough for her", Mr. Joestar momentarily pondered, Jotaro tried to tug his gakuran out of your grip but you quite literally let out a mew of protest, Jotaro lightly bit his inner cheek to stop himself from chuckling. You acting like a cat because of catnip wasn't something big thought they'd witnessed, you buried yourself under Jotaro's and Kakyoin's gakurans as they all set up camp while you hid away in the shelter of the schoolboys' jackets. That was until you sniffed out a rabbit, crouching up you chased after it on all fours making the others curse as you chased after something in the dark, "(Y/nnnnn)! Come back!", Mr. Joestar tried calling after you as Jotaro and Kakyoin took the opportunity to take back their gakurans, a few moments later you are back with two rabbits in your mouth, "Holy-!? (Y/n)?! Why do you have two rabbits in your mouth!?", Polnareff exclaimed.

"Rrrrrrrrrr", you grumble from your chest as Mr. Joestar sighs, "I guess she also went back to her feral state too, somewhat", Jotaro walked over to you and attempted to remove the rabbits from your mouth, "Drop it (Y/n)", he says sternly, pulling at your cheeks, "Rrrrrrr!", a hiss soon escapes you until Jotaro widens your mouth, making you drop both rabbits, but your teeth caught his attention, "Hey, when did her canines get big and pointy", Kakyoin and Mr. Joestar walked over to see what Jotaro was talking about. Sure enough, they were met with the sight of all four sharp pointy canines, "Oh yeah, it must be instinctual but it's likely from her pillar bloodline", Mr. Joestar cleared up, Jotaro let your mouth go, slightly impressed with your biology as Kakyoin took away the rabbits, "Can we at least make something out of this?". 

They had rabbit soup while you at your rabbit leg raw, when it was time to sleep you immediately laid across Polnareff's stomach, "Whoa now~ why is she doing that?", he asked, Mr. Joestar chuckled, "She has an old habit of laying on people's abdomens, at least back when she was still recovering, she probably thinks you're a good heat source", he shrugged. Polnareff looked down at you, seeing how you curled up around him, when purrs began to rumble from your chest you feel a bit more comfortable instead, "You know, this isn't so bad, it's pretty nice", he hums, petting your head once more, "Oh look, she's fast asleep", Kakyoin pointed out only to realize that Polnareff was also fast asleep with you. "Hm, what do you know, she really can put anyone to sleep like that", Jotaro hummed, also noticing how his grandfather was already asleep. Once they were sound asleep you open the single eye lazily before falling back to sleep.

X~ Stand Communication ~X

* On the Train to Pakistan*

Wild Card is the stand, a Felidae based stand, and as most know when any feline is in new territory facing new creatures, they're both curious yet cautious. So while Wild Card's user chatted with the other users she curiously trills at the other stands that were also with her, Magicians Red made a sort of chirping hum towards her and greetings, as Wild Card momentarily purred. "Ora", Star Platinum neared her as she purred, showing how comfortable she was while settling down with the others, Silver Chariot made his appearance, momentarily circling the female stand before Hierophant Green stayed beside Star Platinum as Wild Card let Silver Chariot caress her mane. 

Star Platinum and Hierophant Green neared as Wild Card purred contently when Hierophant Green's face neared Wild Card's, she gently touched his muzzle with her own mimicking a nuzzle-like-sort of kiss, the green stand covered its muzzle, shying away as its tendrils curled and waved in an emotion that could be described as feeling happy and flustered. Star Platinum had a grin on his face and with a loud "Ora!", he hugged Wild Card around her waist, all the stands huddled together as they learned more about each other, through their own communication.


Okay, the obvious reason this chapter is called "Missed Opportunities" is because these scenarios were missed opportunities that I was trying to incorporate into this story but didn't know how to. I hoped you enjoyed it, and to be honest this chapter was going to mainly focus on DIO's thoughts on Clada and (Y/n), and how he feels with the situation, but I didn't know how to expand on that, still, I hope you all enjoyed this.

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