Chapter 2

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The Captain laughed menacingly as he took off his hat, he stared at you and Jotaro, "Can't believe I fell for that stunt, and that's quite a skill young lady, but you're right I'm not the captain", the "captain" shrugs as he grins while you kept your calm demeanor. "The real Captain is already sleeping with the fishes at the bottom of the China Sea', he taunts, while his words made you angry you couldn't let it show but Jotaro also seemed to feel the same, "If that's true then you can sleep in the depths of hell you bastard", he scowls at the smirking Captain. Then you smell it again and cursed at yourself for leaving the kid and open target, "Kid!!", you yell out only for the girl to get snatched up by the captain's stand, frowning at the captain you stood back and relax your posture but gave him a steady glare.

"I kept my identity hidden, hoping to pick you all off one-by-one, six on one is so troublesome even for me, the other way would have been much simpler", he scowls, annoyed at the situation, "but since you figured me out six on one it is! Getting my hands on her means Lady Luck is on my side! Think I'll take a dip in the shark-infested waters with the runt if you want to save her you're going to have to dive in after us, and the ocean I have the advantage I can take on all six of ya", he laughs. "Go on act tough while you hide behind the hostage, it'll take a lot more than that to shake me up ya dumbass", Jotaro states, "This is no act this is a prediction, I hear your stand Star Platinum is fast, I'd like to put that to the test", he smirks, "I'm not trying to brag but my Dark Blue Moon is King underwater, it's much swifter than any creature in the sea and certainly faster than a vulgar Meathead like you, why don't we test them out right now? Come on follow me if you're not afraid of a little saltwater!", he taunts as he jumps in. "Wild Card transform Base lion to cheetah!", you summon your stand while also activating her ability, "Rrrrrahhhh!", she growls and dashes for the girl just as Jotaro summons Star Platinum to pummel Dark Blue Moon with a series of 'Ora's , looking over the railing you reached for the girl as the men spoke, "You're the only one swallowing saltwater today pops, choke on it, tell him Avdol", Jotaro looks down at the man, "Your folly was trying to outsmart a fortune teller, tough break", Avdol says as Polnareff spoke with a grin, "Well said Avdol!". Just as you're pulling up the girl you felt Jotaro bump against you, as you were pulling the girl up you noticed barnacles forming around Star Platinum's hand, after pulling the girl up you begin to help Jotaro as Kakyoin spoke, "They are barnacles they are a type of crustacean that lives between high and low tides", he informs as Mr. Joestar points out how they envelop Star Platinum's arm now.

Your stand also tried to assist in releasing Star Platinum as you tried to help Jotaro, "The captain disappeared I can't see him in the water anymore", "(Y/n) can you sniff him out?", with that you inhaled through your nose trying to pick up his hostility, "Jotaro pull in your stand!", Mr. Joestar orders, "What do you think I'm trying to do old man, that's why I'm sweating like a pig!", Jotaro grunts as you hiss, "He's right below us!", you shot only to be dragged in the water with Jotaro, "Jotaro! (Y/n)!", "Wild Card-!", you shout only to get cut off once you splashed into the water with Jotaro, opening your eyes under the salty water you winced when you saw Dark Blue Moon and its user slam Jotaro against a rock, your stand was useless unless Wild Card changed her set into Jaguar. This meaning you were slow as a mass of scales were directed towards you, you were only able to deflect the majority until some were landing on cuts on your skin, then you were blasted against the bottom of the boat. Scowling at the captain he smirked at you, "Don't know why DIO wishes to keep you alive, but since it's his wish you got to go, young lady", you only flip him the bird as he sent another blast of water at you, sending you to the top side of the boat. You hit the railing as you were thrown making you yelp and groan out in pain, you let yourself go limp as the others rushed over to you,"(Y/n), (Y/n) what happened? What is going on with Jotaro?", Mr. Joestar immediately fires question after question at you while you coughed up a bit of blood and salt water. "Asshole is only taunting Jotaro", you cough and sputter more water as Avdol and Polnareff help you off the railing instead of you on the deck, groaning you straightened yourself up before glaring at the water behind you, "He said DIO wants me alive", you frown. Mr. Joestar frowned as well, "What could DIO possibly want with you? Unless...", he trailed off as a whirlpool suddenly began to form, "A giant whirlpool! He must have Jotaro trapped", Avdol exclaimed, you grabbed hold of the railings as you frowned, sweat begins to form on your temple, "Come on Jotaro, kick his ass", you stare into the whirlpool.

"Where the hell is JoJo!", Polnareff shouts, "Let's go and save him!", Kakyoin summons stand as he begins to surge forward, "Kakyoin pull back! That's no ordinary whirlpool attack!", you exclaim, Kakyoin was barely able to pull away from the skills as you begin to explain, "He used razor-sharp scales against me, I had no doubt that he'd fuse two attacks together", you explain as they looked over at you. "Damn him we're completely helpless!", Avdol cursed, "It's Jojo, I just saw JoJo in the whirlpool", Kakyoin says making you look closer, "I don't think he's moving down there!", Polnareff points out, "So he went limp? He wasn't struggling against the whirlpool?", Mr. Joestar tasks before touching his chin and thought, "Well that, that actually might be a good thing", Mr. Joestar says as you rose a brow at him. Suddenly the whirlpool stops and a while after Jotaro rises up to the surface, "JoJo!", Kakyoin shouts, "That's my grandson for ya", Mr. Joestar puffs his chest proudly as you clap your hands slowly, "Nice show Kujo", you gave him a lazy grin as you looked down at Jotaro who looked up at you in return, for a moment you were sure there was a certain glint in his eyes before you shrugged it off until you heard explosions.

You quickly grab your bag -and glasses (that are surprisingly still there)- as everyone helped to get boats and hop down onto them while the ship began to fall apart from the explosions, soon you all watched as the ship sunk from the boats with a sigh you sat down across from Polnareff. Leaning back you cross your leg over the other and leaned back, "Might as well rest", you hum, "Already? On a boat like this?", Polnareff asked you nod, "I can almost sleep anywhere, especially when my stand transforms like that", you let out a yawn. Kakyoin then spoke up, "Oh yeah about that, (Y/n) are those the only two forms your stand has?", you grin at his question, "No, you see the reason I named it Wild Card in the first place is because it can take on forms of any Felidae that exists, lion is her base form but if I change her into another Felidae her stats changes, for example in her lion base she is stronger but has less speed, but If she changed into a cheetah she'll be faster but less strong, that and it can actually be a bit draining when I do it", you sigh.

Summoning Wild Card again she was back in her base lion form as the others (except for Mr. Joestar and Jotaro) stared at her in awe, from then on you all watched and waited as the waves gently pushed the boat, that was until the girl shouted something, looking out what she was pointing at your stomach suddenly twisted up at the sight of a ship.


I am going to leave it at two, for now, I'll update when I get the chance but it is likely that it is going to take quite a while since I signed up for a job recently. I hope you enjoyed these two chapters, stay tuned for the long journey ahead!

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