Chapter 23

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Once Mr. Joestar finished putting on his scuba gear and explained what had to be done he asked you to let the water in, of course, you did as told without much of a fuss as he continued to guide the others on how to use the gear. "Mr. Joestar can't we just use our stands to communicate underwater?", Avdol points out, "He's got a  point Mr. Joestar", you pip in as you continued to turn the wheel, "Huh? Oh yeah, I didn't think about that", the older man hums, "Aw man, and I was just about to say that I know a really good hand signal", Polnareff pouts, as you hear -what you assume is- a demonstration of said hand signal, while you checked your gear your herd Kakyoin say, "It says; your underwear is showing". You panicked and jolted upright, "What?! Please don't tell me you saw the lace!!", a deep red hue appears on your cheeks as you pull the back of your jacket down to cover your butt, Kakyoin covered the lower half of his face with his hand as Jotaro looked away, Polnareff tried to explain though, "Oh uh- no - I did a hand signal that translates to that and - Wait (Y/n) you were at lace?", Polnareff gives you a look of surprise, "Hey enough of that, we can be attacked and killed at any time! Stop fooling around and let's go!", Mr. Joestar demands.

You quickly drop your embarrassment as you all ready to get out of the submarine, once you were all in water every one hand signal be "okay" until you all heard Polnareff's muffled struggling, "Polnareff / Jean!", you and Mr. Joestar show in concern as The High Priestess bites on Polnareff's lip. "But when did it-?!", Avdol's question was cut short as The High Priestess continued to attack Polnareff and threw off his gear, "That's it! The stand had already integrated with the regulator!", Kakyoin concluded as Jotaro hissed, "That bastard!", "Hurry! It's getting in Jean's mouth!", you shout, "It must have been lying in wait for just this moment!", Avdol reveals as Jotaro summoned his stand to catch the High Priestess, "Ora!", "Damn it! / It's inside him now!", you and Jotaro simultaneously shout as Polnareff was on his back. "It's already burrowing down his throat, we can't just stand here watching him like this, what should we do?!", Avdol momentarily panicked until Kakyoin and Mr. Joestar summoned their stands together, "Hierophant Green! / Hermit Purple!", you covered your own nose as Polnareff had a tendril and vine go down his nostrils, once they pulled the enemy stand out you and Jotaro summons your stands, "Alright keep it just like that! / Bring it on!", just as you two were about to attack the enemy stand slipt out of their confines, "Look it's transforming into something else!". "It's a speargun!", you shouted, Kakyoin uses Hierophant Green's Emerald Splash as Polnareff summoned Silver Chariot, Silver Chariot was able to block its attacks until it was pushed off-target, "Let's get going!", Polnareff turns towards you guys, "It's reloading!", Kakyoin warns as you and the others swam out of the submarine, "It doesn't quit", Avdol hissed, "Hurry it up boys!", you shot as you help Jotaro pull everyone out until Mr. Joestar was the last one left.

Jotaro closed the hatch once everyone was out, "That was too close for comfort", Kakyoin sighed, "It's too soon for us to relax, especially since that bastard knew were to hit us exactly where it hurts most", Mr. Joestar warns, "Polnareff are you all right?", Avdol asked, "No internal damages right Pol?", you ask, "Yeah I'll be fine, you guys saved my life back there merci beaucoup", Polnareff gratefully waves his hand, soon enough you all had to go on swimming. You couldn't help but be in awe at the fish, some even swam near you as you swam with the others, your peaceful thoughts were cut short when you heard Avdol announcement, "Look up there, I think it's a sea tunnel!", "We're at 7 m, we can finally reach the Egyptian Shore", Mr. Joestar points out, "We can swim along these rocks to get to the surface", you can almost hear Avdol's relief. That was until you all saw a very familiar stand, "Meirda!", you curse as you were all sucked into its mouth you all screamed as the water tossed you all about, you heard shouting mixing in with one another until you heard Polnareff's shout, "What the hell, it was so small earlier, what's this stands power, man I'm so confused!!!", "Her stand is useful when it comes to minerals! And if the sea bed is full of minerals, it gives her stand a boost of power!", you voice your thoughts. "The girl is right you know! You boys are so slow!", the enemy user - Rose - adds in as Kakyoin also came to a realization, "Yes, of course that's why the stand has suddenly gotten stronger, it's user must be nearby, and I'd wager she's closer than we think!", "You guessed it, and to be more precise, I'm 7 m above you from the shore but since you're about to be ground to bits by my High Priestess you'll never have the chance to see my face, so long~", she says in a sing-songy tone as  her stand pushes out the water making everyone get thrown against her teeth. With a groan you grab your head as Rose spoke up again, "Yuu whoo~, Jotaro~, believe it or not you're actually my type so this is going to be as painful for me as it is for you but despite my feelings I still have to make the High Priestess digest you", she says wistfully, for some reason you couldn't help but let out a small and noticeable growl escaped you when she said that, you didn't know why, but it bothered you. Shrugging the feeling off you stood up as she continued, "How sad, if only our encounter had been under different circumstances, but if I kill you Lord DIO will no doubt shower me with praise, so don't hate me", "It's a shame things turned out this way, I would have liked to have seen your face if only this once, you might have been my type too, and if you were, well I just might have fallen for you", Jotaro's tone of voice was so light that you almost gave yourself whiplash when you turned to see if Jotaro was really saying those words. Well you caught on to the plan you had a feeling she only wanted to hear Jotaro's words, "Oh hey, you know guys, I bet she's a beauty, I can tell from that gorgeous voice of hers", Polnareff purred, "She comes across as an elegant woman, my fortune teller intellect senses it", Avdol pipped in, "Well if you ask me she sounds just like Audrey Hepburn", Kakyoin points out, "Man if only I was 30 years younger", Mr. Joestar adds in, Polnareff tapped your shoulder and give you a pleading look, you gulped before sighing through your nose.

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