Chapter 17

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Mr. Joestar was able to get you new glasses, and surprisingly he had them reserved for you in case anything were to happen to your old pair. You will have to cross the Arabian Desert to Abu Dhabi in Saudi Arabia to avoid arrest, currently, you're with Polnareff waiting for Mr. Joestar to return with the paperwork for the car, "You have two older brothers? So you're basically the baby of your family", Polnareff confirms as he sat down next to you, "Yep, their names are Antonio and Tobias, the oldest and middle in that order", you answer as Polnareff nods at your response. Behind you both Wild Card and Silver Chariot were interacting playfully as you and Polnareff of continued to talk, Wild Card thrilled, her tail swaying gently behind her as Silver Chariot gently ran his metal fingers through her mane. "Hey Polnareff, how good are you in the kitchen?", "I'd say I'm pretty good when making some nice desserts or something for dinner and lunch, how about you (Y/n), do you cook often?", Polnareff smiles as he grinned, "Somewhat, I know some family recipes or comfort food but I am bad at baking", you laughed lightly as you scratch the back of your neck. "You know (Y/n), you kind of remind me of a sunflower~", Polnareff gives you a gentle look as you tilt your head in curiosity, "Oh, how so?", you smile as you lean in to listen to him, "Where to begin, you're very loyal despite the fact we've only known you for a limited amount of time, and something about your personality always brightens everyone up, like the sun in a sense, even though you have a tendency to keep to yourself on some occasions, that and you always get back up no matter how harshly someone knocked you down", he explains.

You couldn't help but blush slightly as a smile formed on your lips, "That's so sweet Polnareff, thank you", Polnareff couldn't help but return your smile as he held your hand, "Anything for you
(Y/n)- Gahck!?", you jolt when Mr. Joestar interrupted the moment by hitting Polnareff's hair with a file, "Sorry Polnareff, (Y/n), I hate to interrupt you when you're so busy but-", "Mr. Joestar!", Polnareff pouts as the older man grinned as you chuckle. "Come on, it's time to leave", Mr. Joestar announces, "Seriously, try not to mess with the hair, do you know how hard it is to make it look this good", Polnareff huffs as you stand up with your duffle bag, "As if anybody cares about your hairdo, you're driving", Mr. Joestar says as you walk ahead of them to reach Jotaro and Kakyoin. You're seated between Kakyoin and Jotaro once you all got the car, and soon you're on the road again, "Say Magnifique! This country is amazing, are you guys seeing what I am here? It's like every house is a crazy mansion or something", Polnareff gapes at the sight of many buildings while Mr. Joestar looked at the map, "Yeah, in Tokyo a house like one of these would cause 3 or 4 billion yen, however for most people in this country it's standard living, it wasn't but 20 years ago that this place was a Barren desert, though things to the thriving oil industry it's grown into a playground for the rich", he explained.

"The sun is merciless but at least with air conditioning, it's perfectly comfortable inside the car, so no complaints here", Polnareff shrugs as you lean back to get comfortable, though Kakyoin's sigh did grab your attention and you glanced at him and concern, "What's wrong Kakyoin?", Jotaro asks, "It's... Nothing, I was just thinking about how open it is here, I know we can spot anyone following us but I can't just shake off the feeling that there is someone out there watching", Kakyoin explained as you rose a brow him, you haven't smelled anything yet but he did have a point. "Yeah can't say that I blame you", Polnareff agreed, Mr. Joestar began to explain what sort of routes you'd all take and you couldn't help but chuckle when Jotaro sarcastically pointed out Mr. Joestar's luck with planes, in the meanwhile you took your nap as the car's movements told you to sleep. You didn't wake up until you got to a small village, getting out of the car you stretched as Mr. Joestar talked to the man, it didn't bother you that he was trading the car with the man in charge of the camels, when the man gave you the camels you couldn't help but smile at their oddly cute yet intimidatingly tall appearance. One huffed and Polnareff's face and he held his nose while spraying at the air in disgust, "That stinks! Hey Mr. Joestar how the heck are we supposed to get on one of these things, it's like 3 meters tall!","Allow me to demonstrate the proper way to mount a camel, you have to make them sit first and then you get on", Mr. Joestar says before attempting -yet failing- at making of the large animal sit.

Looking at your camel you gently grabs its ropes before gently pulling it down to your face, "Hey there~', you cooed softly, the camel huffed but leaned into your touch as you stroked its face with a smile, you let your eyes glow gently as you spoke to it more, "Do you think you can help me and my friends? We really need your help at this moment", you let the camel nuzzle into you before it snorted into your shoulder, but slowly it got to its knees as if understanding your request. Getting on it you laugh as the camel made pleased noises while you reached over to scratch its head, the men looked at you and Mr. Joestar could only pout at the fact you got on it without any trouble. "(Y/n) you know how to ride these?!", Polnareff asked, "No honestly, I just asked them if I could get a ride", you smile as you attempt to maneuver the camel gently, "What are you, some sort of animal whisperer?", Jotaro slightly smirks as you rub the camel's neck, "Maybe?", you say as the camel begins to walk, "Hey look, I almost got the moves down!", you cheer until it suddenly began to move in a bit of a faster pace. "H-Hey slow down there buddy", you tried to calm the camel down as it strides picked up a notch, "You okay there (Y/n)?", Kakyoin asked worriedly, "Yeah I'm just -Uh- they're just excited Ah~ hold on", you try to halt your camel's movements only to yelp when it suddenly ran when your duffle bag slipped off your shoulder and hit its rear, squealing as it bolted off you couldn't help but laugh, "Wait! Wait! Wait! Espere! Espere! EsperE!, you laugh, "(Y/n)! Wait for us! Come back young lady!", Mr. Joestar tries to call to you as you look back at them, "I'm sorry! But I don't know how to stoooooop!".

Once we were able to slow your camel down you looked back and waited for the others to catch up with you, for a while you munch on some chips as you waited for them until finally, they came into view. Raising your hand you waved them down, they all saw you immediately as polnareff leaned over to Mr. Joestar while Jotaro takes a sip from his canteen, you could only smile at their nearing forms while you waited patiently for them to catch up with you, your camel grunted as he shifted in a better position that was more comfortable. You chuckled when Mr. Joestar yelled at you, "Don't ever run off like that again young lady! Do you know how worried I was!?", he scolds, "Mr. Joestar, calm down or the old heart of yours will stress and stop beating", you stick your tongue out as he let out a loud 'What!?', while you held in your giggles.

As you travel you did notice something odd, as you lightly shake your head, you faintly recalled the smell of catnip in the air.

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