Chapter 6

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"Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, so the Indian leg of our journey is finally upon us", Mr. Joestar states before he continues as he scratches his cheek, "But~ well I'm a little bit worried, I mean is there anywhere to get a cheeseburger there? I always heard that India was a land of Curry, disease, too many people", "I know, I'm worried my stomach won't be able to handle the culture gap", Polnareff joins in. You sigh as Avdol laughs at their concerns, "That assessment is rather distorted, you needn't worry it's a country of extraordinary people, that I assure you, my friends", Avdol reassures as you wipe your glasses clean before the ship docked, "Well we reached Calcutta, let's get going", Avdol announces as he opens the door, you chuckled at Mr. Joestar has worried look as you all boarded off the ship. A crowd of people soon surrounded your group and people begin offering or just saying things in general, "Oh my! You're a beautiful young lady, a lady like yourself deserves beautiful clothing!", a woman exclaims, "Would you like accessories, "I know some good gemstones would perfectly fit your hair!", another shouts, you could only smile as you're tugged and punished, "Oh crap somebody's already stolen my wallet!", Kakyoin exclaims, "Hey kid don't put your nose all over my stuff!", Polnareff snapped, "Hey Avdol, this is India?!", Mr. Joestar shouts, Avdol smiles in return, "See, great country isn't it", he laughs, "they're what makes India great, don't you think?".

Once you got to a place Avdol introduced you all to the cuisine, "Here try this, this is chi, I think you'll find it to your liking", Avdol offers you and Mr. Joestar some cups full of chi, you brought the cup to your nose, inhaling it for a brief moment before you took a sip, "Ah~ that hits the spot", you purr, "At last a little piece", Mr. Joestar sighs in relief, "Be patient with India, once you get used to it you'll see how wonderful this country is", Avdol explains, "You know I kind of like this place, it's pretty cool", Jotaro blurts, you smile knowing he only said it to rile up his grandfather. "What Jotaro?! You cannot be serious!", Mr. Joestar squawk as Polnareff finished his tea, "It's a hell of a culture shock though, I guess I'll like it once I get used to it though", he sighed picking up his bag as he continued, "well, I guess people adapt to their surroundings eventually", you nearly choked on your drink when he mentioned adapting, Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin sent you a concerned look before you wave your hand and reassurance when Mr. Joestar asked where Polnareff was going. For a moment you dozed off until Polnareff voice disrupted your thoughts, "- something gorgeous and sophisticated for a Frenchman such as Moi", Polnareff finishes as he continued to walk away, "Which means it doesn't matter, he'll eat anything, let's see what's something he'll like, excuse me", Kakyoin calls after a waiter as you stared at your cup with a soft sigh, Mr. Joestar seemed to take notice of your slightly glazed over eyes for he discreetly topped your foot with his own. You glanced over at him and gave him a questioning look, he rose a concerned brow at you as you took a sip from your cup, you gave him a slight smile and a stubble nod as you let a soft hum escape your lips not noticing how Jotaro and Kakyoin gave you curious glances. "Sorry to keep you waiting", the waiter apologizes as he sits down the food, "Oh this food looks delicious!", Mr. Joestar compliments as he takes a width of the food, you smiled lately at his monologue until you briefly smelled hostility that lingered for just a moment, but it was enough to make you stand up as Polnareff exited the bathroom hastily.

"(Y/n) wha-", "There was a hostile", you cut Mr. Joestar off as you quickly followed after Polnareff, just as you stepped outside you heard Polnereff of speak to himself, "Too many people, damn it", he curses, Mr. Joestar decided to speak, "What's the matter Polnareff?", "What is this about, (Y/n) mentioned a hostile is nearby", Avdol adds. You watch Polnareff figure was stiffened in fury, "If that was it, if that stand belongs to who I think it does, then...", his empty hand balled up into a fist as he addresses to Jotaro, "that means I finally found him, Jotaro, the stand user that uses the mirrors he's here", Polnareff of grits out, Jotaro jaw clenched slightly as you narrowed your eyes, "The bastard who killed my sister, my angelic sister, the scum that heartlessly trampled my sister's life, soul, and pride, who destroyed the world's most pure heart, finally, finally we meet", Polnareff bites out, and as much as you wanted to calm him you knew you had no say in his goal." Are you absolutely sure it's him?", Mr. Joestar asked, you waited for Polnareff answer but you didn't have to wait for too long, "It's settled, Mr. Joestar I'll be traveling on my own from here on out", he declares, making you and everyone else surprised, Mr. Joestar was more vocal about it.

"What?", "With my sister's murderer finally within reach I'll be damned if I wait for him to come after me, I'm screwed if he gets the drop on me and that's just not my style I'll find him first and then kill him!", Polnareff claims. Kakyoin try to reason with the Frenchman, "But we don't even know what he looks like, or what his stand is", "He's got two right hands that's enough for me, and don't forget he knows that I'm coming after him, that should put him on the defense and give me an advantage, see you", Polnareff bit his goodbye while you cross your arms. "Tough talk for a man who's digging his own grave", Avdol's words are sharp as his voice hardened, making the Frenchman stopped in his tracks, "and that means", Polnareff hissed, looking back at your group as Avdol stopped forward Polnareff. "Just as it sounds my friend", you furrow your brows at Avdol seemingly harsh implement as he motions for Mr. Joestar to stay back, "Are you implying that I'm going to lose", Polnareff growled, "Yes, can't you see the enemy attacked in order to isolate you, he's exploiting your biggest weakness I won't let you go alone Polnareff", Avdol raises his finger at him as he tried to speak some sense into Polnareff. It only managed to feed the flames of Polnareff anger as he slapped Avdol hand away raising his hand and voice at him, "Listen up, I'm only going to say it once, this whole time I never once gave a damn about DIO", he reveals, your eyes briefly glowed a bright (e/c) as you bit the corner of your lip, "I told you in Hong Kong that I'd go along with you so I could get my revenge, Mr. Joestar, and Jotaro already know this, I've been alone from the beginning I've always been fighting alone", he states.

You could only watch as Avdol got in his face as he criticized the man, "You selfish fool, did you forget that you were brainwashed by DIO? Are you so foolish that you forgot that he's the root of all of this!", "You have no idea how it feels to have your sister murdered so shut the hell up!", Polnareff voice booms so loudly that bystanders look to see what the commotion was about. "I've heard the last time you met DIO You pissed yourself and run away! A coward like you would never understand why I need to do this!", Polnareff raged, and you can now taste the tension fills the air as Avdol's body stiffened, "What did you say?", Avdol demands only for Polnareff to shove him away, "Don't touch me, you just got lucky that you were able to beat me in Hong Kong, enough with this lecturing", he sneered, "How dare you", Avdol growled as Polnareff decided to further push Avdol buttons, "Oh~, did that offend you, but don't forget I'm a lot more angrier than you right now and what the hell of a lot better reason", Polnareff mocking tone changed into one of anger as Avdol growled.

"You can just keep being yourself with your 'holier than thou' attitude Avdol!", Polnareff shouts, that's was when Avdol snap, "Why you-!", his fist was stopped by Mr. Joestar catching his wrist, "Mr. Joestar", "That's enough, just let him go, now that his mind is made up I doubt that anyone can stop him", he explained, Avdol sighed as he lowered his fist, "Yeah, I've lost all respect for him that's all, my impression of him was completely wrong", you close your eyes as he continued, "You are correct that I did run away in fear from him, you see I'm certain that foresight would let us win, rushing in without thinking will get us killed", Avdol firmly states.  "Oh then I'll say this with certainty too, your precious divination will be wrong", Polnareff spits  as he nearly flickered the string in front of Avdol chest only to feel a sharp, nearly burning, slap that tossed his hand to the side, all heads snapped down to you and a few were quite surprised that how composed you were with that lazy grin, "Adios Polnareff", was all you said.

Before Polnareff could say anything you went back inside to finish your meal, Polnareff huffed and went his own way while the others watched. Hours passed with no sign of Polnareff, "(Y/n), why did you dismiss him like that?", Avdol suddenly asks, making the others turn to you as you finished your drink, "He'll learn from his mistakes, whether karma is harsh or not... It won't be kind", you hum, with that you excused yourself to the bedroom and retired to sleep.  When the next day came you were up and ready to move on and waited for the others in the lounge room, that was until you saw Avdol run out the hotel making you stand almost immediately, "Sir Avdol!", you shall go after him only for your call to be ignored, the others ran up to you and Mr. Joestar was the first to speak, "Where is Avdol going?", "I- I think he's going after Polnareff", you slowly realize.

"Damn!", Mr. Joestar curses, "We should all split up then, maybe we can catch up with him", Kakyoin suggested, "Right", you, Jotaro, and Mr. Joestar agreed and left in your separate ways, you sniffed the air looking for a trace of hostility until a sharp smell crossed your nose, pausing you look up determined, "Gotcha".

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