Chapter 28

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"Have your injuries improved any Avdol?", "They have, as relieved as I am, I'm even more relieved knowing that you are alright", Avdol responded to the student, everyone gathered in Kakyoin's hospital room, mostly to catch up with the boy and his recovery. "Yes, well, I'm fortunate that there was no significant damage to my cornea, I'm expected to make a full recovery", Kakyoin then smiles, his hand gesturing up to his eyes, "this takes me back to middle school, during what should've been an ordinary game one of my classmates took a baseball to the eye, he was good as new the next day as it turned out his eye had lost a bit of fluid", he recalled, you could only chuckle at Polnareff's and Mr. Joestar's  looks of astonished disgust, "Wait are you serious/ Noooo~".

"I'll get the bandages off in no time, and I'll catch up with you in a few days, in 800kilm are Cairo and DIO, everyone, you must remain vigilant", Kakyoin states, everyone agreed on that, and as they got up to leave you stayed behind with Kakyoin to speak with him for a while, once they left you smiled at Kakyoin, "So how'd you like my gift Kak~", you ask sitting at his bedside, "It was lovely (Y/n) thank you, now I can enjoy some cherries on the side of my meals, hopefully, the doctor or nurse don't find it too weird", Kakyoin chuckled as you let out a giggle, "I'm sure they wouldn't mind, I mean, it is only cherries", you assure him. "I heard that you were able to help with most of the damage that Avdol and I received during the attack", Kakyoin tilted his head towards you, "Yeah, I was able to heal most of the critical damage but yet I wasn't able to heal all of the wounds, sorry Kakyoin, I should've done a bit better", you chuckle weakly, Kakyin grabbed your nearest hand and held it with both of his hands making you pause, "(Y/n), you did your best, I could've ended up blind if it weren't for you  and for that I'm grateful, I really mean it (Y/n) thank you", Kakyoin smiles at you. "His fingers intertwined with yours as he brushed his lips against your knuckles, with a soft smile you nodded, "Anytime Kakyoin, we have each other and the others after all", Kakyoin smiled as he gently let go of your hand, "I believe you have some catching up to do (Y/n), unless you wanna run after them?", Kakyoin grinned as you lightly ruffled his hair, "I'll catch up to them, the fastest cat on this earth is a cheeta, Wild Card can help me if she so pleases", you grin, "see you Kak~! hope you get better soon~! because I'll miss your cooking!", you chirp as you left, "I'll catch up with you, don't worry!", Kakyoin shouted back with a smile as he reached over his small table and grabbed the pin you gifted him a while back, "That's a promise".

Once you caught up with the others you sat near Polnareff and Jotaro, leaning your back on the box Polnareff let you lay your legs on his lap as you read your book, "In ancient times Egyptians were in the habit of burying their dead on the west bank of the Nile where the sun sets, that's the reason why Egyptian cities stand on the east side of the Nile on the west side however you're likely to find graves and machinery temples scattered about, but our enemies don't care about east or west they'll come from whatever direction is most advantageous", Mr. Joestar explained. When the boat finally docked you waited patiently for Polnareff to finally say something as you passed Jotaro the book based on sea life that you were able to purchase, Jotaro gave you a thankful nod as Polnareff finally spoke, "Come on, do we really have time to lounge around in this place", he complained, "Would you quit complaining", Mr. Joestar grunts, "They've been kind enough to allow us passage on the ferry so we must show our respect", Avdol points out as Polnareff grumbled, "I don't know about you guys but I'm starving, so let's get something to eat", Polnareff whined, "Wow you never stop do ya. here this should tide you over for now", Mr. Joestar says as he gives Polnareff some coffee flavored gum, "You know danm well that this is Iggy's!", Polnarefd shouts, exasperated, "Would you just take the gum already", Mr. Joestar huffs as Polnareff groans.

With some amusement, you listened in as Mr. Joestar asked for the restrooms whereabouts you walked and waited for them until you realized that a certain Frenchman was missing, "Hey where is Polnareff?", you asked, loud and clear for the others to hear, they all turned to you, "This isn't good, for all we know he could've ran into the enemy, (Y/n) can you sniff him out?", Mr. Joestar asks, you close your eyes and sniff the air until you could faintly sniff out Polnareff's scent, "It's coming from over there!", you point in Polnareff's direction. You heard the sound of stone Pillars falling and saw dust picking up in the area Polnareff was at, you and the others ran in his direction  until you finally spotted him, "Hey look, he's there", you say, Jotaro stepped forward, "Hey there Polnareff, thought we lost ya", he casually states, "We were worried that you up and vanished by yourself, we thought you've been ambushed by the enemy", Mr. Joestar adds in.   

When Polnareff turned he looked a bit unsteady, but when he reached for his head with a groan you began to worry, "Polnareff are you okay?", you ask, noting how Iggy's barks began to be nearly constant, your eyes narrowed when you looked at the sword he had in his hand, "Oh, it's you (Y/n)~", Polnareff huffed out. When you and the others neared you took note of how Polnareff was still kneeling, "Polnareff why are you squatting like that, you didn't step in poop did ya", Mr. Joestar asked, Jotaro let out a "Huh?" as Avdol pointed out the sword, "Polnareff how did you come across that sword, did something happen here?", "Yeah, I had a showdown with some dirtbag that attacked me", Polnareff answers, still Iggy's growls and barks had you concerned -he caught onto something you didn't. "What an enemy stand user?!", Mr. Joestar interrogated quickly, "It's all over now, he said that his stand was known as the god Anubis it was literally able to phase through and cut them once it had the target in its crosshairs, he was a strong foe", Polnareff explained gesturing towards the unconscious man that laid near the pillars, "He was using this sword as a wea- Where'd it go?!", you look to where Polnareff gestured and saw some rats taking off with the sword. "Where'd those rats come from?! And why are they taking off with the sword?! Get out of here!!", Polnareff shooed the rats away, causing them to scatter, "Geez talk about creepy, no one told me that even rats steal stuff in this place", Polnareff sighed as you shrugged and looked at where the boat was while Polnareff got scolded. 

 When you heard the boat's horn go off you frowned, "Oh crap I forgot, that's the sound of our ship taking off without us, we need to hurry and get on board we're heading to Edfu for today", Mr. Joesatr announces as you all take off, "What? C-come on guys wait for me!", Polnareff shouted you can hear his footsteps jogging after the group. Once you arrived in a hotel after getting to your destination you went with the others to gather in the room they planed on meeting in, with a hum you entered the room, Avdol greeted you and you mirrored his greetings as Jotaro spoke, "Polnareff, so you decided to bring the sword with you after all", "Yeah I'm gonna turn it in to the police, this thing is a dangerous weapon you know", Polnareff gives a light-hearted grin. You noticed how Iggy still growled at the sword and couldn't help but wonder if this object could be the real "Anubis", and as ridiculous as it sounded you couldn't help but wonder.

"Hm, that's a good plan, anyone could pick it up at those ruins so we can't take any chances", Mr. Joestar says, "It's probably worth a small fortune", Avdol informs just as Iggy went back to barking at the sword, "Quiet Iggy you can't make any noise in here!", Avdol scolded the dog, "If you keep this up we could get kicked out", Mr. Joestar warns, and for some reason, you got anxious upon closer inspection of the sword. Polnareff glared at the dog, "What the hell is wrong with that mutt today, ah well, since the dog won't shut up I'll take the sword to the police now", he huffed, grabbing the sword, "Polnreff weren't you listening when we told you not to go alone!", Avdol frowns, Polnareff paused, "Seriously we talked about this earlier, Jotaro tag along and keep him out of trouble would ya", Mr. Joestar pleas with his grandson, Jotaro sighed through his nose but walked over to Polnareff nonetheless, "Gotcha". 

Once they exited the room you finally spoke, "Iggy wasn't barking at Polnareff", you suddenly say making Avdol and Mr. Joestar look at you with furrowed brows, "What do you mean?", Avdol asks looking down at Iggy as you knelt to his level, "It was the sword, right Iggy?", you ask the dog, the look in his eyes answers your question as your own eyes widen in realization. Throwing Iggy his gum you run out of the room, leaving Avdol and Mr. Joestar confused and yelling after you.

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