Chapter 21

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Once you all arrived on the island Polnareff was the first to speak, "Hey, what's the big idea? Does someone actually live here? This is such a tiny little island it's practically deserted", "I would have to agree, Mr. Joestar are you sure that someone actually lives here?", Kakyoin turned his attention to the older gentleman as you stretch before yawning. "He's been living on this island by himself, a and then told me back in India, I'm sure you heard him correctly", Mr. Joestar confirms, you rose a brow as Kakyoin played along while Polnareff miss heard what Mr. Joestar said. You sniff the air for a moment and sure enough Avdol was nearby, while it may be a bit uncomfortable to do this you play along as Jotaro spotted Avdol and the bushes nearby, "Hate to interrupt but I thought you should know that someone's watching us from the grass over there", Jotaro pointed out while you frown, "What?", Polnareff asked and slight concern.

Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin look to where Jotaro pointed until this "mysterious" stranger bolted up and ran off, "Hey!", Polnareff shouts as you wondered how Avdol was he able to change his hair color, "From the back he looks-", "You're right, I know that face", Polnareff cut off Kakyoin's train of thought as you all gave chase, you could hear Polnareff shouts after your disguised companion. Once you all reached Avdol's location you could hear him cooing at the chickens while you all stood back in feigned shock, "It's not possible, that man...", Kakyoin trailed off as you stood back, "It can't be it's-", Polnareff surged forward only for Mr. Joestar to extend his arm to stop him, "Hold it, I'm going to go and talk to him, the rest of you just wait here for now". You watch as Mr. Joestar interacted with Avdol, "Pardon me my name is Joseph Joestar, my friends and I are currently traveling on an expedition to Egypt-", "Go away, I won't hear it!", Avdol yells, you softly sighed in sadness as everyone else (excluding Polnareff) played their part, "His voice sounds like...", Polnareff's hesitation made you worry since one of you would have to tell him one way or another. "I won't say it again, don't talk to me got it? No one comes to see me when they have actual good news to report, I only give visitors when something bad happens, just shut up! Go away!", Avdol demands, you can hear a faint gasp come from Polnareff as Avdol ran into the house, "Mister Avdol! / Avdol wait! / Sir Avdol!", Kakyoin, Jotaro, and yourself simultaneously spoke as he left. "Hold on that's impossible!", Kakyoin's and Polnareff's voices mingled together as they watch Avdol leave, "That wasn't Avdol oh, it was his father", Mr. Joestar reveals, you look down at your feet wondering how long you'll have to keep up this act, "His father?", Polnareff asked, quite surprised as Mr. Joestar continued, "He withdrew from society and lives alone on this island, I'm sorry that I wasn't able to tell you this earlier but if it ever came to Dio's that we stopped at this place, Avdol father would be put in grave danger, I would never forgive myself if that happened, but for now my focus is telling him what every parent fears most, that his son is dead".

You bet your lip as you rested your hand on your bag, remembering the envelope you had at the ready in case you didn't make it out of this trip. When you heard Polnareff choked gasps you stiffened, "Yeah, we're going to have to tell him soon", you think as Mr. Joestar put a hand on Polnareff's shoulder, "Don't let yourself go there, Avdol death wasn't your fault", "No, it's entirely my fault, I'll carry that burden for as long as I live", Polnareff sighs as guilt hit you 10x more. "Is it safe to assume his father is a stand user?", Kakyoin asked to turn the subject, "Yeah, but I don't know what kind of stand it is or what kind of power it wields", Mr. Joestar answers as Kakyoin continued to voice concerns, "judging by the way his father reacted to us I doubt he'll offer as much in the way of assistance", "You just leave the talking to me all right, hopefully, my words will be able to reach him", Mr. Joestar says as you and Jotaro watched as Polnareff walked away with an aura of sadness.

When Polnareff was far enough you sighed, "So who's going to tell him?", you asked while crossing your arms, Mr. Joestar grinned cheekily as Avdol stepped out of his house in his original attire, "Avdol will of course!", "Mr. Joestar that's going too far!!", you sputter out nearly choking on your saliva, "Huh? What do you mean too far?", Mr. Joestar looked at you curiously, almost reminding you of an older dog giving their owner a pouty face. Rubbing your temples you sigh, "So Avdol is it going to show Polnareff that he's okay, all right fine, I'll take that but haven't you considered the psychological impact it would have on him?", you pout as Mr. Joestar pat your head, "Always concerned for everyone aren't you (Y/n)~", he cooed, "Don't worry (Y/n), I'll make sure to handle everything there is, no need to worry too much", Avdol smiles down at you while you sighed before he left, when you and the others went back to the sure you couldn't help it feel something was off. "Hmm? (Y/n) is something wrong?" Kakyoin asked, "I'll catch up with you guys later, see ya~", you chirp before jogging away, you faintly heard Mr. Joestar call out to you but ignored it in favor of Polnareff's and Avdol's scent. That was until you saw him. "Michael", you softly say, it was him but it couldn't be him, he was gone, he was dead, and the last time you saw him was- "Wh-why did you leave me (Y/n)", he whimpered as you neared, "I didn't leave you...", you trailed off  as hamon traveled through your body, suddenly he growled as he looked at you with those violent hazel eyes, eyes Michael never had. "LIAR!!!", he bellows as he launched himself towards you, summoning Wild Card in her base Lion form she only had to land a single slash and "Micahel"s body went down in three pieces, a growl rumbled from your chest as you coldly glared at the imposter, "Wh-y would you- d-do thast~", it horsely rasps out as you lightly press your foot against his head, "I never left Michael behind... because they took him from me, you filthy imposter", with that you used your hamon to crush it out of existence.

You were boiling with fury at the thought of someone using Michael's image to throw you off, it hurt you and you loathed how they twisted his image, "That bastard~", you quietly seethe. Hearing someone's familiar laughter made you pause before you followed the source of it, moving aside the tall grass you saw a man burst out from the ground, "Polnareff? Avdol?", you tentatively speak, "Ah~ (Y/n) Please join us as we teach this man who exactly he is messing with", Avdol smiles as you stand there surprised. "I know right, Avdol's alive (Y/n)!", Polnareff cheered picking you up and spinning you around, "Um Pol about that-", "I can't wait to tell the others!", he cut you off as- who you assume is- the enemy user pleaded and begged for forgiveness in a quite, nearly pathetic, display of surrender, you crossed your arms as Avdol spoke up, "Last but not least my fourth wish, is to grant you not a single one of your pitiful wishes, my Magician's Red forgives no one", Avdol frowns down at the man as he lights a fire with a fingertip. "Especially not you", Avdol scowls at the man who let out a small "Huh?", before being doused in flames, when the flames let up a small "oh" faintly escaped from him before he was put out of commission, Avdol and Polnareff let you use hamon as a finishing touch when you briefed them on who he used on you, thus letting you turn the man into a flying projectile. 

You trailed behind Polnareff and Avdol but once you caught up with them after snapping out of your daze, you heard Polnareff yelling before Mr. Joestar spoke up, "Oh yeah I'm sorry about that Polnareff when I told you I've taken it upon myself to bury Avdol in India, I may have lied", he shrugged, "Wha-wh- what the hell?!?!?", Polnareff literally jumped in shock at the situation that began to unravel. "Mr. Joestar and Jotaro were the ones that attended to my wounds back in India, after I was shot by Hol Horse", Avdol explained, "You assholes knew Avdol was alive the entire time and never once did it come across your deceitful minds to let me know, I'm most surprised at you Kakyoin! (Y/n)!", Polnareff's teary eyes quite literally stabbed your heart as you tried to explain but Kakyoin beat you to the punch, "I only found out the day after it all happened, but it was important to noty let the enemy know, and since you have such a big mouth I suggested- pardon, what I meant to say was since its not easy for you to lie on command I suggested we keep it a secret from you, though (Y/n) was the one that often felt guilty for not being able to tell you much", Kakyoin as Polnareff gave you a wholesome/astonished look. 

"(Y-Y/n) you're an angel till the end!", he cried before a look of realization came onto his face as more guilt arrows struck your soul while Jotaro spoke up, "If you let the secret slip, Avdol wouldn't be able to recuperate in peace, "We were planning to let you know the moment we knew that he was safe, but we didn't think that you'd be able to catch up so soon", Kakyoin added. "Oh yeah, Avdol we found your dad living in a hut on this island, come on let's let him know that you're here!", Polnaredd excitedly as you prepared for the worst, "Oh, that was just me in disguise", Avdol coly states as Polnareff falls before you as he whipped his head around back at the others, "Say wha- and you were in on this on the very start? Everything that happened was a ruse you created, you didn't have to go that far, how dare you leave me out of the loop, I think that's the cruelest thing you've ever done to me, Oh (Y/n)!", Polnareff cries to you as he wraps his arms around your waist and nuzzles into your stomach for comfort.

"Oh Pol, I'm so sorry", you try to comfort him, rubbing circles into his back as Mr. Joestar spoke up, "Now, now, chin up, there's no reason for you to cry", "I'm sorry Polnareff, I truly didn't think you'd be this hurt", Kakyoin apologizes as Polnareff's tears further stained your shirt, "Huh? (Y/n) why are you crying?", Mr. Joestar asks as you sniffle, "I never felt such heavy guilt on my shoulders, WAHHHH! I'm so sorry Polnareff, I promise to never leave you in the dark again! I'll put needles in my eyes before I do!", soon enough you were ranting in Spanish as you hugged Polnareff (several at the men were a bit surprised at your words) until you eventually tried to purr in attempt to comfort the poor Frenchman as Mr. Joestar and Kakyoin watched in worry. "I apologize as well, but I had a very good reason for coming to this island in disguise", Avdol knelt to Polnareff's level as you pat  Polnareff's shoulder, "Yeah, what is it?", "It partially so the enemy wouldn't find out, but I also had Avdol so some shopping for me while he was laying low", Mr. Joestar answered Polnareff, but he shot back another, "What kind of shopping?", he sniffled, letting go of you, "Since it was a very conspicuous acquisition, I disguised myself as a wealthy Arab gentleman", Avdol answers as Mr. Joestar got everyone's attention, "Alright everyone, lets climb abroad and head out, come on Polnareff for the love of everything that is sacred cheer up already, you too (Y/n)", Mr. Joestar pushed Polnareff forward as Jotaro was forced to carry you by the waist (almost like a chihuahua or cat being carried around by those old rich ladies). With a sigh, you looked up as your limbs dangled below you until a submarine appeared, "What?! A submarine!?", "That's right, from here on out we are riding to Egypt in this!", Mr. Joestar smiled as Polnareff continued, "You got to be kidding! How did you afford this!?", 

Once you all boarded the submarine you remembered something, "Hey Pol", "Hm? Oh (Y/n) what is it?", Polnareff turns to you, "Catch", you smirk as you toss something over to him, with ease Polnareff was able to catch the item, and in his hand was a grey felted bear keychain with a purple bow around its neck, Polnareff looked at you in quiet surprise, "Why?", you could only smile at his question, "Friends give each other gifts", with that you walked away. Not noticing the longing look in Polnareff's gaze that watched as you left, or how his cheeks were dusted in light pink, nor how he slowly closed his fingers around the bear you gifted him and held it to his chest lovingly.


Not sure if you noticed by now, but at this point, the reader gave all her love interests small gifts.

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