Chapter 33

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The final destination to your groups' travels to face off against the nightmarish being that resides there, DIO. Avdol pointed out that it would be best to gradually search the city before getting to the center, all while you reminded them to also keep an eye out for enemy stand users. Once you all got to a small "cafe" you excused yourself to use the restroom as Mr. Joestar went to ask about the building that DIO resided in, but you couldn't help the shiver that crawled up your spine something was off as you cleaned yourself up. Exiting the ladies' room you took tentative sniffs from the air and scowled, "Son of a bitch", you hiss to yourself, a hostile was nearby, taking off your glasses you gave a light jog, following the scent of hostility that was in the air.

Once you did you growled once you saw the group near a man that had stand nearing Polnareff, "Hey! Get out of there, that man is a stand user!", you warn too late, the man chuckled as he looked over at you, "Ahh~ If it isn't (Y/n) (L/n), a pleasure to meet you", he greets, you scowl at him only to look over at Polnareff. "My God! What is happening?!", Mr. Joestar cries out, "Polnareff!/Jean!", you and Jotaro exclaim while you watched helplessly as Polnareff's very soul was dragged out of his body. "Now, now, I wouldn't be so quick to lash out if I were you, I know you desperately want to kill me but if I die Polnareff will meet the same end", the enemy states, you glare at the man as your pupils nearly turned into slits as they dimly glowed while Avdol claimed Polnareff's death and Mr. Joestar shouted for him, you carefully eyed the stand as it messed with Polnareff's soul until it clapped it's hands together. You saw a chip printed with Polnareff's face as the enemy user picked it up, "Have a look Polnareff's soul resides in this, now Lord DIO has one less meddlesome fool to interfere with his plans and what a fool he was, please allow me to introduce myself", he smirks as your fists clenched at your sides, all while he continues. 

"My name is D'Arby, D-A-R-B-Y, there is an apostrophe after the D", he hums contently, suddenly a cat jumps onto his lap making the older men gasp as growls rumbled from your chest, "I believe you had the pleasure of meeting my cat", he grins before Avdol grabs him by the collar of his shirt. "What is this you bastard?!", he roars, scaring the cat off as some attention landed on your group, "You call that a bet, how dare you- you one cheating son of a-", "Cheating you say? Have you considered; Polnarefff lost because he lacked to consider the possibilities?", D'Arby suddenly counters, "Hear me out, gambling is nothing more than a simple analogy for man's relationship for his brethren at the hands of deception where the lesser cries first". 

As Avdol grew angrier D'Arby began to tell a story of an American gambler before she showed the chips of his wife and father, "If you want Polnareff's soul back you have no choice but to continue our game, how much is his life worth to you?", D'Arby asks, a nearly smug smile pulling at his mouth, "So that's it, he wants to capture our souls", Jotaro scowls as D'Arby speaks up, "So, what's it gonna be? You can leave if you're too scared to play, I'll hold Polnareff here for safekeeping", he chuckles. "Why don't you fine gentlemen have a drink and think things over a bit, care for a piece of chocolate?", he offers, you suddenly slam your hand on the table gaining all the men's attention, "Bring it on then, I'll be your opponent, hope you're up for some blackjack", you growl. D'Arby claps his hands slowly as he chuckles, "My, I would love to play against you kitty, but Lord DIO doesn't want me to lay a single finger on you, so you don't count as a challenger", you were ready to launch yourself at him as he laughed, "You son of a!-!??- Mr. Joestar?", you were pulled back by your shoulder as Mr. Joestar stood you next to Jotaro before he took a seat and shoved some stuff off the table.

He then poured whiskey before sitting down, "What is this Mr. Joestar? What are you trying to accomplish?", Avdol asks, "I'm curious, do you have any idea what surface tension is barbie?", Mr. Joestar aks, "My name is D'Arby, you know it's not barbie, and I assume that you're referring to how the liquor appears to almost overflow but stays in the glass", he points out, "So is there a point to all this build-up?". "We're playing a game, the rules are simple, we take turns dropping the coins into the glass, whoever makes the liquor spill loses", Mr. Joestar explains, "Old man", Jotaro has a warning tone as Avol voices his concerns, "Mr. Joestar, you're not going to...". "Exactly right I'm going to bet my soul!", Mr. Joestar asserts, "Okay", D'Arby chuckles, "You've got to be kidding, you can't go through with it Mr. Joestar this man is a good for nothing cheat-", "He won't cheat this time, I've decided on the rules myself so we'll be fine", Mr. Joestar explains as he cut off Avdol's concerns, you watched as D'Arby began to speak, "Okay since you're so determined I'll accept your terms and conditions, however before we begin would you mind if I inspect the coins", D'Arby gestured, you narrowed your eyes as Mr. Joestar let him.

"A question what guarantee do I have that you return Polnareff's soul if you lose the game?", Mr. Joestar asks, "You have my word as a gambler that I'll keep my promise if I lose I assure that I'll pay in full, but I won't lose", D'Arby states, "Well, in that case, you can go first, go ahead and drop a coin in", "Please stop!", Avdol begs Mr. Joestar, "Just leave everything to me the old coin and glass trick is one of my specialties", Mr. Joestar speaks calmly, "Is it alright that I drop in more than one at the same time?", D'Arby asks, "As long as they all go in at once", Mr. Joestar affirms. You only watched carefully as they talked back and forth, D'Arby put in 5 coins while Mr. Joestar dropped in one, though looking at Jotaro from your peripheral vision you assumed that he had something attached to the coin he put in. Though still, you watched carefully as D'Arby was frustrated enough to grab Mr. Joestar's wrist until they settled down, when D'Arby stood up from the chair you knew something was up, you had a feeling it was linked to the cup but couldn't exactly say what, he didn't use his stand and it likely wasn't part of his stands abilities.

So when he dropped the coin in it should've been the end of it D'Arby should have lost, Mr. Joestar even asked Jotaro if something was up, and you never saw Mr. Joestar so panicked as he nearly dropped the coin until D'Arby's stand grabbed his soul, "Mr. Joestar!", you exclaim as D'Arby spoke up, "Deep in his heart of hearts, Joestar already had come to the realization that he lost this game, that is why his soul emerged so easily, I, D'Arby have won this bet like all the others!", D'Arby announces as he picked up Mr. Joestar's and Polnareff's chips, "Two down, now let's continue where we left off, that is unless you three decide to abandon your friends and slink away with your tails between your legs", D'Arby smiles as Avdol charges at him.

"Avdol stand down!", Jotaro demands as you tap his shoulder, "Jotaro check the cup", you say, Jotaro looked down at you after yelling at the barkeeper, picking up the cup he studied it before pouring out the liquor and coins before finding the bottom of it stained in some substance, it was chocolate. "You noticed it too Jotaro", D'Arby hums before chuckling as Avdol looks back at you two, "What, something is wrong with the glass?!", "This is the reason the booze didn't spill over, if you look at the bottom of the glass you'll notice that there is a tiny bit of chocolate on it, he must've found a way to stick it on at the beginning of the game", Jotaro reveals.

"Surely you know the rules by now, it doesn't count as cheating as long as you never get caught in the act", D'Arby smirks, "What? I don't understand, how can a piece of chocolate allow him to drop in one more coin", Avdol asks, "(Y/n) had her suspicions of tampering with the glass cup, and at this point, it's melted but it used to be a solid chunk stuck to the bottom of the glass but not quite enough for us to notice the change once the chocolate started to melt, the glass became level with the table, with the glass leveled out which made enough room for another coin", Jotaro explains. "What the hell?! B-but that doesn't make any sense how could he have known the chocolate would melt right when he needed to", Avdol questions, It was during the time he moved to his right side of the table letting the sun shine on the glass and thus causing the chocolate pice to melt", you answer as D'Arby patted dust off his clothes, he only chuckled in response.

"Alright D'Arby, get your cards cuz we're playing my game, hope you're ready for some poker", Jotaro declared, your eyes widened at his bold demand, "Say what?! Jotaro!", Avdol exclaimed, "Interesting, you couldn't have possibly known this but poker is my absolute favorite game", D'Arby hums. "Are you out of your mind? You're playing poker with a man who outsmarted Mr. Joestar, it's too dangerous!", Avdol exclaims, "Yeah I know, even though he doesn't use physical strength, he's the most dangerous stand user we faced, so now...", Jotaro glares at D'Arby as you looked up at Jotaro worriedly, "Jotaro...", you mumble lowly as he looked over at you, "There is no turning back, and we're playing for keeps".


I legit almost went into a full-blown panic because I finished this chapter a week ago, but I lost the pages and I thought that my mom or grandma threw it away since I have a bad habit of leaving my works near old mail. Thank god I have it now though.

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