Chapter 30

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"Have you heard of the Tomb of the great King Tutankhamen Karma it lies here in the Valley of the Kings", Avdol informs, you let your curious eyes wonder the place, "Wow this place has a chalk full of History", Polnareff muses, genuinely impressed. "If what I heard is true, some of the residents in this area still dig beneath their houses in search of treasure without permission from the government", Avdol adds, "You think those ancient guys left behind any undiscovered treasure?", Polnareff asks as you stood between him and Jotaro while you sniffed the area, "Perhaps they did", Avdol hums, "You guys see where the old man ran off to?", Jotaro suddenly asks, "Didn't he say he was going to find a bathroom?", you look at Avdol wondering if what you said was correct. "Oh yes, that's correct (Y/n), he also took Iggy with him since he can't detect enemies", Avdol says, "Is that so?", Polnareff asked seemingly genuine and his curiosity as Avdol looked at him, "Do you need to go?", he asked, "Hmm, I might if it's a normal bathroom", Polnareff huffed, you chuckled as you began walking, come on, "I'm sure Mr. Joestar wouldn't mind if we move on", you say, "I'll go ahead and fetch him then, and inform him what we're up to", Avdol offers, "See ya then Avdol" , Jotaro says.

Once you all settled at a small stop to eat at the group was able to order some nice filling meals, you hummed in contentment as you ate from your tuna can, purrs rumbled from your chest as you stood next to Jotaro watching the waters as you both listened to the others, "We couldn't make it to Cairo in 2 days but since all of us are exhausted and injured, why don't we spend tonight and tomorrow and Luxor and use that time to recuperate", Avdol offers, "Sounds good to me, ever since we got to Egypt the enemy stands have been getting stronger and stronger, we've been winning these battles by the skin of our teeth -hm? Hey Mr. Joestar is something wrong?", Polnareff suddenly asks, making you look over your shoulder. "I'm fine, my prosthetic hand has been acting funny that's all, it's nothing to worry about I probably just need to oil the joints", Mr. Joestar reassures, raising eyebrow you faintly noted how Mr. Joestar smelled a bit more metallic it wasn't too strong but you're a big curious about the slight scent change, deciding to shrug it off for now you finished up your tuna as Polnareff scolded the shopkeeper over something. "Mr. Joestar?", Polnareff turns towards the older gentleman, "Hm? Yeah you're right, it'd probably be in our best interest to rest up before heading to Cairo, remember we can't let our guard down, okay let's find a hotel", Mr. Joestar announced as you set down the finished tuna can and left with the others.

Once arriving at the hotel you were able to share your room with Iggy, and while you were a little reluctant to let the dog rummage through your bag for snacks you shrugged it off in the end and let him sleep on the bed with you. In the morning Iggy was the one to wake you, letting him out while you got ready for the day was likely the best choice since you had to restock some snacks that we're in your bag, went outside you noticed how you were the first one to rise from your rest, "Huh (Y/n), you're up early", you hear Polnareff say, turning around you saw Polnareff and Jotaro walking together, "Iggy woke me up, but at least I was able to restock on snacks for my duffle bag", you hum happily, Polnareff of chuckled until Iggy made his appearance. "Anyways, Mr. Joestar is still asleep but if ends up sleeping in we will all Miss breakfast!", Polnareff whined, "Good grief Polnareff", Jotaro huffed as you smiled lazily while you all went beneath the window Mr. Joestar  assigned room, you chuckled some more when Polnareff huffed at Avdol when Mr. Joestar wouldn't wake up. "Hey, hurry up in there!", Polnareff shouts as you sigh softly beside Jotaro, who momentarily ruffled your hair before going back to watching Polnareff shouting, "Hurry and wake him up Avdol! He's got 5 minutes before I come up there, you know I thought old people were supposed to get up early!", Polnareff huffs.

You all waited for Mr. Joestar, Avdol made a brief appearance but eventually went back inside to get Mr. Joestar while you waited with Polnareff and Jotaro. They decided to stand by a curve while you lean your back against the wall as Iggy rested on your lap, after awhile you noticed how the boys seem to get a bit restless, so you decided to stand and walk over to them with Iggy following you, Jotaro sighed as he stomped out his cigarette bud, "What's the holdup?", he grunts, Polnareff took a drag from his cigarette until he puffed it out, "That's what I'd like to know, Avdol went inside to find them but hasn't came back either", he huffed, you sigh, "Maybe they got off track or something? Should we go in for them?", you look at Jotaro who only subtly shrugged as you pout. At Polnareff sudden alarmed gasp you jolted, "What is it Polnareff?", "Oh no! What if those two snuck off?", he says convinced, "What?", you and Jotaro simultaneously ask, "They're probably having an amazing breakfast as we speak!", Polnareff whines you puff your cheeks while Jotaro shot down to claim, "It's more likely that he's taking his time in the bathroom, but if they don't show up in the next five minutes we'll go look for them", Jotaro finishes. You cross your arms as Polnareff hummed, "Yeah the bathroom, guess that makes sense, you know come to think of it, the bathrooms in this hotel are spotless~", he hummed contentment, you couldn't help but let out a chuckle, "You know I could really go for a lemon pie right now~", you hum, the waiting still continued as everyone moved in different locations to at least keep their boredom at bay. You leaned on a wall as Polnareff continue to sit while Jotaro stood standing as Iggy napped, you heard Iggy yawned before people begin running somewhere, "I wonder where they are going?", you ponder out loud, "Well, something is definitely up", Polnareff inputs.

You all listened in when two men were chatting among one another as they passed by, "Hey, did he hear someone cut the rail lines!", one and ounces, "What about all the trains!", another asks concerned, "luckily they stopped running, at least for now", the first says, with furrowed brows you could only watch as they ran past. "Someone actually cut the Rail lines? People now it is sure are sick don't you think, who in the right mind would do something so terrible, major douche canoe", Polnareff then sighed, "Jotaro, (Y/n), want to know what I think, rotten people always get what's coming to them, you mark my words they'll get theirs", Polnareff end it at that, "you could say that again", you hum out as you began sipping on your juice box, but for some reason you got a feeling that someone you knew was connected to that incident. "Those two are sure taking forever, as long as those two all right in there you think they'd be putting on makeup and dressing for a Gala", Polnareff whines, Iggy snorts as you lean down to Pat him, "And it's almost 9 a.m.", Jotaro says, making you park up, "Do you think it's possible that they run into an enemy stand user?", you suddenly ask, making both males Ponder your words.

"It's possible", Jotaro says, "Do you think we should see where they ran off to?", Polnareff asked , "I guess, ah~ good grief", Jotaro sighs as you pat the side of your thigh to get Iggy's attention, "Come on Iggy, let's go find Mr. Joestar and Sir Avdol yeah?", you hum at the dog who in return chased after you before stretching and yawning. Iggy barked as he ran over to you while Polnareff sighed, "Yeah, yeah I know you're hungry, you're not the only one, believe me", you lightly chuckle, but for some reason you still felt a shiver go down your spine as you walked next to Jotaro.


Hey guys, sorry for the late update but collage work has been kicking my ass, getting a job has also been stressing. Its likely that I won't be able to update as often since everything has been more hectic on me than usual, oh and I have been sucked into a new fandom/genre; Tokusatsu.

Namely Kamen Rider and the Sentai series! They are so cool and it really his home with my childhood interests. I'm actually think about doing a One Shot book for Kamen Rider though, I hardly see any fics of them, such a shame too since the series has several notable cinnamon rolls (づ ̄3 ̄)づ

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