Chapter 13

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Soon enough you all found the airport and a tailor shop, you and jotaro went to have your clothes fixed and Jotaro's uniform replaced, "Whoa Kujo, are you sure all this muscle is natural?", you ask circling him once before momentarily glancing at his star-shaped birthmark. He rose a brow at you, "Why are you asking?", you huff as Star Platinum squished Wild Card's palms, "Honestly, I didn't really see you being the athletic type", you answer as you lightly poked Jotaro's arm, he huffed as he adjusted his hat before ruffling your hair, "And you're short", "Hey!". Soon you and jotaro made your way out of the tailor shop -after paying for the woman service of course- on your way out you remembered something, "Oh! I almost forgot something!", you blurt, Jotaro side-eyed you as you begin to dig through your duffel bag before letting out an "a-ha", "For you Kujo", you chirp handing him an old patch you used to wear, Jotaro looked at with a raised brow as you walked ahead of him casually with your hands and your newly fix jacket, once he looked down at the patch he huffed in amusement. It had a cat paw print with a curled up kitten in it, shoving it in his pocket he somehow knew it was your way of saying "let's be friends". Again you were seated in the middle between Jotaro and his grandfather, and halfway during the trip you fell asleep, during the time they talked Kakyoin took a moment to look at you through the rearview mirror, he let himself smile at the sight of you sleeping so peacefully, you're relaxed state made you look so tranquil.

When your head suddenly on you fell on Mr. Joestar he could only chuckle as he brought a hand up to lightly ruffle your hair, the general is slightly shaking that what he thought was a dead dog, he let himself got distracted by his grandfather's chuckle. Looking down at you he saw how you unconsciously try to curl up in a fetal position in your sleep, Jotaro sighed before he helped you curl up but he honestly didn't expect you to curl up against him, Mr. Joestar only chuckled, "I remembered when she used to do that to me". "Do what?", Polnareff asked looking in the rearview mirror, "(Y/n) always looks for a heat source while she sleeps, this is actually due to the fact that she had to huddle up with a Jaguar she was with due to how cold it would get at night", Mr. Joestar explains, Jotaro looks down at your curled form again noting the faint purrs that rumbles from your chest as you slept, until they drove into a town. Something was wrong, even unconsciously your body shifted and comfortably as they all got off, Mr. Joestar tried to talk to one of the townspeople and that was when you deleted a lake with a hiss, dashing out of the car you fell onto the ground with a loud thud butt shot up and stood at alert. "Oh, (Y/n) you're awake now", Mr. Joestar cheered, you looked around cautiously as a three of the others were investigating a body.

Your senses were overwhelmed and it made you very dizzy, your buddy instinctively twisted and turned as he scanned the area while growls rumbled from your chest, "Yo, (Y/n) what's wrong?", Jotaro asked you, you stood up straighter as you cautiously looked around more slowly. "I - I honestly don't know, but I feel... Very, very on edge", you explain, slightly shivering if you looked around once more cautiously, Jotaro and Mr. Joestar begin to examine the body as you kept guard. "Oh, look at his wound, he's got a gaping hole here right in his upper chest this must be what killed him!", Mr. Joestar sudden explanation caught your attention as he looked back at them before carefully walking over, "Hang on, why isn't there any blood coming out? With the Fatal chest doing this big there should be blood gushing everywhere", Jotaro paused for a moment as you tried to shake off your sudden dizziness. "Unless of course, this is no ordinary murder, looks like things are about to get messy we've got to get to the bottom of this, time to search him", Jotaro declares as he reaches down for the man's shirt, "Take off his clothes", Jotaro says as he yanks off the man's shirt, your eyes momentarily widening at the man's body, it was riddled with holes, "What happened to his body! There are tons of holes all over this guy, he's like that cartoon cheese you see on Tom and Jerry!", Polnareff exclaims. "And there's not a drop of blood anywhere near these wounds, how on Earth was this man killed, what does all of this mean", Mr. Joestar questions, "Be careful, if there wasn't a stand user here before You can bet there is one here now", Jotaro warns, you sniff for a moment until you see Mr. Joestar on offense, raising a brow you looked at him questionably.

"Hey old man what in the hell are you doing, you're crazy", Jotaro huffs as Mr. Joestar slid down the gate, "Huh? Oh no! What do you mean what am I doing, the car was here just a minute ago!", you raise a brow at his response, "Huh? What are you talking about we just parked the car there and walked", Polnareff says, "What? But - just now I could have sworn there -", "someone's coming", you cut off Mr. Joestar as you stare in the direction of the stranger. They all looked where you were facing and the short older lady with a cane made her appearance, she bowed in greetings and you all returned it but you had an awful feeling that feeling in your stomach, "Well hello good Sirs and Lady, I see you are Travelers I'm afraid with this fog it's dangerous to leave the town now there are many clothes you know, I run my own bed and breakfast not far from here, if you'd like why not stay there for the night there's plenty of room for everyone, I'll even give you a healthy discount", she offers sweetly.

You shivered when her eyes momentarily lingered on you before she looked towards Polnareff when he spoke, "Finally, we've actually met a normal person for once", your eyes briefly flashed. Soon there were people that came to take the body the man investigated, you couldn't help but stay tense as you're dizzy state slowly subsided, "We have to assume that the stand user is hiding somewhere in this town, with this fog there's no telling what the enemy can do, they could be next to us and we wouldn't know we absolutely cannot let her guard down tonight", "Wait why can't (Y/n) sniff them out?", Polnareff turned to you, as did the others, "The fog is overwhelming me, and I'm a bit out of it ever since I sprouted those wings", you explain, "Ah yes, since(Y/n) isn't used to using her other skills it took a toll on her body", Mr. Joestar adds in.

"Come on, this way master Joestar, that building over there is my bed and breakfast, follow me and I'll show you to your rooms try not to fall behind", the old lady says, but you noticed something immediately, how she said Joestar. You looked at Jotaro and once you notice how distressed you were you discreetly motion towards the woman as she continued talking, Jotaro eyes narrowed at the woman acknowledging the fact that you also caught on with similar suspicions, So he decided to call her out when she suggested a meal, "Wait a second Grandma, you called me Joestar didn't you? How do you know my name?", and you saw her stiffen for a brief moment. Come now, the young man next to you said Joe start earlier, I may be old but my ears still work, she played it off, the corner of your mouth twitch does polnareff also wondered if he said Joestars name, they chatted for a while longer before they left, still you couldn't help a little low growl escape your throat. Once inside Mr. Joestar hummed in approval, "Woah, this doesn't look bad at all", you quickly signed in a fake last name, Kakyoin passed the book to Jotaro as Polnareff began his dramatics, "My autograph is worth as much as Lennon's, I'm Polnareff after all make sure you take care of it", "of course, I'll make sure it's preserved for all time", she says. Jotaro closed the book by then, "it's done", "well then, allow me to show you to your rooms gentleman, young lady", she says sweetly before showing you all to your rooms.

You sat in your room for a moment, before a very familiar smell enters your nose, "Alejandro de Paz", you growled lowly, standing up slowly you summon Wild Card, "you're finally here bastard". Downstairs Enyaba made work of Hol Horse before jolting at the sound of a chuckle, "So, the feral kitten is here", the shadowed man smirks at Enyaba's surprise, "Alejandro de Paz!? Wha-What are you doing here?!", she sputters as an aged man with graying black hair stepped out, his left arm was missing yet he still wore a white button-up, a gray vest with slacks to match and a crimson tie around his neck, a small stubble growing on his slightly scarred tan skin. "Why, I'm here to bring a naughty kitten to her owner".

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