Chapter 19

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It was dark, but from the darkness, there was crying, a baby's crying.

There was also a tune playing, like the one tune that is usually played at those amusement parks, "Hmm~ Huh? What is this place?", Kakyoin's voice was heard, for a moment you laid where you were, dazed until you realized something, "Kakyoin?". "An Amusement park? I've never been here before, hm? Why in the world am I riding on a Ferris wheel in my pajamas? How'd I get here?", with a soundless groan you sat up rubbing your eyes,  "I'd like to know that too", you pip in making Kakyoin look at you, "(Y/n)? You're here too?", when he saw your attire he immediately looked away, making you tilt your head as you looked down at your pajamas. You always wore your silk shorts and spaghetti-strapped tank top to bed whenever the weather was a bit too hot for your liking. So you shrugged it off and stood up walking over to Kakyoin until he felt yo lightly tussle his hair, "Got any idea where we are?", you ask, "No, but from what I recall we were crossing the desert on camelback in Saudi Arabia", Kakyoin furrowed his brows as he thought of the different possibilities that caused you two to be stranded here. "But, where are the others?", Kakyoin frowns as you cross your arms and lean on the edge of the car, "did they abandon us?", his question made you frown in concern at his tone, "Kakyoin", you call to him gently, he looks at you would slightly furrowed brows, "they would never leave us behind, they especially wouldn't leave you behind", you reassure gently patting his shoulder, the soft look you gave him momentarily surprised him before he half-heartedly gave you a smile.

A dog's whine suddenly called both of your attention as you and Kakyoin turned back to see a brown mature dog, though standard in size you could definitely tell that it was a gentle giant. Kakyoin pet the dog briefly as you scratch behind its ears, "This isn't making any sense, there's not a soul anywhere in the amusement park, so I can hear the cries of a baby and for that matter where is it?", Kakyoin asked a bit disturbed, "I'd suggest we get off but it doesn't look like we'll be getting off anytime soon", you frown as you looked at how high the cart was. You continue to give the dog attention until you sniffed out a sudden wave of hostility when Kakyoin announced the card he has in his hand, "This card is Death 13!", "Kakyoin-!", you shout, a sudden scream left yours and Kakyoin's lips as a Reaper looking entity pulled itself out of the card. It laughs before thrusting its scythe at you and Kakyoin, luckily you were able to grab the upper area just below the blade before it could hit you, they did leave the dog with a scar on its cheek as it yelped and suddenly disappeared. The Entity didn't seem to like that as it thrust you out of the Ferris wheel, "(Y/nnnnnn)!!!", Kakyoin reached for you, and suddenly you fell off your bed with a strangled gasp.

Groaning in pain you grabbed your head as you looked around your room, puffing you said on the ground for a bit before hearing and knock at the door, getting up you furrow your brows as you went to your door. Opening the door you were met with Jotaro, "I heard a loud thud as I was passing by, you all right?", he asked, "Uh- oh that, sorry I had a strange dream, again sorry for the inconvenience", you sighed tiredly, Jotaro shrugged as he tilted his head before he noticed you were improperly dressed, with a huff he glanced away from you, "You may want to get dressed already, the old man is out getting a plane for us, and Polnareff is waking up Kakyoin, see you there", he breathes before the meeting you. With a small smile you close your door before looking over at your duffle bag, with a quick shower and a small fruity meal, fully dressed now you made her way out to see the others. Making your way out of the hotel dog ran up to you and happily ran around you with a yet before hopping onto you, with a laugh you pat and stroked the dog's fur, "Hey buddy where's your owner?", you smiled down at the dog, "Come here boy! We got to go home!", a young boy called out to the dog, with a smile you watched as the dog returned to the boy, but when you saw the scar on his face he felt some sort of familiarity with it.

Lightly shaking your head you made your way to the others slightly on guard and surprisingly enough you walked in on the men having some sort of disagreement as a lady was holding a baby, when you sniffed you frowned a bit, babies usually had a unique sent but this one didn't give off any. With a sense of unease you came closer and finally heard the woman, "Excuse me, I have a suggestion", she pipes in as the others make a noise of confusion/surprise, "we can kill two birds with one stone by having these gentlemen take him to the doctor on their way", "Oh- nice idea but~", Mr. Joestar is cut off by her as she continued to explain, "the Cessna is built to carry five but I'm sure there is enough room for the baby", soon you made your appearance, and again Mr. Joestar tried to refuse, "See we have a full amount of people so-", the lady walked over to you observantly. "Well this young lady can hold the child, she has the size to fit in", she chirps before placing the baby in your unready arms, "Whoa-!?", "Besides you look like a kind girl that would make a wonderful mother when you grow up! Take this as a lesson for your future once you get children!", she chirps at you as you stare at her slack-jawed until a dark blush came onto your features, mild panic and bewilderment settled and while the others looked at you in both amusement and confusion as a soft noise escaped you, "Whaaaaaaa~?".

Mr. Joestar grumbled as Polnareff tried to lighten the mood, all while you stared at the baby anxiously, the small child gave off a vibe that made the ends of your hair stand on the edge."... I mean we even made sure the plane itself wasn't a stand, I'd say we're good to go", Polnareff voice cut off your train of thought as he bumped his knuckle against the roof, "I'm far more worried about the old man's flying then an attack by enemy stands", Jotaro huffed out, you smiled weakly at his words. For a while, the ride was silent and almost comfortable but Kakyoin and Polnareff looked like they were going to fall asleep anytime soon, Polnareff yawned before speaking, "Maybe it's just me but I always get so tired when I get on a plane, if it's all right with you Mr. Joestar I'm going to take a  30 minute cat nap", "Sure", Mr. Joestar responded as you rolled your eyes when Polnareff mentioned a cat nap. Soon enough he and Kakyoin went to sleep, but about several minutes later it began to smell disgusting, with a few sniffs you located the source and look down at the baby in your lap, "Ugh~ Mr. Joestar I think the baby did its business in the diaper", you nervously fidget, "Then change his diapers", he said simply. "I don't know how", you sigh in defeat, "Then wake up Polnareff and have him help you", Mr. Joestar adds, with a groan you shake Polnareff, "Pol~ Pol~Wake up~", "Huh? What?", Polnareff grunts as he sluggishly woke up, "help me change the kid would ya", you smirk as he grumbled a bit, "Dream about anything?", you ask playfully while getting the stuff out, "Honestly it felt like I had some terrifying nightmare, but I don't remember what happened at all, I've completely forgotten", his words made you freeze momentarily before you nervously look back at the boy.

Polnareff whined and complained before you both finish dressing the baby's new set of diapers, that was before Kakyoin's sudden thrashing, "Stop it! Stop it! Stop!", his cries were loud and you were able to duck in time to miss getting hit with Kakyoin's foot, but Mr. Joestar wasn't so lucky. You kept the baby close to your body - with a brief moment of clarity, you noticed how off it was for the baby to not cry- as the plane twirled, before Mr. Joestar set it back on course, you all sigh, relieved that you were able to avoid a disastrous event as Mr. Joestar cheered, "Did you guys see that?! How do you like them apples, my flying is not too shabby!". "Hey! / Mr. Joestar the trees!", you and Jotaro simultaneously warned before Polnareff and Mr. Joestar screamed, "I knew you'd do this, Jotaro grumbled out as you sighed before looking down at the baby, it disturbed you that the boy didn't have the slightest reaction to the incident. You sat with Kakyoin when everyone else went off to get stuff to set up camp, "Hey Kak, you doing all right?", you ask concerned, "I'm not too sure honestly", he sighed as you gently pat his back,  "Don't worry, I'll be here for you kay~", you smile as soft purrs rumbled from your chest, Kakyoin smiled gratefully before you look down at his hand when you finally caught the smell of iron, "Hey are you okay? I smell blood on you", "What, really? I thought I was feeling twinges of pain, I probably got it when you crashed", he sighs pulling out his handkerchief. 

You helped Kakyoin roll up his sleeve but you both froze when the letters spelled out two words, "BABY STAND" were carved on his skin, with furrowed brows you gave Kakyoin a concerned yet puzzled look, "Baby stand? This is your handwriting right?", you ask, "Yeah, yes it is my handwriting, but I can't remember anything", Kakyoin says pulling out a blade, "it should have been done with this knife but it looks clean", he admitted, "but how can I not remember cutting myself with it", you were puzzled as you gathered what clues you could. "I know in the morning I had a bad dream but I couldn't remember it, Polnareff did too when we were on the plane, but the thing that set me off the most with a baby having no sense at all, as I said before everything has a unique scent even babies, but for some reason this baby is making me anxious and I can't help but feel a it bothered by the fact the kid didn't cry when we crashed -", you paused as you and Kakyoin looked at each other before looking at the baby. "The baby could be the stand user?!", you both thought as a child deliberately looked away when you and Kakyoin looked in his direction.

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