Chapter 27

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You were able to get Kakayoin's and Avdol's injuries settled into a non-critical state with your hamon, though while some of the bleeding didn't stop, it did slow down considerably. Once your group was able to reach the hospital the staff took Kakyoin and Avdol out of your hands, and as you watched them get wheeled away you couldn't help but let a sigh escape through your nose, "Are you alright (Y/n)?", Polnareff gently asked as he placed a gentle hand on your shoulder, it made your turn your body towards him, "It's nothing, I'm just hopping Avdol's and Kakyoin's injuries are too severe", you gave the Frenchman a weak smile. "They are strong people (Y/n), I'm sure they'll be up and about in no time!~", Polnareff grinned down at you, making you grin lazily in return, "I hope so", you and Polnareff waited outside patiently and talked about a few hobbies and funny family stories until Mr. Joestar and Jotaro came out of the hospital to go to the town's market place, "I should probably buy Kakyoin some cherries, it won't do much but I'm sure he'd appreciate the sentiment", you quietly mused to yourself.

Once in town, after chatting Polnareff decided to ask, "Well, are they going to pull through?", "Luckily Avdol's major arteries weren't damaged so he'll probably be released by tomorrow, but Kakyoin, on the other hand, has serious injuries that need to be treated, there's a chance he could go blind", Mr. Joestar answers, you lightly frown concerned for Kakyoin's chances of losing his sight, "That's a raw deal", Polnareff frowns, "I hate to say it but if his condition doesn't improve soon we might have to leave him behind", Jotaro states, "Let's hope for the best then", you sigh tiredly. When they all suddenly paused it made you slow your steps to a stop, "Hey since there are so many cafes nearby, how about we get ourselves a drink", Polnareff proposes, "That's a great idea which one did you have in mind?", Mr. Joestar smiles as Polnareff grabbed his cigarette and flicked it to the ground, it stood upright for a moment but then it fell and landed in the direction of "MAXIM" cafe, "The cigarette has spoken", Polnareff hummed, you smile faintly at their antics. You began to walk away from them as they made their way towards the cafe, Jotaro was the first to notice your turn in direction, "(Y/n) where are you going?", the others two turned to look at you as you smiled casually, "I'm going to buy Kakyoin some cherries and see if I could find something for Sir Avdol while at it, then I'll be on my way to the hospital", you lift your wallet, "You sure you don't want anyone coming with you?", Polnareff asked with furrowed brows, "I'm a big girl, no need to worry", throwing up a peace sign you walked off. 

Feeling for your wallet you momentarily sighed in relief when it was still in your sweater pocket, with a hum you searched for a store that sold food or at least had some fruits, once you did you smiled fondly after finding some cherries, you looked around for a moment and once you saw some woven baskets that were on sale you bought it with some cherries to fill it. After you finished buying your small "gifts" you made your way to the hospital but while on your way to your destination you saw a pair that seemed to be brothers, one had an odd-looking hat and the other seemed to be carrying a book, taking a deep breath you walked passed them after adjusting the gift basket in your hold and continued to hum your little tune. While heading over to the hospital you lightly bounced your steps to the small tune in you hummed, "Didn't expect to find you here", Jotaro's voice made you pause and turn, with a smile you purred, "Sup Kujo~!", he hummed in response  as he walked over to you, "I couldn't find any tuna when I was searching for Kakyoin's gift, such a bummer~", you pout, "Then I take it that you also like to drink milk", Jotaro rose a brow at you.

"Yep", you hum popping the "P" as you continued to walk beside Jotaro, "You really do act like the stereotypical cat (Y/n)", Jotaro lightly smirks down at you as you look up at him, "But in a good way right?", you ask, "Sure", is all Jotaro say as he ruffled your hair. "So once we're done here, what were you thinking of studying once you're done with school?", you suddenly ask, Jotaro looked down at you, "Why the sudden question?". "Just curious, want me to tell you what I plan on doing after I'm done with school~", you chirp, Jotaro shrugged as you grinned, but with a fond smile you reply, "I want to be a photographer when I'm done with schooling", hearing the fondness in your voice made Jotaro observe you, his breath momentarily hitched when he saw how gentle the look on your face was. "What got you interested?", Jotaro swiftly asks, looking up at him you smiled, "Well, when I returned home after living in cages and among wildlife, I found a family photo book, as I skimmed through it I realized how important every photo was each of them was precious memories they wanted to save to recall the happier memories, I also picked up on learning how to use cameras, and after learning about that, well, the hobby began to be more than just a hobby to me", you explain.

For a moment everything was comfortably silent, "Marine Biologist", Jotaro suddenly says, you smile up at him, "You know, I'm pretty sure I passed by a book store on my way over to the store where I got Kakyoin's cherries, wanna check it out later when we get the chance?", you ask, for a second you caught the briefest of smiles appear on Jotaro's face, "Sure, I wouldn't mind it". You both were mildly surprised to find that you both reached the hospital where Kakyoin and Avdol resided in, you both also caught the sound of a loud "Boom!" on the way but didn't think too much on it, that was until you both paused in your steps when you heard Mr. Joestar's voice, "Well if it isn't Jotaro, oh and (Y/n) is here too", you both turned around to see Mr. Joestar and Polnareff next to the car, "Hmm, hey what took you so long?", Jotaro questions the two, "Forget that, how'd you take a dump behind that rock so fast?", Polnareff's question confused you even more.

Jotaro made a noise of confusion, "I can believe you got here before us, even you found time to go to the dry cleaners", Mr. Joestar points out, "What the hell are you two talking about?", Jotaro asked for both of you - with your obvious expression of confusion, it was clear what you wanted to ask- as they walked over to you while an ambulance made an appearance. "Hey it's an ambulance", Mr. Joestar absentmindedly says, "Someone must be hurt", Jotaro casually shrugs, "Wow, that's unfortunate", Polnareff says, "I wonder how often ambulances come and go from here", you wonder out loud. "Hm, oranges huh, I was just getting thirsty, think I'll take one"< Jotaro hums out as he grabs an orange from the bag Polnareff held, "What's this-", "That man's clothes", Polnareff's vocal thoughts cut off Mr. Joestar's question as everyone looked in the direction of the ambulance, for some reason the figures looked familiar, "You recognize em?", Jotaro asked, "Nope, can't say that I do", Polnareff shrugged as he walked away. "Right, let's go find out how Kakyoin and Avdol are doing", Mr. Joestar says, you all follow him while you begin to ask, "Mr. Joestar, Polnareff, how come you asked Kujo these questions as if he was with you?".

"Huh, what do you mean, he was with us the entire car ride here!?", Polnareff exclaimed you shook your head, "No, he was with me the entire time, right Kujo?", you turn to Jotaro, who nodded to confirm your story, Polnareff and Mr. Joestar looked at each other that likely would've translated to "HOLY SHIT!".

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