jin - request

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thank you -MinNamjoonie- for requesting, the song is happier by Ed Sheeran.

" But I guess you look happier, you do
My friends told me one day I'd feel it too
I could try to smile to hide the truth
I know I was happier with you "

Jin doesn't let his eyes leave your body, following you as you tug your new boyfriend around the library. He looks bored, uninterested in the animated way you discuss the new stories you read over the weekend.

His ears perk up, picking up on most of your vibrant descriptions. An automatic smile blooms on his face His favourite thing in the world was and still is to bring you to the library just to see that smile on your face and listen to you speak endlessly.

It angers him that your boyfriend is simply ignoring the beauty in front of him but as he reminds himself daily, he is making you happy. That's all that matters. Although Jin has made a promise with himself that if he so much as sees you frown genuinely because of something the man did, he won't hesitate in being there to protect you.

He keeps his eye on you, the book in his hand resting casually on his knee and long forgotten. You turn on your heel to show him a book, frowning when you realise that he isn't paying attention. Jin pushes himself to get up, stopping himself when you smile and lightly whack his shoulder.

It hurts, he admits, but he has to move on.

You spin to go back to browsing when your gaze meets his. Jin's heart skips a beat, his hand reaching up to wave. He catches a quick glimpse of his reflection, thankful that he put on a simple smile. Your eyes crinkle up as you wave back, giggling behind your hand.

That's when things darken.

Your boyfriend now decides to pay attention and grips onto your wrist, tugging you behind him. By the looks of it, you reason with him, slowly twisting your wrist to get it out of his hold. Jin watches in concern, eyebrows knitted together.

You finally get him to calm down, his hand falling limply to his side. You smile like nothing happened, showing him yet another title. Jin flicks his gaze down to your wrist, narrowing his eyes on the overlapping bruises then to your smile. None of this sits right with him.

Are you truly happy?

" Baby, you look happier, you do
I knew one day you'd fall for someone new
But if breaks your heart like lovers do
Just know that I'll be waiting here for you "

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now