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- in which an old movie ignites jungkook's desire to marry you, unaware of the fact that you aren't ready just yet; requested by @bigocalves

His gaze is unflinching as his hand cups her cheek, thumb delicately caressing her soft skin as his free hand sifts through her hair gently to brush out the small dusting of snow she has upon her head. The corner of his lips twitch upwards at the feeling of affection that warms his chest up, but it soon dies down at the realisation that this feeling will only be a one time thing if he doesn't speak up.

She smiles instinctively at the innocence to his actions and gingerly lifts her own hand up, pressing it against the warm one he has resting on her cheek. His eyes light up at the gesture, confident that hers are shining with a look of fondness that he often sees within the eyes of lovers.

"Thea," he whispers, subconsciously taking a step towards her as the hand playing with her hair drops to her waist timidly, grip becoming more certain when she doesn't do anything but tilt her head in confusion. "I have something to tell you."

The look of fondness in her eyes morphs into one of worry, the pale ocean blue that he fell in love with darkening into a colour that strongly resembles what the sea looks like during a wild storm.

"Mark, is everything okay?" She asks with no hesitation, lips pressing themselves into a thin line of concern as he chuckles softly and nods reassuringly.

"Everything's fine," he grins, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Or at least it will be fine after I do this."

Her eyes widen at the affectionate gesture, heart pounding in her chest as she meets his gentle gaze, unaware of the millions of things he has to say next.

"We've known each other for a long time," he starts quietly, his warm breath materialising into a cloud of white air as he takes a deep breath, "and if there's one moment I remember from our time of being friends, it'd be the first time you told me you loved me."

She gasps, breath hitching in her throat as her stomach churns at the realisation of where this conversation is going.

And, for the first time in a long time, everything feels right.

"It made me realise that perhaps my heartbeat sped up because those words meant a lot more to me than it probably did for you. From that day onwards, I saw you in a different light; one that shone brighter than the sun and warmed me up even on the coldest of days."

He brings her closer to his chest, her palm flattening against it to brace herself as he smiles down at her.

"To put it simply, I've fallen deeply in love you."

Your smile is effortless as you watch everything unfold on the screen in front of you, eyes glistening with an emotion that's hard to describe but familiar. Perhaps your orbs swim in deep pools of love or float amongst the stars of a hopeless romance.

Either way, you're certain that these films make you more and more grateful for the person who watches them with you, his arm resting lazily over your waist while he runs the fingers of his other hand up and down your arm teasingly, the action leaving strips of goosebumps in their wake.

His warm breath fans the side of your neck as you lean more into his addictive embrace, feeling nostalgic as you recall the many times the two of you have enjoyed a movie together in this position.

In fact, this particular scene of the movie reminds you specifically of when he first confessed to you on that cool day in spring.

Allowing your attention to drift away from the movie, you mindlessly interlock your hand with the one that rests on your waist, your appreciation for him staying with you for as long as he has doubling within the space of a few seconds.

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