yoongi - request

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- a sweet high school confession requested by cuddly_gummy

"Look who it is," Areum sings, her eyebrows raising in a knowing yet teasing way. The girls surrounding her join in, some hiking their thumbs over their shoulders while others just opt for making suggestive faces. You furrow your brows at their sudden commotion, glancing warily over their heads to see Min Yoongi walking into the cafeteria with his basketball team, in the midst of bidding them goodbye as he goes to sit with his group of friends. You duck your head down in embarrassment, shooting each girl a look of warning.

"Shut up," you hiss, putting a finger to your lips as they send themselves into another—louder—fit of giggles. You roll your eyes as they show no sign of stopping and send your gaze back to Yoongi, resisting the urge to sigh dreamily when he runs a hand through his hair.

"You could just talk to him, y'know," Areum offers, interrupting your daydream session with a small smile, still wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. You scoff and shake your head, giving her an obvious look of disbelief, one to which she rolls her eyes to.

"Talking to him isn't that easy. There's a very long and stressful process towards doing something like that and it involes weeks and weeks of planning to make sure every sentence is per—"

"We get it," Areum interrupts yet again, playing around with her hair as you let your words falter, "you're just too chicken to do it."

"I am not," you lie, feigning mock hurt as you press a hand to your chest dramatically. She snickers behind her hand, picking up a carrot stick with slight annoyance as she narrows her gaze in on you.

"Stop lying to yourself," she gently scolds, waving her carrot stick around as she continues. "You've been drooling over him since the fourth grade. Now I know we only met in the fifth grade so I missed the baby stages of this mega crush you have on him but it doesn't mean I don't know how you feel about him. You need to make your move before someone else does and who knows? He could like you back."

She takes a bite out of her carrot stick, the snap making you flinch. Nodding, you look over at his table to see him standing up with a lazy smile on his face. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Areum shooting you a thumbs up as she not-so-discreetly motions in his direction.

You shake your head at her, your eyes following Yoongi as his friends nudge him towards your table, punching him playfully in the arm as he tries to push himself towards the exit. You watch intently as he holds his hands up in surrender and nods, shaking his head to himself as he slowly turns his head towards your table.

His deep, earthy brown eyes meet yours and for a split second, you forget how to breathe. His Cupid's bow shaped lips twitch up into a warm smile, one that fills you with an indescribable feeling of joy. He raises his hand and waves at you in what seems to be a shy manner. His friends encourage him with smiles and cheers of their own but you're blind to the commotion surrounding him.

Your focus is on him and him only.

That is until Areum kicks out her leg, her boot making contact with your shin. You curse and give her a look that could kill. She seems unfazed by it and makes a wave with her hand, mouthing at you to do the same to him. Panicking, your left hand clutches your throbbing shin while the right raises to send him an urgent wave, your smile becoming more like a grimace as the pain and awkwardness of the situation begins to set in.

He furrows his brows in confusion, smile faltering noticeably. Your heart deflates at the sight, hand dropping to hit the table loudly. He doesn't break eye contact with you, shaking his head for a few seconds before letting out an inaudible chuckle. You can feel the heat rise to your cheeks as you nervously shrug, this time returning his final wave with a small smile, watching him until the cafeteria doors close behind him.

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