taehyung - request

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- in which taehyung introduces the world to you, his girlfriend, sequel to SECRET LOVE SONG; requested by LoveBangtan_Girl

Hands trembling, you tuck a strand of your styled hair behind your ear, teeth tugging at your painted bottom lip in fear. The world around you, however, continues to move on with excitement for the events that are about to follow; everything but your pathetic looking reflection becoming a blur.

It's the day of the awards show where Taehyung plans on introducing you to the world as his girlfriend.

While you should be as excited as the many stylists and managers that run around you and fix up imperfections on the boys' outfits and performance, you can't help but feel scared as the churning of your stomach makes you feel lightheaded and fidgety.

Your chest rises and falls unsteadily as you're approached by a pair of stylists who begin fiddling around with your dress and patting certain areas of your face with mysterious looking creams, all while engaging in light conversation with you. However, their harmless words don't reach your ears; the only thing you can hear being a high pitched ring.

You need to feel the relieving cool of air rushing into your lungs before you pass out.

Taehyung catches onto your panicked state from across the room, politely brushing aside the stylist that adjusts his hair with a small smile. Eyebrows knitting together in concern, he dodges the chaos in the room and approaches you gently, wary of the shake of your hands and the glossiness of your eyes.

"Ladies, can we have a minute?" He smiles, bowing down to the pair of stylists quickly as they respect his request and shuffle off to attend to another member. He wastes no time in turning to you, using his larger frame to shield you from the clear rush occurring behind him. His eyes search your face fearfully as you clutch onto the collar of his suit gratefully, closing your eyes to stop the black dots from obstructing your vision.

It takes you a few minutes but you're soon able to return your breathing to its normal pace and reduce the amount of trembling your hands do. You flick your eyes open, your pupils widening instantly as you're greeted by Taehyung's darkened chocolate coloured eyes; the tendrils of concern growing in them making your heart flutter with affection and gratitude.

"Are you okay?" He questions, his words dripping with worry as he reaches out to place his warm hands on your shoulders, his movements hesitant until you lean into his touch. You take a longing step towards him, lips jutting out in a pout that has him gulping.

"I just got too flustered," you explain in a whisper, dropping your head a little as your eyes never break contact with his. "I'm really scared, Tae."

He sighs in relief mixed with slight concern and carefully wraps his arms around your shoulders, pulling you against his chest as you instinctively snake your arms around his middle, breathing in the scent of his expensive cologne as if it's the only thing keeping you grounded; the floral and sweet scent of it familiar.

"I'm scared too," he admits as he rubs his hands down your back. "But I'm not sure if we're scared of the same thing. Care to enlighten me?"

You chuckle humourlessly and tighten your hold around him, your head angled away from the mirror and instead in a position where you can see the boys walk out of the door of the dressing room with massive grins and confidence that radiates off them in warm waves.

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