namjoon - request

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thank you blblblbl_ for requesting! i hope this makes you feel better!

"She's toxic," Namjoon states casually, chewing on his meat as he goes back to whatever he was doing on his phone. You put your chopsticks down to stare at him, finding the sudden accusation odd and completely out of character for someone who rarely judges people.

"What do you mean?" You lean forward, your food suddenly the least of your problems. Namjoon glances at you with a sigh, putting his phone on the table to provide you with his full attention.

"Y/N, we've known each other since the third grade. I know you inside and out. That new friend of yours is screwing you over and you know it," he lectures, waving his single chopstick around in a scolding manner. You roll your eyes, feeling the sting of tears.

It's been the same old routine for the past few weeks. Namjoon comes over to hear you complain about your friend and he always tells you to leave her yet you always go back. Why? You just don't know. Maybe, it's because you have that gut wrenching fear that she'll do something to you if you leave.

While that is scary to think of, it's scarier to know that Namjoon's never wrong.

You sigh and lower your head into your hands, wiping your eyes before Namjoon notices. He tsks, pushing his chair back as he approaches you in a few steps. Crouching down, he tilts your head up with his hand, using his fingertips to gently wipe away your tears.

"I have a feeling you aren't telling me everything," he muses, smiling affectionately at you as your bottom lip quivers. He returns to his full height, hand latching onto yours when you nod your head to his simple assumption. You don't even realise that he's walked you over to the love seat situated in the corner of the room until he sits you on top of his lap so your legs hang over the edge.

"Go on. Tell me what's got you crying?" He coaxes, running his hand down the length of your back in a comforting way. You feel yourself relax, trusting Namjoon more than ever.

"She hurts me," you mutter, letting out a pathetic sniffle. Namjoon's brows knit together in concern, his teeth worrying his bottom lip as he pats your back for you to continue.

"Verbally, not physically. She always tells me that I'm worthless and that I don't deserve everything I have. At first, I thought it was a joke so I let it slide but then her cheerful laughs turned into sneers and scowls. She tells me that I'm ugly, fat, useless, hopeless and a complete waste of space. Of course, this is among other things. She's told everyone my secrets and broken my trust countless times and has made me believe that some of my own friends are against me," you explain, keeping your tearful gaze locked onto the fabric of your pants.

"I j-just don't know what t-to do. I want to l-leave her but she'll c-come aft-ter me," you finish, feeling small and like a child sitting upon Namjoon's lap as he listens to you cry.

"Do you believe her?" He gently asks, moving his hands to rub at your arms. You pull your sweater sleeves over your hands, throwing them onto your legs in frustration.

"I didn't when she started but she reminds me everyday and now, it's just stuck in here and it won't go away," you answer, tapping the side of your head. Namjoon curses under his breath, closing his eyes to calm himself before flicking them open again.

"You need to leave her, now. She's got you feeding off her bullshit. Y/N, please," he grabs your hands, making you look at him, "do it for yourself."

You stammer for something to say, thankful when he starts to speak again.

"You don't deserve this," he mumbles, "none of it. You deserve to have the world in your hands. You're not worthless or a waste of space either. You bring smiles to everyone's faces, even if at times they don't want to smile. You deserve to be treated with the love and respect you give everyone else, not like a piece of crap. You have people all around you that you can trust with all your heart. You are beautiful, so goddamn, breathtakingly gorgeous that even I find it hard to believe that you're real and you're here and you're mine.

So, please, for the love of God, leave her."

You nod, curling up into him as he wraps his arms protectively around you. You're thankful for him and all that he's done for him. Sure, your 'friend' has knocked down everything you spent so long building up but you know now that you'll always have Namjoon there to help you build it back up again.

Bit by bit.

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