taehyung - request (pt 1)

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- apocalypse!au featuring seven adorable hunks requested by tykamin

"The sun is up!" An oddly cheerful voice yells, an uproar of complaints following shortly after the disturbance. You groan, smacking your face into your potato sack pillow a few times before forcing yourself to sit, fists rubbing at your eyes.

You squint at the harsh rays of sunlight streaming in from the open flap, the shadow of a man blocking most of it. You narrow your gaze in on the man, certain that he's the reason why you're awake so early, waiting until your vision clears to confirm your suspicions. Kim Taehyung stands at the opening, his hand over his mouth to conceal his snickers. He finally straightens, his smile faltering but still present as he scans the tent.

"Everyone alive?" Each person nods at him as his eyes meet theirs. You await your turn, hoping he spares you enough time so you can flip him off. Only his eyes widen when he reaches you, gasping in mock horror as he covers his eyes.

"Guys! I think Y/N's dead!" He yells, pointing a finger at you. Sighing, you pick your pillow up and lob it at him, smirking when he grunts from the impact, pouting as he holds his arm childishly.

"Thank you," Jimin sighs, promising under his breath that he was about three words away from inflicting pain upon the younger himself. You shrug, standing with a stretch and small smile as everyone talks amongst themselves as they get ready to move.

In times like these, it's risky to be camping in the same spot twice.

If you're counting correctly, four years ago, life as you know it was destroyed. The apocalypse came without a warning, sending the world into panic as only the best fought through the Stages to live on another day.

For you, everything was fine the day it came. You had an easy day at work and came home to relax with your cat and a couple of good books you had on your shelf. You had only just walked in when the sirens blared, announcements of an unidentified force heading towards Earth making it hard for you to breathe. You had only just managed to gather a few essentials when the earthquakes hit, sending you to the ground. Hiding under a table, you cried and cried, hoping and praying that your family and friends were all safe and all okay.

It's a shame that you still don't know the answer to that.

You met the boys during the third Stage of the apocalypse, more better known as the Scorch. You were so close to just giving up and letting yourself die on the floor until a pair of arms hoisted you up and dragged you into an air conditioned tent. After introductions and story sharing, they began to take care of you and fill you in on what they do. Shortly after that, it felt like you had always been with them, fitting in with them so quickly that for brief moments it truly felt like things were back to normal.

Safe, in other words.

The last and most recent Stage, however, involves a mind numbing disease. No-one knows the origins of it or how to cure it but as common sense suggests, everyone knows to stay away from it. Labelled the Savages by Taehyung, these once-human-shells stalk the trees in search of unsuspecting prey. Animal or human, they aren't picky. It only takes a bite for their toxin to enter your bloodstream, slowly infecting you until you're no longer yourself, roaming mindlessly in search of a human snack.

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