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these two are my new obsession (*'꒳'*)

"Kookie," Jin called sweetly, sticking his out from behind the door. His smile dropped into a frown as he entered the room, Jungkook nowhere to be seen.

"Where is he?" The older said to himself, scratching the mop of light brown hair on his head. He anchored his hands on his hips and searched the room. That's when he noticed the slightly open bathroom door, the softest of sobs coming from behind it.

His hands dropped to his side as he pushed the door open, hand flying to his mouth at the sight of Jungkook sitting in an empty bath tub, head buried in his hands.

"Oh, Kookie," Jin whispered, crouching down to bring Jungkook's head to his chest. The younger bunched Jin's shirt in between his fists, sobbing openly into the older's chest.

"I can't go t-through t-this f-fucking shit anymore," Jungkook sobbed, looking up at Jin for a second before bursting into a fresh set of tears.

"What shit, baby? What's wrong?" Jin asked, his concern growing with every passing second.

"My professor y-yelled at m-me in front of t-the class and c-called me wort-thless," Jungkook spat out, moving his hands from Jin's chest to wrap around his waist.

"Your professor at university?" Jin questioned, anger coursing through him in waves.

He knew the minute Jungkook came home from his first day at university that there was something bothering him. He didn't think it'd be his professor.

"Ok, let's get you out of here and we can talk a little more, hmm?"

Jungkook shakes his head, yawning as the last of his tears drop onto his cheeks. "Mm'no, I'm tired."

Jin chuckled and picked Jungkook up bridal style, walking him to the bed. Once Jungkook was laid down, he looked up at Jin with big eyes. "Am I worthless?"

"No, baby, not at all," Jin answered immediately, brushing the hair out of Kook's eyes. "I'll talk to your professor tomorrow and let him know what I think about his name calling."

"Ok, Jinnie. Can we cuddle now?"

The older laughed, climbing into the bed to bring the younger into his arms, spooning him.

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now