hyung line

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i'm sorry this is just a mess i literally have no clue what is going on

"Fucking watch me shove this up your asshole, you dry spinach!" Yoongi shouts, throwing pillows at Hoseok who skilfully dodges them with a gleeful smile on his face, his laugh echoing throughout the tiny living room. You can only chuckle, watching the two boys in amusement as the phone in your hand is longer important to you.

Jin comes into the living room, frowning softly at the chaos. He crosses his arms over his chest, shaking his head fondly at the two before clearing his throat. "Hoseok. What did I tell you about interrupting Yoongi's sleep?"

"That I shouldn't?" Hoseok sheepishly guesses as he reaches Jin's side, barely out of breath while Yoongi pants, doubling over with his hands on his knees to brace himself. You watch him tiredly lift his head and attempt to offer Jin a grateful smile but it instead looks like a grimace, the older looking away with a snicker. Sighing, you look back over at Hoseok, furrowing your brows in concern when you see him fiddling nervously with his hands.

"Exactly," Jin smiles, ruffling the younger's strawberry coloured hair affectionately. "Don't do it again."

The oldest retreats back into the kitchen to finish lunch, shooting you a wink along the way. You roll your eyes, sparing Hoseok one last glance before going back to your phone, ignoring Yoongi's groans of pain as he lays himself back out on the sofa, muttering something about feeding Hoseok too much sugar under his breath. You don't tear your eyes away from your screen when the couch dips beside you, spotting Hoseok's unmistakable figure from the corner of your eye.

And shortly after that, you notice that you're not the only one preoccupied by your phone.

"Hobi-ah," you whine, turning your phone off as you turn to narrow your gaze in on him, "don't read over my shoulder!" The boy's smile disappears at the sound of your unusually strict tone of voice, his head bopping up and down in a nod as he resorts to sitting silently with his gaze penciled in on the wall.

You feel a little guilty for snapping at him like that but he's been living with you for more than five years. He should know what pisses you off and what doesn't. Then again, you were at fault too. You shouldn't have yelled at him for it. You sigh—suddenly hating the awkward silence settling in between the two of you—and shuffle on the couch to turn and apologise to Hoseok for losing your temper at him.

Before you can act upon this, Namjoon walks in, whistling a merry tune until he spots Hoseok, his lips pressing together in a thin line. You stare at him, dropping your eyes to the carpet the minute his dark eyes meet yours.

"Who told him off?" He asks, eyes narrowing in an accusing way. Yoongi sits up, furrowing his brows at how quiet his loud and eccentric friend now is, his hands almost instinctively raising in surrender. You nibble at your bottom lip, following Namjoon with your eyes as he crouches in front of Hoseok, looking concerned.

"Hoseok-ah, you okay?" He gently questions, rubbing Hoseok's knee affectionately. The younger doesn't react to the question or the rare display of affection from Namjoon, the sadness in his eyes somehow deepening. Jin—the older beyond excited to hear the voice of Namjoon—rushes out of the kitchen, Namjoon's name on the tip of his tongue as he enters the living room. However it slips away upon spotting the small group huddled around Hoseok. He taps Namjoon's shoulder and demands to be told what happened using the concern in his eyes to get the message across.

Sighing regretfully, you cuddle up to Hoseok's side, your lips meeting the skin of his shoulder to press a kiss to it. The corners of his lips twitch upwards, your soft smile growing a little bigger. "I'm so sorry, Hoseok. I didn't mean to tell you off like that."

Yoongi hums in agreement, grabbing the younger's hand to intertwine it with his. "M'sorry too. I was too harsh on you." Hoseok finally looks up, giving you both an appreciative look and a warm but small smile.

Jin sighs and cups Hoseok's cheeks, squishing them up so that his lips are puckered up. "You know this makes you laugh!" Finally, Hoseok lets out a childish giggle, slapping lightly at Jin's hand. The oldest smiles, satisfied with his work as he presses a kiss to Hoseok's forehead before returning to the kitchen.

"Feeling better?" You ask as the others move off to mind their own business, not even bothering to move from his side as he swings his arm over to comfortably keep you there. He nods, sighing happily as you return to your phone, this time allowing him to read what's on it.

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