taehyung - request (finale)

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-apocalypse!au featuring seven adorable hunks requested by tykamin

You frown, watching Taehyung take yet another break to catch his breath, doubling over with his hands on his knees to brace himself. You rub his back, feeling pathetic for not being able to do anything else to help. After a few seconds, he returns to his full height, smiling gratefully at you when you grab his hand and continue walking without a word.

You bite your tongue, keeping all your worries to yourself. There are multiple reasons why Taehyung's health could be declining so rapidly but all of them point towards something that'd be impossible for you to do so you tighten your hold on his hand, memorising the way it fits so perfectly into yours as you drag him along to the rest of the group.

"Are we almost there?" Taehyung asks, pressing a palm to his temple. You wince at the scratchiness of his voice, swallowing thickly. Jin angles his head towards the boy with his eyebrows furrowed. It seems he noticed the scratchiness too. He offers Taehyung a shake of the head and returns his gaze to the front, hand on Namjoon's shoulder to gain his attention.

You sigh in relief, knowing that Namjoon would know what to do with Taehyung to make him feel better. Taehyung picks his pace up so he's walking beside you, discreetly sneaking glances at your side profile with a soft smile tugging at his lips.

He knows very well what's happening to him; the feel of the toxin speeding through his body enough to give him a clear sign. Although, he's not as scared as he thought he would be. Sure, the idea of losing his memories, emotions and the control he has over his body sounds like something straight out of a horror movie but Taehyung has faith that he won't turn before he gets you all to the safe zone. From there, he'll make his departure or, better yet, ask the people at the safe zone to kill him before he turns into one of the Savages.

Taehyung mentally chuckles at the plan he's devised in his head. He makes it sound so easy to just collect everything and go. He's known these boys—his brothers—for almost his whole life, the group of seven growing up together before the apocalypse hit. And he has known Y/N, his beloved, for only three and a half years. Despite the obvious difference in how long he's known the boys and how long he's known you, you've made yourself a very special place in his heart. It kills him more than his disease to know that he's going to leave you and his family behind.

Shuddering at the thought, he forces a smile onto his face, lowering his head to press a quick kiss to your cheek, rapidly blinking away tears. You don't notice this, however, too focused on controlling the bright pink that crawls its way up your neck.

"Taehyung-ah," Hoseok calls, Namjoon and Jin standing close by with their arms folded across their chests. Their sudden stop causes the other three boys to jog back over with looks of confusion on their faces.

"Are you okay?" He finally asks, eyes softening in concern as he touches the younger's forehead lovingly. Taehyung is stunned by how he can feel every bit of Hoseok's hand, the sound of the older's pulse ringing in his ears. He feels alive and Taehyung has to resist the urge to take a bite out of him. His heart rate speeds up, tongue flicking out to swipe across his lips as he eyes the spot where Hoseok's pulse becomes visible.

It's happening, fuck, Taehyung mentally curses, nodding quickly at Hoseok's question, the older dropping his hand to his side. Taehyung lets out a sigh of relief, his urges to eat slowly disappearing. Hoseok nods back, smiling warmly as he pats Taehyung on the back.

"Maybe it's just a small flu or something. We're almost at the safe zone so I'm sure they'll have medicine for you," he reassures, bounding off to start walking again.

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