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434 is the house beside yours. In it lives Kim Taehyung, a boy in his early twenties with enough charm in him to send you into a stuttering mess. What's worse is that he knows what riles you up and finds amusement in seeing your flushed face and nervous gaze.

You had caught glimpses of him when he'd first moved in, curious about the young man in a checkered shirt smiling like a fool. Eventually, he'd come over to say hi. You were gobsmacked by his visuals, dumbly replying to his questions with wide eyes. He left with an offer to be friends.

Of course, you agreed.

You bite your lip at the memory, checking the clock on your bedside table as you flick the curtain open a little. At 7:45 every morning, Taehyung leaves his house in nothing but an untied robe and sweatpants to check the mail. Like every other day, he cheerily bounces onto his porch, stretching his arms up with a smile. You run your tongue over your lips as your eyes shamelessly run over his chest.

He flicks his gaze up to your curtain, catching you for only a fleeting second before you dive to the floor with a squeal. Shit, you think to yourself, he caught me.

You hear his front door close after a few seconds of panicking on the carpet. You know he'll be out in a couple of minutes to walk his very large but gentle dog; Soonshim. You push yourself up to your full height, running around your room to get ready.

You met Soonshim rather embarrassingly on a hot summer's day. Deciding that you needed some more ice cream, you had headed out for the shops, glancing at Taehyung's house for perhaps another encounter with the ethereal man. As if the most casual thing in the world, he was working out in his garage, the roller door open for everyone to marvel his stamina.

You stopped dead in your tracks, mouth suddenly drier than it was inside your home. Sweat rolled down his neck and chest in tiny droplets, your eyes following them slowly. While creepily doing this, you hadn't noticed his giant dog looking at the new person standing in the driveway. Within seconds the dog had jumped on you, pushing you to the ground to lick your face.

By the time he managed to get his dog off you, he was clutching his stomach, laughing so hard that tears came out of his eyes. Somehow an apology came out of that and he promised to keep his dog tied up around you, despite your protests.

You hear his whistle from outside your door a few hours later. An automatic smile blooms on your face as you bound down the stars to answer the door. Another perk of having him as your neighbour are the gifts he brings over. Completely unnecessary but deeply appreciated.

"Afternoon, Y/N," he beams, holding out a packet, "The bakery was selling some of these tarts which I remember you saying you liked so I thought I'd bring one over."

You take it, gratefully smiling at him. "Thanks, Tae." A heat rises to your cheeks, your smile pushing them up into round balls. The boy chuckles in amusement, pressing his cold hands against them. He squishes them up, smiling with his eyes closed.

"You're so cute!"

He lets go to tap your nose with a wink. You blush more, fidgeting with the packet in your hands. "Do you want to come in? I hardly think I could eat this alone."

"Sure," he replies, slipping off his shoes, "whatever you want."

    𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒 𝟑 | 𝐅𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now