Determinated Declaration

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"Are you out shopping with these girls?" Sekke asked.

"Well, it's our day off." Asta said.

"Ba-ha! Must be nice. Even if it's your day off, shouldn't you be finding some basic tasks to do for points, instead of messing around? I heard the Black Bulls have negative stars-"

"Stars! Oh, yeah! Listen to this! We got a star on our first mission." Asta said and Sekke was shocked.

[Y/n] gave a smug grin. "Well done, you three." Vanessa praised. "I-I see! It seems like you're working hard." Sekke said.

"What about you, Ba-ha?" Asta asked.

"It's Sekke! W-Well, I... The other day...I-I got my second star." Sekke lied.

"Th-Thief!" We heard an old woman yell. "My winnings! Stop!" She yelled again. Asta took action with [Y/n] following close behind.

"Angel Creation Magic: Angel's Wings!" She cast a spell to make angel wings. [Y/n] grabbed Asta by the collar, and she chased after the thief. "Hold it!" Asta yelled at the guy. [Y/n] tried to fly faster, but Asta was really heavy.

"[Y/n], throw me!" Asta demanded.

"What?!" She questioned.

"Fly higher and throw me!" He repeated.

[Y/n] nodded and flew high in the air. With all her strength, [Y/n] threw Asta. While in the air, Asta pulled the sword out of his grimoire then threw it through the thief's cloud magic. [Y/n] was in pursuit when the thief landed in the ground.

"Ba-Ha!" Sekke sped past he on his bake.

"Sekke-san?" [Y/n] questioned, seeking him pass by, "That bike is...ugly." She watched as Sekke rammed into the thief.

"Ba-ha! You're under arrest! He's my prey! Ba-hahaha...huh?" The thief stabbed the idiot- I mean Sekke in the foot.

"Sekke-san?!" [Y/n] called as she landed. After capturing the thief, [Y/n] checked on Sekke. "What's wrong, Bah-ha?" Asta asked, and the man pointed to his foot that he got stabbed in.

"Poison... Posion's coursing through me." Sekke said.

"Hang in there, Bah-ha!" Asta said while [Y/n] looked through her grimoire for possible spells to stop the poison.


Soon Vanessa come to help in the situation, so [Y/n] decided to ignore the dramatic performance that Sekke and Asta were putting on. It turns out he was only being dramatic, and the magic that was being used was only a momentary numbing poison.

"Ba-ha! Make sure you stay diligent until the next time I see you, Asta. See ya, Ba-ha!" Sekke said and sped off. 'I really don't like that guy.' [Y/n] thought with a deadpanned look.

"See ya, Ba-ha!" Asta said and waved goodbye. [Y/n] couldn't help but smile. Later that day, the 4 members of the Black Bulls found the old woman and gave her the money back.

"Don't let it get taken again, ma'am." Asta said, and the old woman laughed. "Thank you, Magic Knights." The woman said, and [Y/n] smiled sweetly at her.

"It was our pleasure. Please, be more careful, Ma'am." She said, and the old woman blushed a little then laughed.

'What a cute one she is.' The woman thought. [Y/n] waved goodbye to the woman and flew off to Hage.

"Magic negation, eh? That's a type of magic I've never seen before." The old woman muttered and began to transform, "Actually... is that even magic? And...the white clover...Ancient magic that was thought to be lost. Yami sure took in some interesting kids. This is why I can't stop wandering around in disguise."

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