Royal Knight Exam pt.4

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"I'll show you which one of us is the strongest." Ayana said and pulled out rose thorn daggers.

[Y/n] smirked and opened her grimoire. "There are a lot of new spells I needed to try out." She said and pulled out her sword.

"Maybe afterward I'll take Yuno with me to have some fun. I'm sure he'd rather be more entertain with me than seeing your pathetic attempt at fighting." Ayana said and licked her lips.

[Y/n] looked over her shoulder at her team. "Do whatever you have to destroy their crystal. I'm trusting you, two." She said, and Fang glared.

"Who needs your trust? I was going to do that anyway." Fang growled.

"Leave it to us." Orson said while holding up his grimoire.

"Just leave this bitch to me." [Y/n] growled and glared at Ayana, "Because it seems like she's tripped over her own bullshit and has forgotten her place. She needs another beating to remind her."

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The bystanders looked in shock. Albern was paler than normal while Julius had a nervous smile. "I'm going to kill that good for nothing Yami." Albern growled.

"Damn, that's hot." Magna muttered. Ayana's smirk grew as red marks appeared on her face.


Ayana and [Y/n] immediately disappeared. Everyone looked around in search of them. There was a sudden boom, and Ayana came crashing down to the ground, making a huge crater. With a flash of light, [Y/n] reappeared flying in the air with her angel wings. Thorn rose stems came shooting out of the ground at [Y/n], who dodged them until one large one swatted her down like a fly.

"Damn, that looked painful." Fang muttered while using her chains to relocate the crystal while Orson fought the other members of Ayana's team.

Once the dust cleared, they could see [Y/n] charging at Ayana, dodge the thorns of roses stems that came shooting out of the ground. [Y/n] jumped in the air and roundhouse kicked Ayana, sending her flying across the field. [Y/n] turned her attention to her team members. She could see the water mage was rusting Fang's chain, and Orson couldn't get close enough to the Fire mage to use his Gravity Magic.

[Y/n] bound the Fire mage with her Holy Halo and sent him rolling down a hill. Orson chuckled, "Thank you, Princess."

"Just call me [Y/n]." [Y/n] said, and she could see Orson's eyes slowly wide. "Look out!"

Ayana swung a huge rose thorn hammer, sending [Y/n] flying through walls of buildings and through mountains. "[Y/n]!" Her friends were really worried at this point. It was getting to the point of being a personal battle than an exam.

Ayana only laughed. "How happened, huh?" She said, loudly, "I thought you were going to teach me a lesson. You and your squad are nothing but pathetic losers who cheated their way to the 2nd place spot!"

"You can do this, [Y/n]!" Charmy cheered.

"Y-You better not lose!" Noelle called out.

"Do your best!" Vanessa cheered.

"Shut up!" Ayana yelled at [Y/n]'s squad, "She doesn't deserve encouragement. Especially not from low-lives."

Albern glared, ready to go down there, but Julius held him back. The ground began to rumble and the presence of intense magic could be felt by everyone.

Ayana smirked. "Aw, are you getting mad that I'm mocking your human friends?" She continued to mock. With a swift movement, Ayana's hand wrapped around Orson's throat before he could even react. Orson tried gasping for air as Ayana squeezed harder as she slowly lifted him off the ground.

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