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"Impossible." The queen said.

"So this is the power to control destiny you were talking about. I don't know much about this power yet, but there is one thing I do know. This magic only takes the side of myself and those I have a family bond with. You and I have no bond." Vanessa said.

"Perfect." The queen said while standing up, "Do as you wish. You have utterly defeated me." The queen said.

[Y/n] stood up and opened her grimoire. "Angel Magic: Endless Salvation!"

Orbs of light begin to heal everyone and restore properties to the forests. Those who were unconscious woke up, and a portion of [Y/n]'s mana flowed into them. The once destroyed ground was now a field of grass. The queen took a look around then walked away.

"We...won?" Noelle said in disbelief.

Tears of joy filled [Y/n]'s eyes as she and Noelle hugged Vanessa. "Vanessa-neesan!" [Y/n] cheered. "We won...We won because of your magic!" Noelle said, and Vanessa smiled.

[Y/n] wiped her tears. "It's all thanks to you." [Y/n] said, and Vanessa shook her head.

"No. It's thanks to all of you. It's because all of you were there for me that I was able to use that spell. Thank you." She said and patted [Y/n]'s head.

"I suppose you're right." [Y/n] said with a smile.

Asta noticed that his body wasn't hurting anymore. "Woohoo! It doesn't hurt! It doesn't hurt at all! Actually, I feel as light as a feather!" Asta said while doing squats, "[Y/n]'s recovery magic is amazing!"

"The moment he gets back on his feet..." Vanessa muttered as they watch Asta, "Talk about electric."

"Hey, Bakasta! You're practically naked!" Noelle scolded, making [Y/n] giggle.

"You're bringing that up now?!" Asta yelled.

"Maybe he took after you, Master." Mariella said with a deadpanned look.

"But just look at me now, Noelle! As soon as I was healed, I felt like my muscles were even more powerful!" Asta said while flexing his muscles. Noelle blushed and slapped him in the face.

"Bakasta!" [Y/n] giggled.

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Everyone met in the queen's home. "The Eye of the Midnight Sun was apparently looking for a magic stone that in this forest. Do you know anything about that?" Fanzell asked.

"I would assume the magic stone you speak of is this." The queen said and took the stone from her earring, "I have no need for it. You may have it." She gave it to them.

"Whoa, thank you!" Asta cheered as he caught it in his hands, "Hey, it seemed like the Eye of the Midnight Sun wanted this. Do you have any idea why? Actually, who the heck are they, anyway? Do you know anything about them?"

"That magic stone is a magical item that heightens the wearer's powers, but only those of the elf tribe are truly able to use it." The queen explained and pointed at [Y/n].

"Elves?" Asta questioned, and everyone looked at [Y/n].

"The elves possessed great power. They lived in what is now called the Forsaken Realm several centuries ago. Each individual elf had an extraordinary amount of magical power. Many of them were equal to me." The queen continued to explain, "But...The humans outnumbered them, and when they fought them, the elves were annihilated. That Fana girl's third eye... That is forbidden magic. But that girl wasn't the one who activated that spell. It was someone else. Ordinary humans are unable to meddle with forbidden magic."

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