"Sorry, Sorry, Sorry"

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Some defenses fall in front of everyone,

some come apart at the seems when you are all alone,

some things that are lost are never found,

some peolpe move forward until the hit the ground,

some push limits until they die,

some try never to cry,

we drag ourselfs forward with invisible strings,

to see what it brings,

some push with all they've got,

until the pain has been forgot

I cried all the tears that I could

I blame myself because I think I should

I apologized for everything

I took the blame for it all

because I wanted to think it was never your fault

I gave every excuse I could give on your behalf

because I wanted to believe yo did nothing wrong

I lied about it being okay

but there was nothing left to say

I love you

and thank you for everything

I think it's much better then before

but honestly I'm not sure if I can love you anymore

(than I do now, that is) <3

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